英语人>词典>汉英 : 呼吸作用 的英文翻译,例句
呼吸作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与呼吸作用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The proportions of soil heterotrophic respiration to soil respiration are 45.5%, with a range of


This paper chose Carbendazim, Daconil, Imidacloprid and Methomyl as experiment objects, determined their influence to soil respiration of field, shed and school using obturate direct absorb method; discussed not only the variety of soil respiration under different pesticide's sorts, concentration and soil conditions but also the relationship between soil respiration and the variety of bacteria number in soil; confirmed the toxicity grade and dangerous index; provided an scientific basis for environment safety evaluation of pesticide's using.


The result showed by studing the Effect of Betula platyphylla Suk.plantation forest in gap of Stump on Soil Respiration rate,the effect of stump on soil respiration in gap will be a long time.


The experiment that aPplication of Put shows that Put can inhibit chlorophyll discomposing and lower POD activity; Lower concentration (about 5mmol/L) can decrease respiration rate; ethylene's synthesis result in prolonging the storage time; Higher concentration (about l0,20mmol/L) Put can activate the respiration in some degree and disadvantage to storage.


Cold -- temperature is elevatory, can make respiration enhances kind of seed, affect the character of kind of seed and gemmiparous rate directly, had better be in 2, save below the condition of 3 ℃, can reduce the respiration of kind of seed, maintain kind of seed to have longer vitality thereby.


If 0.01 M sodium malonate is added to actively respiring mitochondria that are using pyruvate as fuel source, respiration soon stops and a metabolic intermediate accumulates.


Demming B,Bjorkman O (1987). Comparison of the effect of excessive light on chlorophyll fluorescence (77K) and photo yield of O2 evolution in leaves of higher plants. Planta,171: 171~184Guo LW,Shen YG (1996). Protective mechanisms against photodamage in photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants. Plant Physiol Commun,32(1):1~8 in Chinese

孟庆伟等(1996)认为光呼吸可减轻光抑制,尤其在发生光合午休时更明显,而对光合作用却有反作用,Zelitch (1992)的研究表明光呼吸随温度的升高而升高,因此高蛋白小麦中午较强的光呼吸作用可能是其Fv/Fm下降较少,而净光合速率下降幅度较大的一个重要原因。

The OXPHOS electron transfer chain (mitochondrial respiration chain) is located on the inner membrane of mitochondrion and comprising of four large trans-membrane protein complexes (mitochondrial respiratory Complex I, II, III and IV) as well as ubiquinone between Complex I/II and III and cytochrome c between Complex III and IV.

摘 要:线粒体作为真核细胞的重要&能量工厂&,是细胞进行呼吸作用的场所,呼吸作用包括柠檬酸循环和氧化磷酸化两个过程,其中氧化磷酸化过程的电子传递链位于线粒体内膜上,由四个相对分子质量很大的跨膜蛋白复合体(I、II、III、和IV)、介于I/II 与III之间的泛醌以及介于III 与IV之间的细胞色素c共同组成。

MCP could inhibit the respiration of climacteric fruits such as Starking and Fuji apple and Feicheng peach in different degree, and this effect was not be able to convert by exogenous ethylene. On the contrary, the effect of 1-MCP on the non-climacteric fruit was not ascertainment: 1-MCP inhibited the respiration of strawberry stored at 20℃ during the whole storage time, while when stored at 0℃, 1-MCP didn't inhibit the strawberry respiration.


We analyzed and discussed the characteristics of cycle of carbon and water,and after having obtained important physiological parameters based on field experiment,a process-based, multilayer two-leaf model which calculates energy and material cycle separately for sunlit and shaded leaves was developed,then characteristic of CO_2 fluxes above the canopy was simulated.The main results are as follows:1.Characteristics of carbon and water cycle in the relationship of leaf photosynthesis -stomatal conductance-transpiration.


更多网络解释与呼吸作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aerobic respiration:有氧呼吸作用

由于脑部的正常功能要依赖大量的ATP,而这些能量就是依赖粒腺体透过有氧呼吸作用(aerobic respiration)将食物转化为能量,Kasahara及其研究团队因此推论,粒腺体中的DNA突变,导致的能量下降应该是影响行为改变的原因之一.

anion respiration:阴离子呼吸(作用)

"阴离子交换剂","anion exchanger" | "阴离子呼吸(作用)","anion respiration" | "阴离子交换柱","anion-exchange column"


例如光合作用(photosynthesis)电子传递效率下降;二氧化碳(CO2)固定效率变差;糖类代谢路径(glycolytic pathway)被五碳糖代谢路径(pentose phosphate pathway)取代;光呼吸作用(photorespiration)上升等,如果这些早期的生理代谢障碍不被排除,


photoreceptor光感受器 | photorespiration光呼吸;光呼吸作用 | photosynthesis光合作用


irrespirable . 不适于呼吸的 | photorespiration[植物]光感呼吸作用 | respirable . 可呼吸的


植物甾醇的性质甾...第五章 植物的呼吸作用 第一节 呼吸作用的概念及其生理意义 呼吸作用(respiration)是氧化有机物并释放能量的异化作用(disassimilation) .


resorption line 吸收线 | respiration 呼吸,呼吸作用 | respiration-apnae monitor 呼吸窒息监护仪

respiratory pigment:呼吸色素

7.呼吸色素( respiratory pigment):参与呼吸作用的蛋白质,能使血液呈现某种颜色,如血红蛋白、血绿蛋白、血青蛋白等. 颜色的变化常与其化学组成中含二价铜离子或二价铁离子离子有关. 8.消化系统与真体腔的关系:环节动物的消化系统为完全消化系统,

respirable dust:呼吸道尘埃

respirable aerosol mass monitor 呼吸式粉尘监测仪 | respirable dust 呼吸道尘埃 | respiration 呼吸,呼吸作用,一息,水中呼吸=>呼吸作用

respiration rates in incubated soil samples:培育土样呼吸作用的比率

respiration rates ==> 呼吸作用比率 | respiration rates in incubated soil samples ==> 培育土样呼吸作用的比率 | respiration reflex ==> 呼吸反射