英语人>词典>汉英 : 启动发动机 的英文翻译,例句
启动发动机 的英文翻译、例句


start the engine · to fire an engine
更多网络例句与启动发动机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The CopperHead XD comes with a convenient electric start motor and the newly designed control panel makes operating the machine even easier.


Start the engine to normal operating temperature, it will join the crankcase of this product.


1While launching machine Dai soon suddenly accelerate, if the transition spray bore to stop, especially the vacuum type carburetor appear a transition badly, hybrid once annoy sparse but clean a carburetor transition after turning off by oneself the bore then can smoothly start to launch machine behind, after start in response to steady mildly accelerate, as far as possible avoid nasty acceleration, the factitiousness result in transition bad.


Dr. Halsey's last burn instructions solve that part of the problem, at least in theory.


I preflight my switches, insert the data transfer card, and start the engine.


The benefit of combining a DISI engine with i-stop (originally called SISS: Smart Idle Stop System) is that the system restarts the engine about twice as fast, and quieter, than conventional idle-stop systems.


Car flooded the water will enter the engine from the inlet resulting in engine flameout this time there will be water accumulation in the cylinder chamber and spark plugs in braving the water if the owner starts the engine the piston will Top connecting rod bend or even cylinder head roof leak causing irreparable damage.


How do you start the engine ?


In this position the driver is able to press the Keyball in order to start the engine.


DRIVE PERFORMANCE: two-stroke, air cooling engine, whose key parts is imported, is powerful and reliable. Excellent start-up performance guarantees prompt start, constant variable speed offers convenient and safety operation, chain-driven chan transmission minimizes power losses.


更多网络解释与启动发动机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3、热机启动时,应把节流阀置于"快速"(FAST)位置. 5、电动启动时,放置发动机开关到"起动"(START)位置,发动机即处于启动状态,若在5s内未能启动,应把开关旋离"起动"位置,等待10s以上再重新启动. 6、冷机启动时,当发动机变热后,

liquid propellant sustainer:液体推进剂主发动机

liquid propellant starter | 液体推进剂启动机 | liquid propellant sustainer | 液体推进剂主发动机 | liquid propellant unit | 液体火箭发动机


注意前面提及的磁电机(magneto)是独立于发电机以外的,它单独、自动给火花塞提供电能. 发电机开关(alt)及电瓶主开关(bat). 开车程序:在启动发动机前,先检查相关的开关、控制杆在关车的位置上,主要是油门杆拉回,混合比杆拉回,

pilot engine:辅助发动机,启动发动机

pilot differential relay 带辅助导线的差动继电器,引线式差动继电器 | pilot engine 辅助发动机,启动发动机 | pilot exciter 副励磁机

Start the engine:启动发动机

start symbol probability distribution 起始符的概率分布 | start the engine 启动发动机 | start time 起动时间,开始时间


5、电动启动时,放置发动机开关到"起动"(START)位置,发动机即处于启动状态,若在5s内未能启动,应把开关旋离"起动"位置,等待10s以上再重新启动. 6、冷机启动时,当发动机变热后,应把节流阀移开"阻滤"位置,割草时将其置于"快速"位置,

engine starting line:发动机起动管路

engine starting gear 发动机起动装置 | engine starting line 发动机起动管路 | engine starting 发动机启动


因为发动机长时间停止, 起润滑作用的机油会因地心引力而往下流到发动机底部, 发动机在冷车启动时, 位于发动机顶部的凸轮轴(CAM)及汽门(VALVE)润滑较不足, 所以磨损较大.

pilot engine:辅助发动机,启动发动机

pilot differential relay ==> 带辅助导线的差动继电器,引线式差动继电器 | pilot engine ==> 辅助发动机,启动发动机 | pilot exciter ==> 副励磁机

engine start lever:发动机启动手柄

parking-brake letch 停机刹车锁 | engine start lever 发动机启动手柄 | turn and bank indicator 转弯侧滑仪