英语人>词典>汉英 : 响应频率图 的英文翻译,例句
响应频率图 的英文翻译、例句


frequency diagram
更多网络例句与响应频率图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By means of the frequency analysis with the Bode figures, we studied the effect of the index of the cupula and the endolymph, respectively.


Figure 3 shows the frequency response function determined by the help of a modal analysis based on the impact hammer method.


Figure 4 shows the measured frequency response of the positive channel with respect to ground.


This figure shows that the power response is very smooth throughout the whole frequency range, and the controlled off-axis roll off of the tweeter.


BAW is used to on-line monitor the effluent from IC column.


By virtue of bifurcation diagrams, Poincaré maps, orbits, time histories and frequency spectrum diagrams, the nonlinear dynamic responses of the generator rotor and hydraulic turbine rotor with coupling faults were analyzed. The results confirmed rich nonlinear motions such as periodic motion and quasi-periods with different values of parallel misalignment and declination. Moreover, the process of rub-impact is so complex that many low frequencies with large amplitude are in the range of


According to the standard and request of mechanical structures for electronic equipment tests, the finite element model of the electronic equipment cabinet was built by using the software of finite element analysis-ANSYS and simulated the tests of random vibrations by loading and calculating. The 3-D isopleths graph of deformation and stress of the cabinet was obtained. It could confirm the maximum of deformation and stress of the cabinet and probability of occurrence. Through more analysis of the frequency response curve reflected directly and clearly the deformation of the cabinet within the particular seismic frequency.


With the fluid-solid coupling of train oil tank clue to train speed increase, the fluid-solid coupling modal analysis of G70B oil tank is calculated by NSYS. The finite element model of fluid-solid coupling system is set up. The fluid-solid coupling modal analysis of G70B oil tank is done for light oil tank train under different kinds of loads and its natural frequency and modal shapes are obtained.


An equal cross-section blade was investigated and a finite element model was built parametrically. Geometrical parameters (such as length, width and thickness), material parameters (such as young's modulus and density) and speed of blade were considered as input random variables while the static frequencies and dynamic frequencies were output random variables. Combining the finite element method, response surface method and Monte Carlo method, the statistical properties and cumulative distribution functions of static frequencies and dynamic frequencies were obtained. Probability sensitivities analysis, which combined the slope of the gradient and the width of the scatter range of the random input variables, was applied to quantitatively evaluate the sensitivities of static frequencies and dynamic frequencies with respect to the random variables. The Scatter plots of structural responses with respect to the random input variables were illustrated how to adjust the values of the static frequencies and dynamic frequencies by changing input random variables.


更多网络解释与响应频率图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amplitude error:幅度误差

H误差暂存器可以在单一频段上找出误差的特性,并将H误差暂存器放置于这个频率区域,而不是在单阶作法上找出一个幅度误差(amplitude error)的特性. 为了清楚地说明,图三中显示了在这个时域中的一般迴音路径脉冲响应,这正是H暂存器中所包含的.

bode plot:波特图

顺带一提的是,频应曲线图实际上是有两幅的,在控制工程中"波特图"(Bode Plot). 其中的幅频曲线图就是我们常见的频率响应图,另一幅叫做相频曲线图,是用来表示不同频率在经过了放大器后所产生的相位失真(相位畸变)程度的.

bode plot:波德图

透过如时距 (Time step) 响应或波德图 (Bode plot)的时间/频率分析出 (MIMO),与单输入/单输出 (SISO) 系统,并可利用模拟功能识别线性与非线性例来说,LabVIEW 系统识别 (System Identification) 工具组即可从实际的激源/可将动态系统布署至即时硬体系统,

Bode Plotter:波特图仪

4.4 波特图仪(Bode Plotter) 波特图仪能显示电路的频率响应曲线,这对分析滤波器等电路是很有用的. 可用波特图仪来测量一个信号的电压增益(单位:dB)或相移(单位:度). 使用时仪器面板上的输入端IN接频率源,输出端OUT接被测电路的输出端.

directional frequency diagram:方向频率图

directional flow component 定向流矢量 | directional frequency diagram 方向频率图 | directional frequency response characteristic 方位频率响应特性

frequency response characteristics:频率响应特性(图)

frequency response,频率响应 | frequency response characteristics,频率响应特性(图) | frequency reponse locus,频率响应轨迹图

transient response:暂态响应

这个自然频率的计算方式为最后令质量停止的摩擦力由一个阻尼系数(damping coefficient)定义,它的单位是s-1. 一般而言,摆荡的效果称为暂态响应(transient response),由一个周期性的阻尼讯号描述,如图5.24所示,其算式为

state variable:态变数

学习自动控制基础原理,包含应用拉氏转换建立系统模型,计算系统稳态及暂态时域响应;利用特性方程式及根轨迹(Root Locus)分析系统稳定性;使用波德图(Bode Diagram)分析频率响应;推导状态变数(State Variable)模型,分析系统特性.