英语人>词典>汉英 : 圆环图 的英文翻译,例句
圆环图 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
donut  ·  donuts

更多网络例句与圆环图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we present an O time algorithm to solve the minimum circle-cover problem defined on circular-arc graphs based on the processor arrays with a reconfig-urable bus system which consist of a processor array and a reconfigurable bus system.


We try to use a modified Bernstein polynomial to reduce the number of variables when calculating the circle array. Finally we use PSO to optimize the circle array and obtain a beam form with a flat top which is needed in the practical design.


This is useful if you use a style of chart such as Donut or Pie to display your data.


Valid values range from 0 to 99% of the doughnut's radius.


Finally the spatial distribution figure for electric potential is plotted and analyzed. This method can be used in calculating many similar problems. charged ring ; electric potential ; electric intensity ; elliptic integral

为原点,环轴为z轴,取圆柱坐标系,如图1所示,设尸为环轴外任意一点,下面来求圆环电荷在尸点产生的电位。l「do甲叹r,尹,z夕一二二丁{而一石二竺石万一=,诊L七OJ ql月、—月龟I (1)这个积

I believe that the power and important symbolic nature of the ring sculptures could also be successfully conveyed in one monumental "circular" stone and metal sculpture similar to the maquette illustrated.


Parallel to the nomographic method, the numeri- cal calculating method is also put forward here. As an example, the lead and aluminium rings are pressed with oil lubrication or with- out. The results of data processing by nomogram and the numerical calculating are compared.


This property is expressed as a fraction of the total space allocated for a doughnut.


In order to get high gain, narrow main lobe and low sub-lobe antenna pattern, we synthetize the array pattern with Chebyshev method and Unconstrained method seperately.


To overcome the drawbacks in the weight and cost of the antenna with the corrugated soft surface, a new patch antenna with patch rings is designed. Its weight is about 1/4 less than the antenna with the corrugated soft surface and it is inexpensive. Good experimental results are obtained. The radiation pattern of the antenna is more rotationally symmetric, and a more reduction on the sidelobe levels of the antenna is achieved as compared to the antenna with the corrugated soft surface. In conclusion, in the present thesis both theoretical and experimental research works have been carried out intensively on patch antennas based on photonic-bandgap structures.


更多网络解释与圆环图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

circle problem:圆内格点问题

circle of inversion 反演圆 | circle problem 圆内格点问题 | circuit free graph 环道自由图

circuit free graph:环道自由图

circle problem 圆内格点问题 | circuit free graph 环道自由图 | circuit rank 圈数

circular disk crack:圆饼状裂纹

1213. circular diagram 圆图 | 1214. circular disk crack 圆饼状裂纹 | 1215. circular distributor ring 集电环,配电环,环形整流子


circular restriction map 环形限制(酶切)图(谱) | circularization 环化 | circularly polarized light 圆偏振光


绘制该图的目的是学习多段线(Pline)、圆环(Donut)、倒角(Chamfer)、倒圆角(Fillet)等命令. [要求及目的] 使用缺省设置创建新文件绘制常见的几种曲线(不标注尺寸),绘图单位公制(M). 绘制该图的目的是学习样条曲线(Spline)、点(Point)、多段线的编辑(Pedit)等命令.


性定义(DDEDIT)D ---- 创建或修改标注样式(DIMstyle)DI ---- 测量两点之间的距离和角度(DIST)DO ---- 绘制填充的圆和环(DONUT)DR ---- 修改图像和其他对象的显示顺序(DRAWORDER)EL ---- 创建椭圆或椭圆弧(ELLIPSE)E ---- 从图

circle vector diagram:旋转向量图,圆向量图

圆相量图 circle phasor diagram | 旋转向量图,圆向量图 circle vector diagram | 锁环 circlet

Navicula rhynchocephala:喙头舟形藻

含广缘小环藻(Cyclotella bodanica)颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)喙头舟形藻(Navicula rhynchocephala)扁圆异壳藻(Coc-粒以上(图2). 上段硅藻组合以广缘小环藻和扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella stelligera)占绝ceae)脆杆藻科(Fragilariaceae)平板藻科(Tabellariaceae)等许多属种具有较强的污染最具敏感性是最有应用前景的代用指标


但在距今5.25亿年的古生代早期的奥陶纪(或寒武纪)、志留纪和泥盆纪的地层中却发现了甲胄鱼类(Ostracodermi)的化石. 这类鱼一般在体前部覆盖着盔甲样的外骨骼(例如鳞甲鱼和半环鱼等)(图21-4),和现存的圆口纲动物有许多共同特点,