英语人>词典>汉英 : 商人 的英文翻译,例句
商人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bourgeois  ·  businessman  ·  businesswoman  ·  chapman  ·  dealer  ·  merchandiser  ·  merchant  ·  merchantman  ·  monger  ·  trader  ·  tradespeople  ·  trafficker  ·  Copeman  ·  tradesfolk  ·  Warman  ·  Chapman  ·  bania  ·  bunnia  ·  chapmen  ·  dealers  ·  merchantmen  ·  merchants  ·  traders  ·  tradesmen  ·  traffickers  ·  dlr

business man
更多网络例句与商人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The merchant who says:"Montpellier not active, Marseilles fine quality," the broker on 'change who says:"Assets at end of current month," the gambler who says:"Tiers et tout, refait de pique," the sheriff of the Norman Isles who says: The holder in fee reverting to his landed estate cannot claim the fruits of that estate during the hereditary seizure of the real estate by the mortgagor," the playwright who says:"The piece was hissed," the comedian who says:"I've made a hit," the philosopher who says:"Phenomenal triplicity," the huntsman who says:"Voileci allais, Voileci fuyant," the phrenologist who says:"Amativeness, combativeness, secretiveness," the infantry soldier who says:"My shooting-iron," the cavalry-man who says:"My turkey-cock," the fencing-master who says:"Tierce, quarte, break,"the printer who says:"My shooting-stick and galley,--all, printer, fencing-master, cavalry dragoon, infantry-man, phrenologist, huntsman, philosopher, comedian, playwright, sheriff, gambler, stock-broker, and merchant, speak slang.


I wrote the English Captain's Widow a full Account of all my Adventures, my Slavery, Escape, and how I had met with the Portugal Captain at Sea, thpecially to that Part which related to the buying Negroes, which was a Trade at that time not only not far entred into, but as far as it was, had been carried on by the Assiento's, or Permission of the Kings of Spain and Portugal, and engross'd in the Publick, so that few Negroes were brought, and those excessive dear.


Then, of course, the thing is endless. The glazier will have $250 more to spend with other merchants, and these in turn will have $250 more to spend with still other merchants, and so ad infinitum.


Because all sorts of elements such as church law and lay law are right at that time the interest of commercial development and businessman is adverse, then mercantile estate is initiative first after that the trade activity standard that self-conscious activate develops interior --, mercantile law, it is law through struggle and rising.


The last but not lest, the distance trade of a large amount commodity, built up the strength of merchantman, and the status of merchantman have been changed essentially.


The last but not lest, the distance trade of a large amount commodity, built up the strength of merchantman, and t he status of merchantman have been changed essentially.


In a Word, I was so prepossess'd against my going by Sea at all, except from Calais to Dover, that I resolv'd to travel all the Way by Land; which as I was not in Haste, and did not value the Charge, was by much the pleasanter Way; and to make it more so, my old Captain brought an English Gentleman, the Son of a Merchant in Lisbon, who was willing to travel with me: After which, we pick'd up two more English Merchants also, and two young Portuguese Gentlemen, the last going to Paris only; so that we were in all six of us, and five Servants; the two Merchants and the two Portuguese, contenting themselves with one Servant, between two, to save the Charge; and as for me, I got an English Sailor to travel with me as a Servant, besides my Man Friday, who was too much a Stranger to be capable of supplying the Place of a Servant on the Road.


This article makes a comprehensive and profound study on relations between Modern Lex Mercatoria and international business arbitration law, and concludes that development in international business arbitration institution had accelerated the shaping of a relatively and autocephalous system of Modern Lex Mercatoria. At the same time, international busine...


Modern law of maritime and merchant is based on ancient customary rules and the Middle Ages merchant law,and incorporated the principles aforesaid.


This Conference was organized by Pan-Pacific Union, an international diplomatic organization of merchants, attended by the delegations sent by the industrial and commercial circles of the countries in Pacific area, and the first direct international merchant diplomatic activity of Chinese merchants.


更多网络解释与商人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


现在通用的"商人"(businessman)一词,起源于美国,1830年左右开始使用. 这些商人,是美国特有的社群创建者和社群领袖. 他们对公共事业怀有极大的兴趣. 美国的很多大学、医院、博物馆、音乐厅甚至铁路,




businessman 商人 | businesswoman 女商人 | bye 再见


▲businessman 商人(男);男企业家 | businesswoman 商人(女);男企业家 | busy 忙(碌)的

businessman,businesswoman:商人, 女商人

salesman, saleswoman 售货员, 女售货员 | businessman, businesswoman 商人, 女商人 | host, hostess 主人, 女主人


小船靠近货船后,就搭上木板,十几个强盗手持钢刀(weapon)跳上船来打劫"商人(chapman)们"的财物. 这些商人都是由士兵假扮的,各个训练有素,武艺高强,没一会儿功夫就打得盗贼们落花流水,生擒了好几个,其余的强盗一见大势不妙,


Stanley Xavier Hippington 斯坦利.扎维尔.西宾顿 | Derringer 大枪管 商人 | Beaurigards 比利戈德 商人


marketable 销路好的 | marketeer 市场商人 | marketer 商人


BUSINESSMAN 实业家,商人 | TRADESMAN 零售商人,小商人 | PEDLAR 小贩,商贩

New Law Merchant:新商人法

(注:这种复兴的商人法被称为"现代商人法"(Modern Lex Mercatoria)或"新商人法"(New Law Merchant). ) 商人法是由商人们自己创造的用以调整他们彼此之间的商事关系的习惯和惯例的总称. 它产生于中世纪的欧洲. 到12-13世纪,