英语人>词典>汉英 : 因祸得福 的英文翻译,例句
因祸得福 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Good comes out of evil.
更多网络例句与因祸得福相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It turned out that losing his job was a blessing in disguise, because it forced him to start his own company and it was successful.


Friends and family share in the wondeful Thanksgiving play at the neighborhood settlement house, and the party that follows, with the cooking accident that turns into a delicious meal.


And gain by ill thrice more than I have spent.


This might be a blessing in disguise.


Losing the job was a blessing in disguise, she is able to spend more time with her children now.


Annie: It might be a blessing in disguise. I don't think the army suits you.


This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise?


Losing the job was a blessing in disguise, she is able to spend more time with her children now.


It could give existing forms of compact memory a serious run for their money—and instead of being a curse of miniaturisation, quantum physics might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


If their discovery can be commercialised it could give existing forms of compact memory a serious run for their money—and instead of being a curse of miniaturisation, quantum physics might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


更多网络解释与因祸得福相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analyze This:老大靠边闪

因祸得福的是,>的失败促成了德尼罗的转型,1999年他参演了一部投资仅3千万的小制作的喜剧片-->(Analyze This). 当时德尼罗的身价已经暴跌到了800万美元. 但是谁都没有想到,>打出罗伯特.德尼罗的旗号,

Blessing in disguise:因祸得福

in disguise 假扮的(adj | blessing in disguise 因禍得福 | blessing 神恩/恩賜/祝福

Blessing in disguise:因祸得福:因为不幸的事情,反而得到好的结果

407千方百计:用各种各样的方法、计谋. In a thousand and one ways. ... | 408因祸得福:因为不幸的事情,反而得到好的结果. Blessing in disguise.○ | 409多此一举:做不必要的、多余的事情. To knock at an open door. T...

New Orleans Hornets:黄蜂

克里斯-保罗(Chris Paul)拄着拐一瘸一拐地从更衣室出来,他表示从长远来看,他的左膝伤势也许帮助黄蜂(New Orleans Hornets). "我受伤无法比赛,黄蜂也许反而能因祸得福,"保罗在膝盖手术后第一次媒体见面会上回答记者提问时说道,

a fault on the right side:因祸得福

a fat lot 很少 | a fault on the right side 因祸得福 | a favourite son 宠儿

O Overwhelm:找到手感的甜瓜是不可阻挡的

N Notable :安东尼的到来,让这支蛰伏许久的高原球队恢复了竞争力 | O Overwhelm :找到手感的甜瓜是不可阻挡的 | P Pistons :当年错过活塞,不知道梅罗算不算因祸得福

A ten-cent idea:一字万佥

2. Blessings usually come in disguise因祸得福 | 3. A ten-cent idea一字万佥 | 4. A world of smile生命阳光

a blessing in disguise:因祸得福

Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪. | A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福 | Better master one than engage with ten. 会十事不如精一事.

It could be a blessing in disguise:(说不定会因祸得福呢. )

.It's no use crying over spilt milk!(后悔是没有用的!/覆水难收) | .It could be a blessing in disguise.(说不定会因祸得福呢. ) | .Maybe it's a11 for the best.(或许这样到头来会是好事. )

P Pistons:当年错过活塞,不知道梅罗算不算因祸得福

O Overwhelm :找到手感的甜瓜是不可阻挡的 | P Pistons :当年错过活塞,不知道梅罗算不算因祸得福 | Q Quest :总冠军是所有球员的追求,安东尼也不例外