英语人>词典>汉英 : 圆丘 的英文翻译,例句
圆丘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hammock  ·  hummock  ·  knoll  ·  knolled  ·  knolling  ·  knolls

更多网络例句与圆丘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A flight barely long enough to buckle our boots and adjust our various dangling accouterments brought us to an isolated knoll high above the reservoir.


On the crown of the knoll where the oaks had stood, now was bareness; and from there you could look out over the trees to the colliery railway, and the new works at Stacks Gate.


This was one of the places that Sir Geoffrey had cut during the war for trench timber. The whole knoll, which rose softly on the right of the riding, was denude d and strangely forlorn.


The bar silver is in the north cache; you can find it by the trend of the east hummock, ten fathoms south of the black crag with the face on it.


The full hips , the budding breasts , the skin as white as snow and soft as satin , the rounded buttocks and swelling thighs , the flat white belly and lovely mount covered only with the finestdown , and above all the charming pinky slit which now showed itself at the bottom of the mount , now hid timorously away between the plump thighs , and with a snort of rampant lust he fell upon his victim .


Before the invention of the pugmill, craftsmen would wedge a large mass of clay with their feet into a circular mound.

前发明的pugmill ,工匠将楔形广大粘土与脚成一个圆丘

Atlantic City has the Garden Pier, a warped spine of concrete sprouting grass; in Brighton, the West Pier concert hall where Cubbitt's violin played is now a humped ribcage half-submerged in the sea.

大西洋城依然保留着花园栈桥,一堆残垣断壁之中杂草丛生;在布莱顿, Cubbitt 的琴声曾经在西栈桥上的音乐厅回响,而今它只剩下一座圆丘状的钢梁,像一具骸骨在海面上半沉半浮。

Atlantic City has the Garden Pier, a warped spine of concrete sprouting grass; in Brighton, the West Pier concert hall where Cubbitt's violin played is now a humped ribcage half-submerged in the sea. Visitors still stand like mourners at a funeral, silent and thoughtful, and pick rust from its girders.


It is full of tiny hummocks, where infants are buried.


Florence Knoll,Mies van der Rohe and Eero saarinen designed furniture for Knoll International in styles derived from Sweden and from the Bauhaus.

Florence 圆丘,米斯客货车der Rohe 和Eero saarinen 设计给在和从包豪斯建筑学院那里的从瑞典派生来的样式国际的圆丘的家俱。

更多网络解释与圆丘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


总体上说,该地区的冻原有如下几种:干旱的稀树圆丘(hummock)(表明此处曾是古老的海底),布满苔藓的小丘(hillock),被一米多高的矮柳(dwarf willow)包围的草地(meadow),葱翠的草场(grassland),众多湿润的沼泽(其上有冻原池塘散布),


hummock 圆丘 | hummocky 圆丘般的 | humor 幽默


hummock 波状地;冰丘;沼泽中的高地 | hummocky 小圆丘的 | humo-silicate 有机硅酸盐矿物

hummocky cross-bedding:圆丘状交错层理,丘状交错层理

"圆丘状地","hummock" | "圆丘状交错层理,丘状交错层理","hummocky cross-bedding" | "腐植质","humus"


knoll reef 圆丘礁 | knoll 圆丘 | Knoop microhardness test 克诺普微硬度试验


knocking 爆震声 | knoll 圆丘;海底小丘(通常坡度很陡 | knoll 圆丘海底小丘(通常坡度很陡

knoll reef:圆丘礁

knockout 打击;脱模;出坯;分离 | knoll reef 圆丘礁 | knoll 圆丘

knoll reef:圆丘岩礁

圆丘 knoll | 圆丘岩礁 knoll-reef | 铈钙钛矿 knopite


新星 novae | 岩质圆丘 nubbin | 陆核区 nuclear area


mamanite 杂卤石 | mamelon 圆丘 | mamilite 镁铁白榴金云火山岩