英语人>词典>汉英 : 嘤嘤 的英文翻译,例句
嘤嘤 的英文翻译、例句


chirping or slight voice
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She squats despairingly in a corner and crys:Why I couldn't fiy well all the time?


Today the summer has come at my window with its sights and murmurs; and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.


Let everyone involved in the ranks of environmental protection, let everyone be loyal peacekeeper, environmental protection, well, YingYing bird phase.


As it sprawled wallowing in the quag, clouds of stinging insects rose and buzzed about it in the air


It was what is said in the bower, a prelude to what will be said in the chamber; a lyrical effusion, strophe and sonnet intermingled, pleasing hyperboles of cooing, all the refinements of adoration arranged in a bouquet and exhaling a celestial perfume, an ineffable twitter of heart to heart.


She sounded like a dog barking, and then like a whimpering child.


At last he shrugged, and followed his wife into the firelit room that rang with children's voices.


She keened to herself for a moment.


I know a lie that now disturbs half the kingdom with its noise, which, although too proud and great at present to own its parents, I can remember its whisperhood.


I know a lie that now disturbs half the kingdom with its noise, of which, although too proud and great at person to won its parents, I can remember its whisperhood.


更多网络解释与嘤嘤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cackle:(母鸡下蛋后)咯咯声 | cheep:(小鸡)唧唧声;(鸟等)啁啾声 | chirp:(小鸟、昆虫等)啁啾声,唧唧声,嘤嘤


chirp:(小鸟、昆虫等)啁啾声,唧唧声,嘤嘤声 | cluck:(母鸡)咯咯声 | coo:(鸽子、斑鸠等)咕咕声

I cried:我开始嘤嘤地哭泣

只剩下了我自己 only me sit here | 我开始嘤嘤地哭泣 I cried | 憋了半个世纪的泪水 the half century tears used to be controled

And causes her moanful cry:但她却开始嘤嘤泣漓

That lights up the sky 正使天空泛亮 | And causes her moanful cry 但她却开始嘤嘤泣漓 | Scared of the moon 恐惧着月亮

e.g.The bee buzzed its wings:蜜蜂振翅发出嗡嗡的响声

buzz n. v. 嗡嗡声;嘤嘤声 | e.g.The bee buzzed its wings.蜜蜂振翅发出嗡嗡的响声. | The plane is buzzing the town.飞机低空飞行掠过这个城市.