英语人>词典>汉英 : 向右转 的英文翻译,例句
向右转 的英文翻译、例句


right face · turn right · rotation to the right
更多网络例句与向右转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two – after a Reverse Corte, Man making no turn, or after a Progressive Chasse to Right or Back Lock ended backing DW near a corner, the Man turning 1/4 to Right to face DW of new LOD to follow with a Chasse from PP


But in Souman's experiment, most subjects showed no strong bias for leftward or rightward turns.


First it make a circle to the right, then to the left.


A viable solution—one that increases speed, improves your defense and adds power to the first technique—is as follows: When you execute the left jab, rotate your body slightly to the right while bending your right leg, dropping your right shoulder (but not your hand, which will drop by virtue of the shoulder being lowered) and moving your head to the right.


B:Turn left outside here,go along until you come to the ninth road,turn right,go straight ahead,straight on at the round-about,down the hill,and turn right at the bottom.


Turn left outside here; go along until you come to the ninth road; turn right; go straight ahead, straight on at the round-about, down the hill, and turn right at the bottom.


The car started, went down the lane, turned right, turned left, turned right again and came out on a secondary road.


Turned to the right or spirally arranged to the right, as in the leaves on some stems.

右旋的 Dextrorse 向右转或向右螺旋排列,如叶片在一些基干上的排列方式。

Swinging it to the right forces the tail left and the plane yaws to the right; swinging it left has the opposite effect.


Wendy, a green turtle, right here, turn right, hard right!


更多网络解释与向右转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Make a right. Take a right:向右转,向右

[00:56.21]他花很多时间练习他们手臂 he spent most of his time exercising... | [01:01.25]向右转,向右! Make a right. Take a right! | [01:08.49]你在纽约做什么,丹中尉? What do you do here in New York, Lieut...

right face:向右转

Left as we go.|向左转 | Right face.|向右转 | Company right hut.|全体向右转

Right turn! Right face:向右转

向前看:Ready front! | 向右转:Right turn! Right face! | 向右转走!By the right flank, March!

right face ; right turn:向右转

向右看齐 right dress ; eyes right | 向右转 right face ; right turn | 准备活动 warm-up ;limber-up

Face right:向右转

下午集训,新生需要学会基本士兵礼仪,如立正(attention)、少息(ease)、齐步走(March)、向左转(Face Left)、向右转(Face Right)、敬礼(salute)等. 在这群高矮胖瘦男女老少当中,有几个人显得很与众不同:他们都梳着"寸头",身材健壮挺拔,

turn right:向右转

● 向左开火(Strafe Left) 自己定义● 向右开火(Straf Right) 自己定义● 向左转(Turn Left) 玩家可以用这个键来向左转,不管 是在地面或是水中● 向右转(Turn Right) 玩家可以用这个键来向右转,不管 是在地面或是水中.

About turn. Right turn. Left turn:向后转. 向右转. 向左转

21. Put out your left/right foot. 伸左脚/右脚. | 22. About turn. Right turn. Left turn. 向后转. 向右转. 向左转. | 23. Dress right. Dress left. 向右看齐. 向左看齐.

Turn left / right. Take the escalator to the second floor:向左转/向右转. 乘扶梯上二楼

6. The museum is really interesting. 那所... | 7. Turn left / right. Take the escalator to the second floor. 向左转/向右转. 乘扶梯上二楼. | 8. The drugstore is between the furniture store and the books...

Turn right here:向右转

Yeah, l thought l'd come over here and check out the scene.|我想过来看看. | Turn right here.|向右转. | -But l thought we were going to-- -Just-- Just turn right.|- 我以为我们是去... - ... 向右转吧.

yangwoo; turn right:向右转

108.向左转:jwawoon; turn left | 109.向右转:yangwoo; turn right | 110.训练厅;道场:dojang; training hall