英语人>词典>汉英 : 喂马 的英文翻译,例句
喂马 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
groom  ·  groomed  ·  grooming  ·  grooms

更多网络例句与喂马相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"I've never been to a birthday party with a horse before,"says Annika,and gives the horse a lump of sugar.


She bred, groomed, trained and showed Cairn Terriers to their championships.


They corned their horses before the journey.


This was the cheerful servant of that establishment, who, in her part of factotum, turned groom and ostler at times.


What do you feed your horse on?


He called hostler fetch peck oysters , give them his horse .

于 , 让旅店里马倌去取些牡蛎来喂马

He asked for a samovar, and for hay for his horses; and after drinking tea lay down to sleep.


A GROOM used to spend whole days in currycombing and rubbing down his Horse, but at the same time stole his oats and sold them for his own profit. \


A GROOM used to spend whole days in currycombing and rubbing down his Horse, but at the same time stole his oats and sold them for his own profit.


See the appearance of clerical disappointment, farmer says well-meaningly:"When my groom, although only a Ma Qian comes, I or meeting feed it."


更多网络解释与喂马相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


希波战争曾把"苜蓿"(Alfalfa)输入到希腊. 苜蓿是喂马的一种很好的饲料,希腊人称之为Mēdikē,因为大量生产于波斯境内的米底,而由希波战争时传如希腊的. 中国音译为苜蓿,可能出自波斯境内靠近里海一个地方的土语būso. 希腊人称桃子为波斯苹果,

That's just applesauce:那纯粹是一派胡言

105. Doesn't that wimpy apple-polisher know how stupid he looks? 那个讨厌的马屁精知道不知道自己看... | 106. That's just applesauce! 那纯粹是一派胡言! | 107. Well, it's late. Are we away? 喂,不早了,我们...




关于大斑蝶与玉米花粉的问题,起因于康乃尔大学的科学家用沾有bt转基因玉米花粉的马利筋(milkweed)叶片饲喂大斑蝶幼虫,结果导致大约40%的死亡率. 后来进行的花粉传播试验,或者是用培养皿来收集花粉,或者检查"马利筋叶片上"的花粉.


约翰生对苏格兰人素有偏见,他在字典中对"燕麦"(Oats)这个名词所下的定义是:"一种谷物,在英格兰通常是用来喂马,但在苏格兰大约是来养人. "(A grain, which in England is generally given to horses,

o Stacks of hay:很多干草(喂马吃的)

? Stable马厩 | o Stacks of hay 很多干草(喂马吃的) | o Hay on the ground (洒在地面上的干草)

Carduelis sinica:金翅[雀]

1993年-1998年,在山西省沁水县张马地区,对白鹡鸰(Motacilla alba)和金翅雀(Carduelis sinica)的巢外育幼进行了观察研究.内容包括亲鸟巢外衔食喂幼鸟期、幼鸟离巢后分布、活动情况及成活率等.结果表明:白鹡鸰巢外育幼期5 d~7 d,


为一年生豆科野百合属(Crotalaria)植物. 原产于热带,我国南方早有栽植. 因具有较高的肥田、改土效用,故种植地区和面积逐渐扩大. 据有关书籍称柽麻茎、叶是马、牛的良好饲料,鲜柽麻茎、叶喂猪,还能使其明显增重.

eccentric feed motion:偏心进给运动

dust-feed mechanism 药粉喂送机构 | eccentric feed motion 偏心进给运动 | economical feeder 易肥马

Put that boy in the stable and feed him to the ticking crocodile:把他关到马圈去,送去喂闹钟鳄鱼

Look! What'd I tell you?|看到了吧!我早告诉过你... | Put that boy in the stable and feed him to the ticking crocodile.|把他关到马圈去,送去喂闹钟鳄鱼 | But if he came out, who went in?|如果他出来了,谁进去...