英语人>词典>汉英 : 土耳其语的 的英文翻译,例句
土耳其语的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Business Scope Languages: English, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Arabic, etc.. Professional Fields: Law, finance, Economics, Insurance, Trade, Industrial and Commerce Administration, IT, Communication, Mechanics, Automobile, Electronics, Computer, Aeronautics, Medicine, Chemical Industry, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Energy, Geology, Environmental Protection, Metallurgy, Construction, Electricity, Textile, Printing and Dyeing, Paper - Making, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and etc..


Our staff speaks many languages, including Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Albanian, Russian, Tajik, French, Tagalog, Turkish, Uzbek, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindko, Pashto, and Hindi.


By 1000 AD they started spreading westward and settled in Turkey for a time, incorporating many Turkish words into their Romany language.


Most scholars consider it to be an isolated member of Asia's Altaic language family, which consists of Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic languages.


Language and literature The Azerbaijanis speak Azerbaijani (sometimes called Azerbaijani Turkish or Azeri), one of branches of Oghuz Turkic languages.


Lexia Software supported language: English, German, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Hungary, Greek, Czech.


The word tulip, which earlier in English appeared in such forms as tulipa or tulipant, comes to us by way of French tulipe and its obsolete form tulipan or by way of Modern Latin tulo pa, from Ottoman Turkish tülbend,"muslin, gauze." Our word turban, first recorded in English in the 16th century, can also be traced to Ottoman Turkish tülbend.

tulip 一词在英语中的早期形式是 tulipa 或 tulipant ,它源于法语 tulipe 和其废词形式 tulipan ,或是从奥斯曼土耳其语 tulbend而来的现代拉丁词 tulo pa (我们的 turban 一词在英语中首次记录于16世纪,它也可追溯到奥斯曼土耳其语 tulbend 。

Although we associate tulips with Holland and windmills, the history of the word takes us on an odyssey to the Middle East, where the tulip is associated with turbans and whence the flower was brought to Europe in the 16th century. The word tulip, which earlier in English appeared in such forms as tulipa or tulipant, comes to us by way of French tulipe and its obsolete form tulipan or by way of Modern Latin tulo, from Ottoman Turkish tülbend,"muslin, gauze." Our word turban, first recorded in English in the 16th century, can also be traced to Ottoman Turkish tülbend.

尽管我们把郁金香和荷兰以及风车联系在一起,但该词的历史却带我们踏上通往中东的漫长旅途,在那里,郁金香与缠头巾相关,并在16世纪传到欧洲。tulip 一词在英语中的早期形式是 tulipa 或 tulipant ,它源于法语tulipe 和其废词形式 tulipan ,或是从奥斯曼土耳其语tulbend而来的现代拉丁词 tuloa (我们的turban 一词在英语中首次记录于16世纪,它也可追溯到奥斯曼土耳其语tulbend 。

Although we associate tulips with Holland and windmills, the history of the word takes us on an odyssey to the Middle East, where the tulip is associated with turbans and whence the flower was brought to Europe in the 16th century. The word tulip, which earlier in English appeared in such forms as tulipa or tulipant, comes to us by way of French tulipe and its obsolete form tulipan or by way of Modern Latin tul o , from Ottoman Turkish tülbend,"muslin, gauze." Our word turban, first recorded in English in the 16th century, can also be traced to Ottoman Turkish tülbend.

尽管我们把郁金香和荷兰以及风车联系在一起,但该词的历史却带我们踏上通往中东的漫长旅途,在那里,郁金香与缠头巾相关,并在16世纪传到欧洲。tulip 一词在英语中的早期形式是 tulipa 或 tulipant ,它源于法语tulipe 和其废词形式 tulipan ,或是从奥斯曼土耳其语tulbend而来的现代拉丁词 tul o a (我们的turban 一词在英语中首次记录于16世纪,它也可追溯到奥斯曼土耳其语tulbend 。

The EU enlargement commissioner, Olli Rehn, toughened an already stern line against an article in the Turkish penal code that has seen writers and intellectuals prosecuted for insulting "Turkishness"(usually, after they have raised the thorny subject of the mass killings of Armenians after the first world war).

欧盟扩大委员会委员 Olli Rneh ,强化了针对土耳其刑法典中的一项条款的强硬的路线,这个条款让刑法典的编撰者和知识界因此被指控侮辱了&土耳其语&(通常是在他们提到了一次大战后土耳其对亚美尼亚人的大屠杀之后

更多网络解释与土耳其语的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在17世纪的时候,托马斯.海德(Thomas Hyde)会土耳其语,马来语(Malaysian)阿美尼亚语(Armenian)汉语,能够用波斯语,阿拉伯语,叙利亚语的多语种的圣经工作,是牛津大学博德莱安(Bodleian)图书馆长,阿拉伯语钦定讲座劳狄安(Laudian)教授,


语言与人种 匈牙利语属于芬兰乌戈尔(Finno-Ugric)语系的乌戈尔分支,与土耳其语、爱沙尼亚语(Estonian)及芬兰语有点关连. 匈牙利境内匈牙利语、德语及英语三种语言都通用. 马札儿人于中世纪时由东方逐步迁徙,最后定居在现今东欧的匈牙利.


昔时常用希腊语的犹太人Hellenist | 昔时土耳其皇帝等的勒令firman | 熙prosperoussplendid


Afghanistan 阿富汗 Pashto 普什图语, Dari 达里语(波斯语的一种) 土耳其语(Turkic)以及其他一些部落语言Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 Albanian 阿尔巴尼亚语(分Tosk方言和Gheg方言,其中前者为官方语言) 希腊语(Greek)白俄罗斯:白俄罗斯


Oslo /奥斯陆/ | Osmanli /土耳其人/土耳其语/土耳其的/ | Osmayal /欧斯马铝锰合金/


包括索马里语(Somali)、加拉语(Galla)、贝扎语(Beja)等等. 颚图曼帝国是在13世纪晚期小亚细亚的蒙古统治崩溃后,从塞尔柱(seljuk)土耳其的残余中建立起来的. 塞尔柱土耳其人是第一支迁徙至小亚细亚的土耳其人,


Afghanistan 阿富汗 Pashto 普什图语, Dari 达里语(波斯语的一种) 土耳其语(Turkic)以及其他一些部落语言Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 Albanian 阿尔巴尼亚语(分Tosk方言和Gheg方言,其中前者为官方语言) 希腊语(Greek)


locale加载,语言设置为土耳其语(Turkish)在"Extra Touch"模式中,将通过著色器(Shader)程序来提供4种不同笔触风格的画面,包括原始的"普通"模式、色块鲜明的"海报风格"模式、色彩柔和的"水彩风格"模式与张力十足的"水墨风格"模式,



ogum gunun kutlu olsun:土耳其语的生日快乐

泰语的生日快乐:Suk-san Wan-gerd | 土耳其语的生日快乐ogum gunun kutlu olsun | 乌都语的生日快乐:Saal Girra Mubarak Ho