英语人>词典>汉英 : 国际原子能组织 的英文翻译,例句
国际原子能组织 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

International Atomic Energy Agency
更多网络例句与国际原子能组织相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective By participating in IAEA-SSDL intercomparison, a dose to water calibration factor was introduced in order to check the measuring accuracy of ^6o Co radiotherapy dose level standard and ensure the reliability and consistency of our calibration.


Representatives from more than 60 countries, International Atomic Energy Agency , Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , and other International Organizations will attend the conference.


They are distributed by NIST on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency.


In addition, food irradiation has received official international endorsement from the World Health Organizations and the International Atomic Energy Agency.


In its last report in November, the IAEA estimated that Iran had produced 635 kg of LEU, based partly on Iranian government figures.


The agreement establishes a process to collaborate with each other and with the International Atomic Energy Agency on export controls, international nuclear safeguards, protection of nuclear materials and facilities, nuclear emergency management and radioactive source security, it said.


The hijacking of the ships, one Greek and one flying a Togolese flag took place after the pirates threatened to take revenge for the killing in recent days of several of their comrades by French and American forces.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations* International Atomic Energy Agency* International Civil Aviation Organization* International Fund for Agricultural Development* International Labour Organization* International Maritime Organization* International Monetary Fund* International Telecommunication Union* United Nations Children's Fund* United Nations Conference on Trade and Development* United Nations Development Programme* United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization* United Nations Environment Programme* United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees* United Nations Human Settlements Programme* United Nations Industrial Development Organization* United Nations International Drug Control Programme* United Nations Population Fund* United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East* Universal Postal Union* The World Bank Group * World Food Programme* World Health Organization* World Intellectual Property Organization* World Meteorological Organization* World Trade Organization WTO


Four years ago, an IAEA spokesman said he was confident the WHO figures were correct.


The competent government department is responsible for organizing the implementation of the safeguard agreement between China and the IAEA.


更多网络解释与国际原子能组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


际原子能机构(IAEA)国际航空运输协会(IATA)国际民航组织(ICAO)国际谷类加工食品科学技术协会(ICC)国际排灌委员会(ICID)国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)国际辐射单位与测量委员会(ICRU) 国际乳品业联合会(IDF)因特网工程特别工作

International Atomic Energy Agency:国际原子能组织

由联合国发起的国际调查委员会对哈里里遇害案进行缜密的调查取证,认定叙利亚和黎巴嫩安全机构高级官员卷入谋杀哈里里事件;国际原子能组织(International Atomic Energy Agency)揭露叙利亚企图建造核设施;叙利亚政府面临四面楚歌的境地.

International Atomic Energy Agency:国际原子能机构国际原子能组织

International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构 | International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构国际原子能组织 | International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织

International Atomic Energy Agency,IAEA:国际原子能组织

International Development Association, IDA 国际开发协会 | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT 有关关税贸易一般规定 | International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA 国际原子能组织

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency:国际原子能组织

Hon.: the Honorable 尊称 | IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 | IMF: International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织

International Atomic Energy Agency o:国际原子能机构

联合国粮农组织 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations o0015 | 国际原子能机构 International Atomic Energy Agency o0016 | 国际海事组织 International Maritime Organization o0018

World Federation of Trade Unions:世界劳工组织

●International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 | ●World Federation of Trade Unions 世界劳工组织 | ●Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会展中心

World Federation of Trade Unions,WFTU:世界劳工组织

International Atomic Energy Agency,IAEA 国际原子能组织 | World Federation of Trade Unions,WFTU 世界劳工组织 | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,ICFTU 国际自由劳工联盟


当时,...名称解释 欧洲原子能共同体(EURATOM),由欧洲联盟成员国组成的国际组织. 在1957年3月25日,<<欧洲煤钢联营条约>>成员国签订<<罗马条约>>,决定成立共同市场及原子能共同体. 后来,

International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO):国际刑警组织

37. Association of Southeast Asian Nations东盟 | 50. International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) 国际刑警组织 | 51. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 国际原子能机构