英语人>词典>汉英 : 回顾展 的英文翻译,例句
回顾展 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

review exhibit
更多网络例句与回顾展相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Who had headed the Barbican arts complex in London when it hosted Arnold's last great retrospective


Lthough Lartigue occasionally sold his pictures to the press and exhibited at the Galerie d'Orsay alongside Brassa , Man Ray and Doisneau, his reputation as a photographer was not truly established until he was 69, with a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the publication of a


Barry felt he was a persecuted soul, and he painted himself as various ill-fated characters, most bizarrely ★Philoctetes[9], the sailor whom Odysseus abandoned on the island of Lemnos because he smelled so bad.


More recently, in 1998 and 1999, his work was honored with large-scale retrospective exhibitions at MoMA and at The Tate in London.


Modest Petrovich Moussorgsky (1839-1881), a Russian composer, composed "Pictures at an Exhibition" in 1874 for his good friend Viktor Hartmann (1834-1873)– an artist and architect who had passed away suddenly. The inspiration came from ten pictures at Hartmann's Retrospective Exhibition.

俄国作曲家莫戴斯特穆梭斯基(Modest Petrovich Moussorgsky, 1839-1881)於1874年创作之钢琴作品《展览会之画》,是为骤逝的好友─美术家兼建筑师维克托哈特曼(Viktor Hartmann, 1834-1873)之遗作回顾展中的十幅画而作。

A retrospective exhibition is meaningless unless there is an oeuvre involved.


Beauty company Pola and Japan Fashion Week are sponsoring a retrospective dedicated to the iconic magazine, which is closing its print edition and converting into a Web site.

美容公司 Pola 及日本时装周都在赞助专为这一代表性杂志举办的一场回顾展。这份杂志即将停止印刷版的发行,转而设立一个网站。

If Richard Prince, who is having a retrospective at the Guggenheim museum in New York, can "rephotograph" a photograph and present it as original work, if Gus Van Sant can do a frame-by-frame remake of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, why not "reproduce" a handbag and present it as an homage?


If Richard Prince, who is having a retrospective at the Guggenheim museum in New York, can "rephotograph" a photograph and present it as original work, if Gus Van Sant can do a frame-by-frame remake of Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho, why not "reproduce" a handbag and present it as an homage?


This will be Schnabel's first major museum retrospective in Asia and will include over 30 important works on canvas from 1983 to the present.


更多网络解释与回顾展相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andy Warhol:安迪.沃霍尔

今年在巴黎大皇宫举办的安迪.沃霍尔* (Andy Warhol)作品回顾展,将50年代的艺术运动真实展现在聚光灯下. 明亮的色彩和超现代的流行艺术图案设计势必为11月19日在法国和其它101个国家亮相的2009年博若莱新酒增光添彩.


六六年>(Blowup)则新奇大胆,叫好叫座. 七二年他到文革期大陆拍了纪录长片>,完成后却被大陆批判(编者注:2004年11月底,北京电影学院和意大利使馆文化处联合举办了安东尼奥尼的电影回顾展,


自1956年来即长期关注美国与亚洲之间文化交流的"亚洲协会"(Asia Society)合办之"蔡明亮导演电影回顾展"系列活动,"哥伦比亚广播公司"(CBS)、"美国广播公司"(ABC)及WNYC Radio等主流媒体节目制作人皆受邀出席,


一参观者在史蒂夫.麦奎因的作品>(Deadpan)前陷入沉思在当代艺术界具有相当影响的特纳展已经走过了23个年头. 日前,位于伦敦的泰特英国美术馆正在举办特纳奖往年获奖者的回顾展. 多年来特纳奖已成为艺术圈中历年不变的固定话题.




回顾展中,观众也有幸的欣赏到他一系列涉及同性恋、神秘玄学和超现实主义,难得一见的作品,如>(Scorpio Rising)、>(Lucifer Rising)、>(Fireworks)、>(Eaux d'Artifice).

Henri CARTIER-BRESSON:亨利.卡蒂尔.布列松

中国证券报讯 今年夏天的国际摄影展名单上有三个响当当的名字:黛安.阿巴丝(Diane Arbus)作品展(加的夫国家博物馆,至8月31日)、理查德.阿维顿(Richard Avedon)作品回顾展(纽约国际摄影中心,至9月6日)和亨利.卡蒂尔.布列松(Henri Cartier Bresson)百年诞辰纪念展(巴黎的欧洲摄影之家,


如果亲临现场观看在蒂博尔德纳吉画廊(Tibor de Nagy)举行的吉斯(Jess)拼贴画回顾展,你大约能够感受到这位艺术家对拼贴画近乎走火入魔的痴迷. 4年前,时年81岁的吉斯与世长辞. 如今我们身处这个电脑图像处理泛滥的读图时代再来回顾他的作品,

Ridiculous Rigs:滑稽卡车

126.A Dance Retrospective舞蹈回顾展 | 127.Ridiculous Rigs滑稽卡车 | 128.A Rumble Gone Bad可怕的街头群架

Museum Theme Retrospectives Exhibition:博物馆主题回顾展

柯特.威塞作品展 Personal Exhibition of Kurt Weiser 038 | 博物馆主题回顾展 Museum Theme Retrospectives Exhibition 042 | ASU艺术博物馆收藏展 ASU Art Museum Collection 050