英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸收介质 的英文翻译,例句
吸收介质 的英文翻译、例句


absorbing medium
更多网络例句与吸收介质相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The intensity of a ray of monochromatic light decreases exponentially as the concentration of the absorbing medium increases.


Based on this requirement we constructed a physical model of low Z material wrapped by strongly absorbing medium.


The light propagation within an absorbing medium and the reflection and refraction at the interface of two absorbing media are studied.


However, determination of an angle of refraction for a ray passing through a boundary between transparent and stronglyoptically-absorbing media is still quite difficult.


The transform formula of partially polarized GSM beam in dispersive and absorbing media as well as in anomalously dispersive media is derived.


Applying the derived formula, I calculated and analyzed the evolution of polarization degree and intensity of partially polarized GSM beam both in dispersive and absorbing media and in anomalously dispersive media. The spectrum properties of partially polarized GSM beam in anomalously are also discussed.


With the expression for the light propagation, the corresponding Snell's law and the expression of Fresnel coefficients are obtained, which can be applied to describe the re°ection-refraction event at the interface between an arbitrary combination of transparent and absorbing media.


Based on these results the mathematic model and spectrum equilibrating filter frame were designed.


It was validated experimentally. Under the optimized operating condition for transparent samples, the changing rate of the phase difference curve near the resonance angle was reduced with the enhancement of the sample's attenuation coefficient. This degrades sensitivity of phase detection of the SPR based sensors.


In this work, the ionic liquids was used as the microwave absorption medium and an ionic liquid-non polar solvent microwave extraction method was developed. The proposed method was applied to the extraction of the chemical constituents from the root of Panax ginseng C.M.


更多网络解释与吸收介质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorbing medium:吸收介质

吸收气体 absorbing gas | 吸收介质 absorbing medium | 吸收率,吸收量,吸收性 absorbtivity

absorbing medium:吸收性介质

absorbing ceiling 吸声天花板 | absorbing medium 吸收性介质 | absorbing well 吸渗水井

non absorbing medium:不吸收介质

nominal value 公称值 | non absorbing medium 不吸收介质 | non application of safeguards 保障监督非适用

strongly absorbing medium:强吸收介质

stronger rose water 浓玫瑰水 | strongly absorbing medium 强吸收介质 | strongly absorbing region 强吸收区

acoustical absorbing medium:吸声介质

acoustical absorbent 吸音材料 | acoustical absorbing medium 吸声介质 | acoustical absorption 声吸收

v absorbing power:吸收本领;吸收必

吸收介质 absorbing medium | 吸收本领;吸收必v absorbing power | 吸收棒 absorbing rod

a orbing medium:吸收性介质

a orbing ceiling 吸声天花板 | a orbing medium 吸收性介质 | a orbing well 吸渗水井

absorption current:吸收电流(非完全介质中)

paroccipital 枕骨旁部(的) | absorption current 吸收电流(非完全介质中) | hereditary basis 遗传基础

absorption current:吸收电流(非完全介质中的)

absorption cross-section 吸收断面;吸收截面 | absorption current 吸收电流(非完全介质中的) | absorption current of dielectric 介质吸收电流

absorption current of dielectric:介质吸收电流

absorption current 吸收电流(非完全介质中的) | absorption current of dielectric 介质吸收电流 | absorption curve 吸收曲线