英语人>词典>汉英 : 在全线 的英文翻译,例句
在全线 的英文翻译、例句


all along the line
更多网络例句与在全线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every one knows the rest,--the irruption of a third army; the battle broken to pieces; eighty-six months of fire thundering simultaneously; Pirch the first coming up with Bulow; Zieten's cavalry led by Blucher in person, the French driven back; Marcognet swept from the plateau of Ohain; Durutte dislodged from Papelotte; Donzelot and Quiot retreating; Lobau caught on the flank; a fresh battle precipitating itself on our dismantled regiments at nightfall; the whole English line resuming the offensive and thrust forward; the gigantic breach made in the French army; the English grape-shot and the Prussian grape-shot aiding each other; the extermination; disaster in front; disaster on the flank; the Guard entering the line in the midst of this terrible crumbling of all things.


Early start for the tunnel, decoration and equipment installation work plan in early March to open the tunnel structure; Dalian Road Tunnel builders are being intensified Eastern wells internal structure of the construction work, and Jiang contact corridors drilling works to ensure completion of the opening on October 1 this year; and extremely rare in the world of the double-barrel double-Hing Road Tunnel builders are conflicting for the Northern Line on February 8 out of its hole for active preparations, the project will be completed by the end of 2004 all opened.


Explosion prevention holes are arranged at different positions on all pipelines of the whole system, which, in case of fulmination and explosion due to system internal pressure and concentration overproof, can reduce the loss to the minimum.


Therefore, design hour general according to the region of material geology and construction condition, whole line choice 1 kind or two kinds of culvert pattern, and whole line of the culvert carry on classification, type homology of culvert merger together, draw 1 or several standard design diagram.


The more obvious case of overstretch in the 1980s was in fact the Soviet Union, which collapsed, while the US succeeded soon after in restoring its budgetary position under the Clinton presidency without a full-scale retreat from its international commitments.


Diamond Chain produces a full line of Nickel-Plated roller chains for a variety of uses in environments where the chains are exposed to moisture.


Anyone worried about the rise of China on the world stage, as made clear by last month's lavish Olympics display, can take a kind of cold comfort from the almost total failure of the world's biggest culture to break into the foodie world.


Anyone worried about the rise of China on the world stage, as made clear by last month's lavish Olympics display, can take a kind of cold comfort from the almost total failure of the world's biggest culture to break into the foodie world.


Anyone worried about the rise of China on the world stage, as made clear by last month's lavish Olympics display, can take a kind of cold comfort from the almost total failure of the world's biggest culture to break into the foodie world.


Li Yong'an, Three Gorges Project welcomed in three milestones in 2003, namely water filling of the reservoir, operation of the ship lock and power production of the generating unit; and further in September 2005, the 14 sets of hydro-turbine generating unit (700MW each) of the left-bank powerhouse were all connected on-line for power production; and in May 2006, approximate 10 months ahead of the preliminary design schedule and 2 years ahead of the expectation of the flood control performance, the Three Gorges Dam was completed and fully reached to its designed crest elevation of 185m, able to impound water with the whole structure of dam.


更多网络解释与在全线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alcoa Inc:美铝公司

美国股市全线收高,其中美铝公司(Alcoa Inc)股价收高3.7%,报39.72美元. 纽约证交所券商类股(Amex Securities Broker Dealer index)在借贷成本降低因素的刺激下,收高1.8%. 道指收高120.80点,报14,164.53点;标普500指数收高12.57点,

all along the line:到处, 在全线上

all alone | 独立地 | all along the line | 到处, 在全线上 | all along | 自始自终, 一直


人民币升值(APPRECIATE)的后果将是外资的获利套现、全线撤退,那时的房地产市场将面临甭盘的情景. 所以中央要在人民币升值前尽可能地维系一个相对健康的市场, 以避免最坏的后果出现.


与看跌或看空(bearish)相反. 势略逊于沪深300指数,不过所有合约继续保持升水状态,而且持仓继续全线增加,显示市场人气仍在提升,资金仍处于流入状态,技术上上升通道仍保持完好,市场仍处于偏多的氛围,不过尾盘在股票市场收盘后港股下跌的拖累下快速回调,



Scottish Borders:(苏格兰边区)

苏格兰边区(Scottish Borders)在UK历史上是一个比较近代的提法,是指包括苏格兰最东南部和英格兰最东北部的交界区域. 交界全线长约96英里(约154公里),也是苏格兰唯一的陆地边界线.

Franz Ferdinand:弗朗兹 费迪南德

这几支乐队这次可都是卯足了劲、信誓旦旦地要借此流行盛典夺奖机会来个全面的主流突破,其中:来自加拿大的"门廊之火"(The Arcade Fire)此前已经在2005年度各大独立和另类音乐媒体上全线获胜;"弗朗兹.费迪南德"(Franz Ferdinand)则在2005年就获得过"另类"奖项提名,

KEF:英 国

我公司代理的英国( KEF )嵌入全线产品,在音响界始终以创新、持续为音箱设计设定标准而闻名,先进的技术结合着米拉奇对"提供最具包围感声音体验"的不懈追求,使 KEF 在音响界中与众不同;美国 CARY 功放具有全新的设计理念,

Changing Lanes:变线行驶

近日,他与老牌黑人影星萨缪尔.杰克逊合作的惊悚悬念片<<变线行驶>>(Changing Lanes)在好莱坞举行首映,该片将于本月12日在美国全线上映. 而这位好莱坞型男在接受<<娱乐今宵>>采访时表示,在这部新片中,他表现得比以前更出色.

