英语人>词典>汉英 : 圆屋顶 的英文翻译,例句
圆屋顶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cupola  ·  dome  ·  vaulting

更多网络例句与圆屋顶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To allow a dome to rest above a square base, either of two devices was used: the squinch (an arch in each of the corners of a square base that transforms it into an octagon) or the pendentive.


On the first day, when, getting up early in the morning, he came out of the shed into the dawn, and saw the cupolas and the crosses of the New Monastery of the Virgin, all still in darkness, saw the hoar frost on the long grass, saw the slopes of the Sparrow Hills and the wood-clad banks of the encircling river vanishing into the purple distance, when he felt the contact of the fresh air and heard the sounds of the rooks crying out of Moscow across the fields, and when flashes of light suddenly gleamed out of the east and the sun's rim floated triumphantly up from behind a cloud, and cupolas and crosses and hoar frost and the horizon and the river were all sparkling in the glad light, Pierre felt a new feeling of joy and vigour in life such as he had never experienced before.


Other Russian churches also have flame-shaped domes.The dome ' s peak is said to be like the flame of prayer reaching up toward heaven.


Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.


A flat roof covered with sheets of lead .Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.


Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.


The half dome over an apse .Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.


A weighted weapon similar to a blackjack.Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.


A carved figure on the prow of a ship.Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.


There was a revival of ancient Roman forms , including the column and round arch, the tunnel vault, and the dome.


更多网络解释与圆屋顶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


古罗马:使用更复杂的哥林多廊柱支撑拱顶(arch and vault)形成拱廊,并使用圆屋顶(dome). 拱廊及圆屋顶是古罗马对古希腊艺术的创新,并对现代有深远影响(见美国议会国会山). 新古典既然是对古希腊古罗马的模仿,当然不可能完全照搬,


lientery 消化不良性腹泻 | lierne 睡圆屋顶的肋架 | liestolieflam 谎

polygonal dome:多边形圆屋顶(如巴黎的卢浮宫)

insuppressive 抑制不住的 | polygonal dome 多边形圆屋顶(如巴黎的卢浮宫) | agitator 煽动者

thole WESTBANK:圆屋顶 ,圆屋

thixotropy WESTBANK 复硬性 ,复原性 | thole WESTBANK 圆屋顶 ,圆屋 | tholobate WESTBANK 圆屋顶

vaulting:圆屋顶,跳的, 跳

vault 拱顶地窖 | vaulting 圆屋顶,跳的, 跳 | unassuming 谦逊的ASSUME承担/


domesticity 家庭生活 | domical 圆屋顶的 | domicile 住所


intercupola 圆屋顶的中间隔层 | interdome 圆屋顶的中间隔层 | interfenestration 窗间墙宽度


Qur'an,古兰经,, | qubba,(拱北)陵墓;圆屋顶建筑,, | qiyas,(格雅斯)类比推理,,

surbased dome:扁圆屋顶

surbase 柱基 | surbased dome 扁圆屋顶 | surbased spherical vault 有座弩顶

surbased dome WESTBANK:扁圆屋顶

surbase WESTBANK 柱基 | surbased dome WESTBANK 扁圆屋顶 | surbased spherical vault WESTBANK 有座弩顶