英语人>词典>汉英 : 周期发育 的英文翻译,例句
周期发育 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Cell cycle is the cell through a series of orderly changes in the cells to achieve cell growth and proliferation process of cell cycle regulation and individual development, differentiation, growth, regeneration, aging and cancer cells is closely related to eukaryotic cell cycle mitosis two key processes, namely DNA replication and sister chromatid evenly assigned to the sub-cells.


Zigongdongdou, was used to investigate photoperiod effects on the development of terminal inflorescence of soybean, plant type and agronomic traits, with emphasis on the role of long-day in the formation of raceme. The plants were treated with short-day of 12h for 13 days to induce the initiation of terminal inflorescence, and then moved to 16h long-day treatment for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks, respectively. After LDT, plants were returned to SD condition.


With this method, we had several important differences compared to the YDmodel. First, the ratio of daily increment of PDT and the deficit of both water and nitrogen was used to estimate the effect of environment. Second, a nonlinear function was adopted to describe vernalization and thermal effectiveness (instead of three-stage linear function). Third, sinusoidal function was used to describe photoperiod curve cluster for different cultivars.


Previous studies have demonstrated that primary spermatocyte can undergo meiotic divisions in MI oocytes and the resulting embryos can develop to term. However, the success rate is very poor.


E. staining and other techniques were used to elucidate the pattern of follicular development, atresia, changes in follicle number on the ovarian surface, proportions of apoptotic granulosa cells in follicles of different sizes and morphological changes of atretic follicles, as well as changes in serum estradiel and progesterone levels at different stages of the porcine estrous cycle.


The characteristics of the reproductive cycle in this specieswas the same as that of other typical Gastropoda animals.


The pattern of lunar cycle can be classified into three strategies:(1) Planulation of S. hystrix and P. damicornis showed clear lunar periodicity and the peak of larval release shifted with different months. The peak of planulation occurred around the full moon in winter then shifted gradually to the first quarter moon phase in summer. The phase shift of larval release may be related to the seasonal variation of seawater temperature and the sudden temperature drops caused by upwelling.(2) Planulation of S. pistillata showed clear lunar periodicity and the peak of larval release occurred around the full moon.


Effects of photoperiod on nymphal development were investigated in two subtropical populations of Periplaneta japanna living on Naha, Okinawa Islands (26N) and Hachijo island (N33N), Japan.


Oncidium on 15 hrs light period and night break treatments exhibited heavier fresh and dry weights, lower total soluble sugar content in pseudobulb because nutrient translocated for inflorescence development, however water content was no significantly different. After treatment of 9 hrs and 12 hrs light period, the total soluble sugar content in pseudobulb of Oncidium was higher than other treatments because of consuming less nutrient transfered from pseudobulb due to poor inflorescence development and the quality of inflorescence also showed worse.


Induction (diapasue and nondiapause; sex and non-sex) supervenes when summation surpasses the internal threshold. The review reports some characters of the photoperiodic counter in insects and mites, including the following aspects:(1) the accumulation of photoperiodic information during photoperiodic sensitive period of insects.(2) the thre...


更多网络解释与周期发育相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


什么是闭经: 闭经(amenorrhea)从未有过月经或月经周期已建立后又停止的现象. 年过16岁,第二性征已经发育尚未来经者或者年龄超过14岁第二性征没有发育者称原当归益母茶 当归5克,益母草8克. 2味沸水冲泡,或以水煎取淡药液,代茶饮用.

Chlamydia psittaci:鹦鹉热衣原体

一、病原 鹦鹉热衣原体(Chlamydia psittaci)包括人类的鹦鹉热、鸟类的鸟疫等的病原体. 衣原体是能通过鹭滤菌的专性细胞内寄生的微生物,同时含有 DNA和RNA,具有细胞壁和膜;通过二分裂方式增殖和特有的发育周期. 因为不同于细菌、立克次体和病毒,

growth curve of bacteria:细菌生长曲线

growth curve 生长曲线,增长曲线 | growth curve of bacteria 细菌生长曲线 | growth cycle 发育周期,生活周期

elementary body:原(生小)体

衣原体的生长发育周期分两个阶段:原生小体(elementary body),是发育周期的感染阶段;网状小体(initial body),是在感染细胞内的繁殖阶段. 原生小体先附着于易感细胞的表面,然后通过细胞的吞噬作用进入细胞内,形成网状小体在细胞内繁殖,

life cycle:生活周期

植物的生活史与世代交替植物从生长发育的某一阶段开始,经一系列生长发育生殖过程,产生下一代后又重现了该阶段的现象称为生活周期( life cycle)或生活史( life history).

critical photoperiod:臨界光周期

引起昆虫种群中50%的个体滞育的光照时数,称为临界光周期(critical photoperiod). 感受光照刺激的虫态,称为临界光照虫态. 临界光照虫态常常是滞育虫态的前一虫态,根据昆虫滞育对光周期的反应,可将昆虫分为以下4种滞育类型 1、短日照滞育型 即长日照发育型.


7、光周期现象(photoperiodism) 昼夜的相对长度对植物生长发育的影响叫做光周期现象. 植物的开花、休眠和落叶,以及鳞茎、块茎、球茎的形成,都受日照长度调节,即都存在光周期现象. 但其中研究得最多的是植物成花的光周期现象.

sex gland:性腺

男性的性腺(sex gland)叫皋丸,女性的性腺叫卵巢,它们分泌不同的性激素(性荷尔蒙). 卵巢分泌雌性激素和孕激素,分别控制排卵、怀孕和月经周期. 攀丸分泌皋丸激素,它刺激精子的产生. 性腺还促进第二性征的发育,如乳房的发育、音调的变化等.


cyclogeny | 周期发育, 生活周期 | cyclogram | 轮转全景电影摄影机拍摄的照片 | cyclograph | 圆弧规, 轮转式全景相机

perivitelline space:卵周间隙

第一极体位于次级卵母细胞和透明带之间的卵周间隙(perivitelline space)内. 次级卵母细胞随即进入第二次成熟分裂,停止于分裂中期. 人每个月经周期,可有若干个原始卵泡生长发育,通常只有1个卵泡发育成熟并排卵. 成熟卵泡破裂,