英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸收障碍 的英文翻译,例句
吸收障碍 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

absorbing barrier
更多网络例句与吸收障碍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Generally, blood lipids are transformed by the essential substance from food. Exogenous pathogenic factors, food and spirit stimulation would make the spleen not to transport the body fluid orderly, then the fluid retention is gonging to convert into wetness-evil or chyle in the blood, what is the phlegm-wetness in the blood.


It also remarkably relieved the bleeding, blood stasis of injured tissue, reinforce the absorption of hematoma and the dissipation of ecchymosis, as well as improve microcirculation disturbance.


Faulty absorption of endolymph by the endolymphatic sac: mainly caused by stenosis or atresia of vestibular aqueduct, malformation of endolymphatic duct/sac.


Glucosuria in part of the patients may arise from re-absorption dysfunction of renal proximal convoluted tubules.


A virus strain was isolated from the arthrosis of broiler chickens.The virus was shown to have spherical particles with isometric symmetry,no envelope,double deck capsids,with outer capsid of 75nm,inner one of 50nm in diameter by electron microscopy.The virus was not sensitive to aether,acid and heat.The virus could multiply on the chick embryo fibroblastcell,and could cause syncytial pathologic change with the appearance of cytoplasm inclusion bodies.The challenged chickens of one-day old by nasal,oral,intramuscular and pulvillus injection displayed obvious clinical symptom of severe arthritis and accompanied with pathological changes of malabsorption and necrosis.Meanwhile,four avian reovirus isolates CL,S1133,YH and YB were examined in the cross-neutralization test.


Meniere disease is a common inner ear disease characterized by a traid of symptoms: vestibular symptoms, auditory symptoms, and pressure. The etiopathogenesis of Meniere disease is unknown, and pathologic correlate of MD is endolymphic hydrops, which is mostly attributed to the deficiency of endolymphic sac's absorbtion.


AIM: To analyze one case with mental disorders and intellectual, memory and spatial obstacles caused by post-traumatic intracranial pneumatosis for 80 days and the pneumatosis was increased instead of being absorbed.


In GD patients without thyrotoxic periodic paralysis, thepathogenic mechanism of hypokalemia is probably caused by the damages to renal tubule, leading to potassium leakage from kidney.


Familial hyper-Cholesterolemia this is an inherited disorder in which individuals have a lack of functional LDL receptors preventing cholesterol from being taken up by the tissues.the resulting high blood cholesterol level leads to an increase in the formation of atheromas and can cause death from myocardial infarction during childhood.


"In the present study, the physiological difference between gastric bypass and billopancreatic diversion was exploited to highlight the link between lipid malabsorption and insulin action," explained Alza Muscelli, M.D., of the State University of Campinas.

巴西Campinas州立大学(Sao Paulo, Brazil)Alza Muscelli医生解释说:在当前的研究中,胃改道手术与Billopancreatic转移手术的生理学差异得到了探讨,突出了脂质吸收障碍与胰岛素活性支架的关系。

更多网络解释与吸收障碍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolutely unramified extension:绝对非分歧扩张

absolutely unbiased estimator 绝对无偏估计量 | absolutely unramified extension 绝对非分歧扩张 | absorbing barrier 吸收障碍

absorbing barrier:吸收障碍

absolutely unramified extension 绝对非分歧扩张 | absorbing barrier 吸收障碍 | absorbing medium 吸收媒体

Disordered anabolism:养料吸收障碍; 物质构成障碍

Disorder of pregnancy 妊娠病 | Disordered anabolism 养料吸收障碍; 物质构成障碍 | Disorganisation 器官组织紊乱


难吸收的阴离子经肾小管排出时 肾小管性酸中毒:钾吸收障碍 盐皮质水肿Edema水肿的一般概念定义(definition):人体组织间隙有过多的液体积聚从而使组织肿胀分类(classification): 全身性水肿(anasarca):液体在组织间 隙弥漫分布,


胱氨酸尿(cystinuria)为先天性代谢病,因患者肾小管对胱氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸和鸟氨酸的重吸收障碍导致尿中的这些氨基酸排出量增加. 由于胱氨酸难于溶解,易达到饮和,故易析出而形成结晶,反复发生结石、尿路梗阻合并尿路感染;

Bad Eating Habit:不良饮食习惯

饮食结构不合理 Incorrect Components of Diet | 不良饮食习惯 Bad Eating Habit | 消化吸收障碍 Disorder of Digestion and Absorption



congenital hydrocephalus:先天性脑积水

先天性脑积水(congenital hydrocephalus)是由于脑脊液分泌过多、循环受阻或吸收障碍导致脑室系统及蛛网膜下腔CSF过多积聚并不断增长,继发脑室扩张、颅内压增高和脑实质萎缩的总称.


Disordered anabolism 养料吸收障碍; 物质构成障碍 | Disorganisation 器官组织紊乱 | Dispersed favus 疎黄癣

vitamin A deficiency:维生素A缺乏[症]

维生素A缺乏症(Vitamin A deficiency)是由维生素A(Vitamin A)长期摄入不足或吸收障碍所引起的一种慢性营养缺乏症. 表现特征为生长发育不良、视觉障碍和器官粘膜损伤. 以仔猪多发,常于冬末、春初青绿饲料缺乏时发生.