英语人>词典>汉英 : 圣贝纳迪诺 的英文翻译,例句
圣贝纳迪诺 的英文翻译、例句


San Bernardino
更多网络例句与圣贝纳迪诺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three of the Paraguay casinos are situated in Asuncion , which is also the capital city , and others are in Ciudad del Este and San Bernardino .


"I'm sure that the avalanches are due to the amount of snow that has fallen over the past several days," said Tim Wessel, division chief for the San Bernardino County Fire Department.


Outlined in the Beijing Olympic Games, at 13:30 on August 13 Switzerland and France than was Ankan Qiela La Road Cycling Championship. Ankan Qiela La France in the World Championships: 2004 Bardolino, Italy was eighth, 2005 Madrid, Spain, was third, 2006 Salzburg, Austria received first place in 2007 at Stuttgart, Germany was the first ; France 2005 cycling sai Laise Skopje was seventh; Flanders Cycling Grand Prix E3 second place; Belgium Harelbeke 2007 Road Cycling sai second place; Florence - Bicycle sai Pistoia, Italy Paper 2004 Si Tuoya fourth; Ghent - Victoria Buddhist roots bike sai fourth; Road Cycling Events, the Belgian peacekeepers Buddhist roots fourth in 2006 Belgian peacekeepers were sixth Buddhist roots; HEW Classic Bicycle Germany 2005 Hamburg Road Cycling sai fourth in the 2006 German Beer, Luke second Challenge; Milan - San Remo Road Cycling sai second place; San Remo, Italy, the 2008 Road Cycling sai was the first; Monte Siena, Italy 2008 Paschi Eroica Road Cycling sai was the first Swiss national championships, in 2008 Switzerland was the first Messen; Stettlen 2007 Switzerland was the first in 2006 was the first Ruishiboning root 2005 Switzerland was the first Hagendorn; Highway Cycling Merit 2007 Rui Shibu Kruger was second in Paris - Roubaix bicycle sai , 2006 France was the first Roubaix; Roubaix France was second in 2008; 2005 Roubaix France was eighth; Denmark Post bike sai The 2006 final ranking was the first Danish Frederiksberg; ring The 2006 Belgian Flanders Cycling Road Cycling sai Meerbeke was sixth; Etruscan - Adriatic bike sai , 2008 Italy's Benetton and child care - Badelt-care was the first in the Central bike sai Luxembourg, Luxembourg Central Di Jixi 2005, was second; bike sai Central California, the United States in 2008 in Pasadena, California, was fourth ; Athens, Greece in 2004 was the 10th individual time trial; Olympics

瑞士法比安坎切拉拉在世界锦标赛:2004 意大利巴多利诺上获得第八名,2005 西班牙马德里上获得第三名,2006 奥地利萨尔茨堡上获得第一名,2007 德国斯图加特上获得第一名;2005 法国莱塞比耶自行车赛获得第七名;佛兰德E3自行车大奖赛获得第二名;2007 比利时哈勒尔贝克公路自行车赛获得第二名;佛罗伦萨-皮斯托亚自行车赛,2004 意大利皮斯托亚获得第四名;根特-维佛根自行车赛获得第四名;公路自行车赛 2005 比利时维佛根获得第四名;2006 比利时维佛根获得第六名;HEW自行车经典赛 2005 德国汉堡公路自行车赛第四名;2006 德国比尔,路克挑战赛第二名;米兰-圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第二名;2008 意大利圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第一名;2008 意大利锡耶纳 Monte Paschi Eroica 公路自行车赛获得第一名;瑞士全国锦标赛,在2008 瑞士Messen 获得第一名;2007 瑞士Stettlen 获得第一名;2006 瑞士伯宁根获得第一名;2005 瑞士Hagendorn获得第一名;公路自行车赛 2007 瑞士布鲁格获得第二名;巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛,2006 法国鲁贝获得第一名;2008 法国鲁贝获得第二名;2005 法国鲁贝获得第八名;丹麦邮政自行车赛决赛排名赛 2006 丹麦腓特烈斯贝获得第一名;环佛兰德自行车赛 2006 比利时Meerbeke 公路自行车赛获得第六名;伊特鲁里亚-亚得里亚海自行车赛,2008 意大利圣贝内代托-德尔特龙托获得第一名;在环卢森堡自行车赛,2005 环卢森堡迪基希,获得第二名;环加利福尼亚自行车赛,在2008 美国加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳,获得第四名;2004 希腊雅典个人计时赛获得第十名;奥运会 2008 北京奥运会男子公路个人赛季军。

About twelve years ago I went to a dog grooming expo in San Bernardino California.


Richard and Maurice McDonald opened a barbecue drive-in in 1940 in the city of San Bernardino, California.


One such place, in fact, is a short drive from Los Angeles, in San Bernardino county: Lake Arrowhead, California.


One such place, in fact, is a short drive from Los Angeles, in San Bernardino county: Lake Arrowhead, California.


Federal officials Saturday closed the San Bernardino National Forest to all visitors.


By Melissa Spiering I was invited to see these tires in action on some of California's most challenging trails and twisty highways in the San Bernardino .


The community has many apple orchards in rolling hills below the San Bernardino Mountains.


更多网络解释与圣贝纳迪诺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

San Benito:圣贝尼托(美国):蓝锥矿产地,位于加利福尼亚州

sampling 取样 | San Benito 圣贝尼托(美国):蓝锥矿产地,位于加利福尼亚州 | San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国):绿松石产地,位于加利福尼亚州

Jill McGill:吉尔-麦克吉尔

(3)LPGA球员吉尔-麦克吉尔(Jill McGill)被迫逃离家园,参加欧洲女子巡回赛资格学校考试的贝斯-艾伦(Beth Allen)一直在追看新闻. (5)慈菇湖乡村俱乐部(Lake Arrowhead Country Club)位于圣贝纳迪诺县(San Bernardino County)的山区,

San Marcos:圣马科斯分校

San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺分校 | San Marcos 圣马科斯分校 | Stanislaus 斯坦利斯诺斯分校

San Bernardino:圣贝纳迪诺

往南一些的地区,宽泛的说,也属于南加州地区,共有五个位于洛杉矶(Los Angeles)、里弗赛德(Riverside)、圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino)、圣迭戈(San Diego)等地的葡萄种植基地,占地267,500英亩.

San Bernardino:圣贝尔纳迪诺

Gotthard)和圣贝尔纳迪诺(San Bernardino)之间穿越阿尔卑斯山的公路隧道上行驶不需要收取隧道费. 3.5吨以下的本国和外国机动车要在高速公路上行驶,必须有机动车标签(目前价格40瑞士法郎),一年内有效,可以在海关、邮政局、加油站和火车站购买.

San Bernardino:圣贝纳迪诺山脉

San'a, Sanaa 萨那 | San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺山脉 | San Diego 圣迭戈

San Bernardino, California:加利福尼亚州 圣贝纳迪诺

What if we shuffle these doors like Pai Gao tiles?|看看把门的顺序 弄乱一下会是怎样 | San Bernardino, California.|加利福尼亚州 圣贝纳迪诺 | Victorville, California.|到加利福尼亚洲的维多维尔

o San Bernardino:圣贝纳迪诺分校

o Sacramento 萨克拉门托分校 | o San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺分校 | o San Marcos 圣马科斯分校

San Bernardino Pass:圣贝纳迪诺山口

圣安东尼奥角 San Antonio, Cape | 圣贝纳迪诺山口 San Bernardino Pass | 圣费尔南多谷地 San Fernando Valley

convent of San Bernardino:圣.贝尔纳迪诺修道院

Nepi奈比 | Ferrara费拉拉 | convent of San Bernardino圣.贝尔纳迪诺修道院