英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸收不良 的英文翻译,例句
吸收不良 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与吸收不良相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These diseases detected were esophageal varices, erosive gastritis, bile reflux gastritis, xanthoma, duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, small intestinal cancer, small intestinal angiodysplasia, Crohn's disease, intestinal polyp, intestinal erosion and congestion, diverticula, colon melanosis and colonic cancer.


Collagenous sprue is a rare form of small bowel enteropathy characterized by chronic diarrhea and progressive malabsorption with little data available on its natural history.


In developing nations, kwashiorkor in children is another cause. Diabetes mellitus, obesity, and severe gastrointestinal malabsorption are additional causes.


Such as inflammation of joints, the lower leg, such as chronic venous insufficiency lead to long-term sustainability of the skin caused by congestive hairy; hyperthyroidism in Pretibial myxedema patch Department often long acuminatum out; hypothyroidism and limbs of children in the back outside a large number of hair growth; children with viral encephalitis and inter-brain barrier after mumps-induced systemic hairy; head injury, especially after the children more prone to hair; children with primary malnutrition or enteropathy, or other malabsorption, or severe infections caused by malnutrition could rise to a large number of multi-body hair; anorexia nervosa patients in the face, trunk and upper limbs have more hair grow; infant limb pain patients in the limbs, face, trunk and more hair; dermatomyositis patients, mainly in children can be located hairy forearm, leg and temporal, but also a broader scope; Berordinelli syndrome, that is, growth and maturity accelerated from an early age, and accompanied by malnutrition and intestinal muscle atrophy, common hepatomegaly and high blood fat, the skin of patients with rough, often hairy; addition of certain drugs such as streptomycin, such as cortisone can cause iatrogenic hairy; some women as a result of adrenal, ovarian and other diseases caused by increased androgen can also result in more hair.


However, in the case of overcoming a diagnosed B12 deficiency, one can follow an initial injection with oral maintenance supplementation (1 mg per day), even when the cause of the deficiency is a malabsorption problem such as pernicious anemia .


Usage and Dosage 】 Early spring, Early summer, Early Fall, and Early Winter and Late Winter, or silk, weak and malnutrition grass.


"It is used in the treatment of chronic blood loss hypermenorrhea, ulcer, tumor, haemorrhoids


Indications: gastrointestinal bleeding: n = 30 (16 positive findings: four ulcerative jejunitis, four polyps, two angiodysplasia, two blue rubber blebs, two Meckel's diverticula, one anastomotic ulcer, one reduplication); suspected Crohn's disease: n = 20 (11 had Crohn's disease); abdominal pain: n = 12 (six positive findings: three Crohn's disease, two lymphonodular hyperplasia, one blue rubber bleb); protein loss: n = 9; malabsorption: n = 12 (seven positive findings: six enteropathy, one ascaris).

适应症:胃肠道出血:n = 30(16例阳性结果:4例溃疡性空肠炎、4例息肉、2例血管发育不良、2例蓝色橡皮泡、2例麦克尔憩室、1例吻合处溃疡、1例增殖);可疑性克罗恩氏病:n = 20(11例克罗恩氏病);腹部疼痛:n = 12(6例阳性结果:3例克罗恩氏病、2例淋巴小结增生、1例蓝色橡皮泡);蛋白质丢失:n = 9(4例淋巴管扩张);吸收不良:n = 12(7例阳性结果:6例肠病、1例蛔虫)。

Children with Autism who are implementing SCD are demonstrating remarkable improvements in bowel function, language, eye contact, self-stimulatory behavior, anxiety, and mood. The Specific Carbohydrate Diet unlike other specialized diets works by removing the foods that cannot be properly broken down. The vicious cycle of malabsorption, maldigestion, inflammation, and food allergies seen in children with autism can be corrected using this dietary approach and healthy digestion can begin.

孤独症的孩子使用了 SCD 之后,情况在肠道功能,语言,目光接触,自我刺激行动,焦虑程度及情绪方面都表现出明显的改善,与其他专门食谱不同,特殊碳水化合物食谱去除了不能被完全分解的食物,使用这个食谱,可以改善孤独症孩子的吸收不良,消化不良,炎症和食物过敏,从此开始健康的消化过程。

Inaccessible calcium or low calcium seems to present itself more as a flattened appearance with collapsed veterbral scutes.


更多网络解释与吸收不良相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

total colectomy:全结肠切除术

全部吸收不良, panmalabsorption? | 全结肠切除术, total colectomy? | 全结肠炎, pancolitis?


这通常与胃的机能不良(dysfunction)有关系,例如胃酸不足,或者是胰腺的功能不足. 吸收不良是这样的,人体需要的饮食营养成分,包括氨基酸,被输送到大肠,然后随大便排出体外. 吸收不良可以通过低水平的苏氨酸以及其必须氨基酸来发现;

Bad Eating Habit:不良饮食习惯

饮食结构不合理 Incorrect Components of Diet | 不良饮食习惯 Bad Eating Habit | 消化吸收障碍 Disorder of Digestion and Absorption

acute glomerulonephritis:急性丝球肾炎

579,\\"INTESTINAL MALABSORPTION\\",\\"肠吸收不良\\" | 580,\\"ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS\\",\\"急性丝球肾炎\\" | 581,\\"NEPHROTIC SYNDROME\\",\\"肾徵候群\\"


indigestibility 难消化 | indigestible 不吸收的 | indigestion 消化不良


(3)色氨酸吸收不良症(tryptophan malabsorption)是由于消化道吸收色氨酸不良,结肠杆菌将色氨酸转变为尿蓝母(indican),再被氧化为靛青(indigo)而呈蓝色.

intrinsic factor:內在因子

维生素B12的吸收须藉由 胃分泌之内在因子(intrinsic factor)来结合,才能 由肠壁细胞吸收. 一般而言,极少因摄食不足而造 成恶性贫血,维生素B12缺乏通常是缺上海九院美容整形乏内在因子而 吸收不良的问题所造成的. 但是长期素食者仍应 注重B12之摄取,

Protein-Calorie Deficiency-"Kwashiorkor:(蛋白质-热量不足,恶性营养不良症)

Pica(异食癖) | Protein-Calorie Deficiency-"Kwashiorkor"(蛋白质-热量不足,恶性营养不良症) | Protein Digestion and Absorption of Amino Acids and Peptides(蛋白质消化与氨基酸和肽的吸收)


脂肪吸收不良又称脂肪泻(steatorrhea)是由于脂肪的消化和吸收不良所致的综合征,可在多种疾病中见到,如胰、肝,胆及肠道疾病. 由于肠道病变引起的脂肪泻,多同时伴有其他多种营养素的吸收不良,称之谓吸收不良综合征. 小肠是吸收各种营养物质的主要场所.

malassimilation syndiome:同化不良综合征

吸收不良综合征malabsorption syndrome | 同化不良综合征malassimilation syndiome | 回归热recurrent fever