英语人>词典>汉英 : 圣事的 的英文翻译,例句
圣事的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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There is no celebration of the Eucharist on this day.


Probably the Eucharistic agape is referred to.


The fourth section of the Mass is the Eucharistic Prayer.

第四部分的群众性,是圣体圣事的祷告,本节开头序言中,介绍祈祷结束与 sanctus ,然后按照中央圣体祈祷,或佳能,其中载有叙事的耶稣'学会感恩祭。

J Jeremias, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus; AJB Higgins, The Lord's Supper in the NT; G Wainwright, Eucharist and Eschatology; IH Marshall, Lord's Supper and Last Supper; FJ Leenhardt and O Cullmann, Essays in the Lord's Supper; JJ von Allmen, The Lord's Supper; M Thurian, The Eucharistic Memorial; E JF Arndt, The Font and the Table; M Marty, The Lord's Supper; E Schillebeeckx, ed., Sacramental Reconciliation.

j jeremias ,圣体圣事的话,耶稣; ajb希金斯,主的晚餐在新台币100 wainwright ,圣体圣事和末世;中转房屋马歇尔主的晚餐和最后的晚餐; FJ的伦哈特和O cullmann ,散文在主的晚餐;的JJ冯allmen时,主的晚餐;米thurian ,圣体圣事的纪念;电子怡富arndt ,字体和表;米马蒂时,主的晚餐;电子施雷贝克,版,圣和解。

The celebration of the Eucharist, frequent perhaps in the early period, soon took place only on Holy Thursday.


Since in the process of corruption those elementary substances return which correspond to the peculiar nature of the changed accidents, the law of the indestructibility of matter, notwithstanding the miracle of the Eucharistic conversion, remains in force without any interruption.


We, as Jesus' followers today, also receive a wonderful infilling of the Holy Spirit at our Baptism and Confirmation! How we bless God today!


But Cardinal De Lugo is of opinion, and justly so, that to deny its possibility might reflect unfavorably upon the Eucharistic multilocation itself.


Clement and Ignatius present the hierarchy, organized and complete, with its orders of bishops, priests, and deacons, ministers of the Eucharistic liturgy and administrators of temporalities.


Documentation and reflection materials prepared by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec, points out that the Eucharist is God's precious gift to the world. This priceless gift cannot be replaced by today's common beliefs in materialism and individualism, because the holy Eucharist signifies the love given by God's only son, Jesus Christ. Hence, the holy Eucharist is the origin of the salvation, and is also the present from the holy Trinity. God specifically granted this gift of salvation to His people of the New Testament, so that we can unite with God under the Eucharistic sacrament and become one heart and one body.


更多网络解释与圣事的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


11. courtier 朝臣 | 12. devious 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的 | 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐


至于执事(diaconate),在希腊文中则是「服务者」的意思. 参与这三种圣秩的任务是「宣讲福音,管理教友,并举行敬天之礼」(>28号). 只有接受这些圣秩者,特别是主教和司铎,才能在感恩祭中代表基督,与天主的子民一起、并为天主的子民奉献感恩祭.

the Eucharist:圣体圣事的

confirmation,确认, | the Eucharist,圣体圣事的, | penance,忏悔,

On the Eucharist B:对圣体圣事的

On the Eucharist A对圣体圣事1 | On the Eucharist B对圣体圣事的b | On the Origin of the World对原产地的世界


hierodeacon 执事僧侣 | hierodule 圣役 | hierodulic 圣役的

O magnum mysterium:庄严的圣事

6: 羔羊经Agnus Dei 04:02 | 7: 庄严的圣事O magnum mysterium 04:26 | 无上荣耀弥撒曲Missa O quam gloriosum


他们在一切日常活动中(如饮食、性交、劳作)尽量仿效神圣的典范作为,使"常规"(routine)成为"圣事"(sacrament),使自己的整个生命得以神圣化. 这种试图达到"人性的宗教理想"(religious ideal of humanity)的努力实际上已经包含了后来开化社会中所有伦理问题的根源.


12. devious 绕来绕去的,迂回曲折的 | 13. Sacrament 圣礼,圣事/餐 | 14. secular 修道院外的,世俗的

Waterford Marquis standing cross for baptisms, first communion, etc:沃特福德侯爵站在十字架圣洗圣事,首先共融等

Features: 特点: | Waterford Marquis standing cross for baptisms, first communion, etc.沃特福德侯爵站在十字架圣洗圣事,首先共融等. | Crafted in Germany of fine crystal制作在德国的细晶

Organization of the Roman Catholic Church:天主教的组织机构

3.The Seven Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church 天主教的七大圣事 | 4.Organization of the Roman Catholic Church 天主教的组织机构 | 5.Catholic Religious Orders 天主教修会