英语人>词典>汉英 : 哲人 的英文翻译,例句
哲人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
philosopher  ·  rishi  ·  saddhu  ·  sage  ·  swami  ·  swamy  ·  SAGE  ·  sager  ·  swamis  ·  oracles  ·  sadhus  ·  sages

wise man
更多网络例句与哲人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have known men infinitely nobler and more perfect than myself, like your father Antoninus, and have come across many a hero, and even a few sages.


When Alexander asked a group of Jain philosophers why they were neglecting to pay any attention to the great conqueror, he received the following broadly democratic reproach the historian Arrian reports

当亚历山大问一群耆那教哲人为什么不向伟大的征服者致敬时,他得到了如下颇具民主色彩的指责 l 历史学家阿里安

In this respect, the ascetic and the sage converge.


In fact, everyone's eyes, there may be a lot of people can do the things they want. Yet, a lot of people do not want to have to do the want to do, but I have seen such a philosopher, said : lost in the absence of the biped before, please do not for themselves without shoes and was unfortunate!


In the centennial history of China's library science it has experienced high tides and low tides.


Life is a chaplet of little miseries which the philosopher counts with a smile.


The last chapter illustrates the ultimate end and the persistence of Rousseau\'s political principle, which is the issue of self-cognition. The author thinks that Rousseau\' last work "The Solitary Walker\'s Reveries" provides us with the picture of philosopher\'s existence. The core of philosopher\'s existence is the life of contemplation, and Rousseau can realize his nature and be enclosed with the most heavenliness in contemplation, which is based on the separation between body and spirit and rooted in spirit.


The last chapter illustrates the ultimate end and the persistence of Rousseau"s political principle, which is the issue of self-cognition. The author thinks that Rousseau" last work "The Solitary Walker"s Reveries" provides us with the picture of philosopher"s existence. The core of philosophers existence is the life of contemplation, and Rousseau can realize his nature and be enclosed with the most heavenliness in contemplation, which is based on the separation between body and spirit and rooted in spirit.


This does not mean that research is no longer a natural philosopher, philosophers are still studying fearless nature, but at the same time begin study personnel, to understand political affairs.


Chol people political change resulting in the city of philosophers impression unwanted harmful to the city left a good impression, and the city exerts a subtle influence.


更多网络解释与哲人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

heavenly bodies:天体

教育最高阶段的课程是"神世",其核心章节是"神"的证明,其证成是通由天体(heavenly bodies)的运动. 这构成哲人教育,它与前述旨在培育勇敢德性的"武士教育"息息相关:武士的德性"勇敢"及其根基"thumos"(愤怒)和哲人的智慧及审慎(sophrosune)组成一套完整的教程规划.


狄俄蒂玛说,这种"追求"的最高状态就是哲学;哲人追求着美丽的"索菲亚"(Sophia),即智慧;哲学因而是"爱欲的"(erotic)沉思. 苏格拉底甚至把"爱欲"和"哲人"划了等号(Symposium 204b). 在此意义上,哲学的生活因而是处于匮乏中的生活,


hakam,(哈卡木)制裁人,, | hakim,智者;哲人,, | hukama',智者;哲人,,

On the lips of one who has understanding wisdom is found:明哲人嘴里有智慧

爱,能遮掩一切过错. but love covers all offenses... | 13 明哲人嘴里有智慧, On the lips of one who has understanding wisdom is found, | 无知人背上受刑杖. but a rod is for the back of one who lacks sens...

Un philosophe assis:坐着一位哲人

Sous le pont de Bercy 柏西桥下 | Un philosophe assis 坐着一位哲人 | Deux musiciens quelques badauds 两位乐师,一群看热闹的人

Philosopher's Stone:哲人之石,点金石,魔法石

7. make an agreement 达成协议,达成共识 | 8. philosopher's stone 哲人之石,点金石,魔法石 | 9. give thoughts to 考虑,思考




理趣:philosophic flavor | 哲人:Philosophic | 哲学思考:philosophic thoughts

wise man:哲人

这时候生活着耶稣,一个贤哲人(wise man),如果一定要称他为一个人的话. 因为他是一个取得了惊人业绩的人,也是乐意接受真理的人的老师. 他赢得了许多犹太人和希腊人. 他是基督. 当彼拉多(Pilate)听了我们当中地位最高的人对他的指控之后,

The Swamis and the Mysterious Light:哲人与奇光

Don't Hope,Decide! 不要只是希望 | The Swamis and the Mysterious Light 哲人与奇光 | Confessions of a Yoga Dropout 瑜伽退学生的自白书