英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸引人的场面 的英文翻译,例句
吸引人的场面 的英文翻译、例句


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This Level 3 Reader is packed with action and illustrated with gripping and colorful comic-book style artwork throughout.


Proust is perhaps the last great historian of the loves, the society, the intelligence, the diplomacy, the literature and the art of the Heartbreak House of capitalist culture; and the little man with the sad appealing voice, the metaphysician's mind, the Saracen's beak, the ill-fitting dress-shirt and the great eyes that seem to see all about him like the many-faceted eyes of a fly, dominates the scene and plays host in the mansion where he is not long to be master.

Proust 是或许爱的最后了不起的史学家,社会,智力,外交,文学和资本家文化伤心欲绝议院的艺术;并且小人以哀伤的吸引人的声音, metaphysician 的头脑, Saracen 的额嘴,似乎看所有关于他象飞行的多面的眼睛的不适配件穿戴衬衣和伟大的眼睛,控制场面和戏剧主人在他不是长的是大师的豪宅。

If the entire scenes are read down in which these passages occur (ex. gra. Plautus, Pseudolus, Act I. sc. i; Act IV. sc. 6; Trinummus, Act V. sc. 2), it will be perceived how effectually the attention of the person meditating the promise must have been arrested by the question, and how ample was the opportunity for withdrawal from an improvident undertaking.


更多网络解释与吸引人的场面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


搜狐娱乐讯 博懵二人女子组合Krusty成员张咏恩(Jan)及活己岚(Chucky),昨日到旺角闹市出席其代言的MEKO LemonV 果汁饮品宣传活动,更在烈日下邀请过千男生试饮柠檬果汁,吸引逾百名市民争相索取,场面一度混乱.

Johnny Mnemonic:(非常任务)

后来就没什么意思了狼人部队(Dog Soldiers)关于狼人的恐怖片,还比较吸引人夺命蜂巢(NID DE GUEPES) 法国枪战片,比较精彩,赶上好莱坞的水平了20040214剑鱼行动(swordfish)还比较精彩,结局部分有点出人意料2021黑色恐慌/非常任务(Johnny Mnemonic)场面一般的科幻片,

Shadowless Sword:无影剑

>(Shadowless Sword) 中国/中国香港/韩国合拍,06年舒淇激情上演的动作大片!还可以一看,尤其是影片中有几场根据八卦等布阵来进行打斗的场面还是比较能够吸引人的. >( Fearless )作为李连杰最重要的电影,也是他的最后一部武术电影,

Dog Soldiers:狼人部队

特种战线(Rangers)开头的空降到海中的场面还行,后来就没什么意思了狼人部队(Dog Soldiers)关于狼人的恐怖片,还比较吸引人夺命蜂巢(NID DE GUEPES) 法国枪战片,比较精彩,赶上好莱坞的水平了20040214剑鱼行动(swordfish)还比较精彩,

Three Kingdoms:三国

应该说,高导的<<新三国>>(Three Kingdoms)开篇部分还是把俺震了一下,场面大,服饰华美,剧情尚可,陈建斌的曹操、董贼及王允的戏份都说得过去,还算吸引人.