英语人>词典>汉英 : 味道差的 的英文翻译,例句
味道差的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
distasteful  ·  unpalatable

更多网络例句与味道差的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is some mixed information about using branched chain amino acids and I know that there is company from Japan that has started making branched chain granules. In addition we have started to test them but they taste terrible and patients don't like to eat them.


It would probably be a little chewy, but I don't think it would taste so bad.


Because of this, I expect you to do what is necessary, no matter how distasteful it might be.


This is the mimicry by a palatable species of an unpalatable or noxious species.


Half an orange tastes as sweet as a whole one.


In his 1998 worst-dressed list, deriding the group as "the only spices on the planet that have no taste."


Around this time, we'd been out of MRE's for going on two days, and were drinking desalinated water, which tasted like shit.


Eg.This food tastes yukky.


However, Luzhou yellow cake, than the reputation of Laojiao Although a far cry from its Taste and Laojiao like it is memorable.


Milk, infant formula made reference to the composition of human milk ingredients, so that whey protein and casein protein content and ratio of close to breast milk, using unsaturated fatty acids and high content of essential fatty acids in milk of high quality vegetable oil substitute in the butter, add the lactose, At the same time off the milk in the high calcium, phosphorus and sodium, reducing the mineral content of milk, but also increased the content of breast milk and the milk in less than a number of nutrients, is an ideal milk substitute.


更多网络解释与味道差的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Law of Candor:坦诚法则

[/url]15坦诚法则(Law of Candor) 这个法则实际只是证明一句古话:诚实是最好的策略. Scope曾经凭一种味道比较好的漱口水进入由Listerine主导的市场. 面对挑战, Listerine不但承认自己的漱口水味道差,还承认人们实际上非常讨厌这个味道.

tea cosy:茶壶套

有人说,茶壶套(tea cosy)同雨伞一样,是典型的英国生活方式的体现. 有的英国人认为,一天最美妙的时刻就是睁开睡眼坐在被窝里喝茶,既不洗脸也不刷牙. 他们说,盥洗后再喝茶,味道就差多了. 他们习惯一次喝一杯,不像中国人一杯接一杯地喝.


distantremoteoutland 遥远 | distastefully 味差 | distastefulunpalatable 味道差的


distasteful /味道差的/不愉快的/讨厌的/ | distastefully /味差/不愉快地/ | distemper /大瘟热/病异状/不高兴/用胶画颜料画/使发狂/


增强口味 防止由PH缓冲所引起的口味变差及防治解冻时产生的滴水(drip)现象,防止味道流失,同时使得对味道主成份5-Nucleotide进行加水分解的酵素失去活性,增强口味.


我们通过行政楼层的礼宾员预订了酒店顶层45楼的美食家(Epicure)餐厅,但是那里的价格非常贵,饭菜的味道很差,服务也很糟糕. 我们想预订靠近窗户的餐桌,服务人员告诉我们那里的餐桌都是靠窗的. 但是我们到了餐厅以后,


unpaid /未付款的/ | unpalatability /不适口性/ | unpalatable /不适口的/味道差的/不好吃的/


originality 创意 | ? unpalatable 味道差的 | ? coagulate 凝结

rice vinegar:米醋

论口味 "草菇老抽" 最正宗,英国的醋有麦芽醋(malt vinegar),苹果醋(apple vinegar),和米醋(rice vinegar)三种, 味道各有千秋. 一般来说麦芽醋价格低廉,虽然口感略差,不过基本胜任一般菜肴的制作,例如糖醋排骨. 如果读者特别怀念中国的镇江陈醋,

rice vinegar:醋

论口味 "草菇老抽" 最正宗,英国的醋有麦芽醋(malt vinegar),苹果醋(apple vinegar),和米醋(rice vinegar)三种, 味道各有千秋. 一般来说麦芽醋价格低廉,虽然口感略差,不过基本胜任一般菜肴的制作,例如糖醋排骨. 如果读者特别怀念中国的镇江陈醋,