英语人>词典>汉英 : 否认书 的英文翻译,例句
否认书 的英文翻译、例句


traversing note
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"I do not mean to deny the obvious fact that any system that allows for freedom of choice will create some balkanization of opinion," Sunstein writes, in "Republic.com 2.0.""Long before the advent of the Internet, and in an era of a handful of television stations, people made self-conscious choices among newspapers and radio stations."

"我并不打算否认一个明显的事实,即任何允许选择自由的体制将创立因意见观点分裂而互相敌对的阵营,"桑斯坦写道,在《共和党。com 2.0》一书中,"互联网诞生之前那段岁月里,即处在电视台占据主导地位的时代,人们在报纸与广播电台之间拥有自我意识的选择权。"

Also, between the ethical and the apocalyptic teachings of the Gospels and the Epistles and the teachings of the Essenes of the time, as given in Philo, in Hippolytus, and in the Ethiopic and Slavonic Books of Enoch, as well as in the rabbinic literature, the resemblance is such that the influence of the latter upon the former can scarcely be denied.


The current stories about Chinese authorities denying or hushing up the milk scandal only echo the behavior she describes in her book.


This condemnation was perfectly justified, because the heresy of Predestinarianism, in direct opposition to the clearest texts of Scripture, denied the universality of God's salvific will as well as of redemption through Christ (cf. Wisdom 11:24 sq.; 1 Timothy 2:1 sq.), nullified God's mercy towards the hardened sinner (Ezekiel 33:11; Romans 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9), did away with the freedom of the will to do good or evil, and hence with the merit of good actions and the guilt of the bad, and finally destroyed the Divine attributes of wisdom, justice, veracity, goodness, and sanctity.

这种谴责是天经地义的,因为邪的predestinarianism ,直接对立的最清晰的文本的经文,否认普遍性的上帝的salvific会以及作为赎回透过基督(参见智慧11:24平方1蒂莫西2 :一平方),无效上帝的怜悯,对淬硬罪人(以西结书33:11 ;入乡随俗2时04分, 2彼得3时09分),革除不适应生产力的自由意志做善事或恶,因此与优点良好的行动和有罪坏的,并最终摧毁了神圣属性的智慧,正义,真实性,善,和圣洁。

Tom took his whipping and went back to his seat not at all broken-hearted, for he thought it was possible that he had unknowingly upset the ink on the spelling-book himself, in some skylarking bout-he had denied it for form's sake and because it was custom, and had stuck to the denial from principle.


Tom took his whipping and went back to his seat not at all broken-hearted, for he thought it was possible that he had unknowingly upset the ink on the spelling-book himself, in some skylarking bout -- he had denied it for form's sake and because it was custom, and had stuck to the denial from principle.


Now, though the divisions that are amongst sects should be allowed to be never so obstructive of the salvation of souls ; yet, nevertheless, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lasciviousness, idolatry, and such-like things, cannot be denied to be works of the flesh, concerning which the apostle has expressly declared that "they who do them shall not inherit the kingdom of God."


Dowland disowned A New Booke of Tabliture, calling his lute lessons "falce and unperfect",[23] while Holborne complained of "corrupt coppies" of his work being presented by a "meere stranger".


It is conceivable that such as so thick small books is made into a wireless set is perfect-bound, as a result, you cannot go back and read a; b, anterior, and quite out of the round-bellied become down grilled; c, a-z of look and feel of the anamorphotic; d, and fell off the page folded edge book block fracture; E, knot cannot shorten the book bridgeis havemany life, unable to retain.


Survey results collected, prepared, scheduled a booklet called "Doomsday Book "(meaning it can not be denied the case record, the same as if Judgement)...


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像Tabu,还是在调制之前,Jean Carles就被告知这将是一款给娼妓(whore)用的香水. 可是,这所谓的"娼妓"的味道,在我闻来就像一本翻旧了的书一样舒服. 我不否认它的热辣,可非说它是娼妓的话,那么Opium又算是什么呢?恐怕也好不到哪里去.