英语人>词典>汉英 : 向东南的 的英文翻译,例句
向东南的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
southeast  ·  southeastward  ·  southeastwardly

更多网络例句与向东南的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows:- Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.


Consistent with the rift of the Eurasian plate and the northwestward spread of the Pacific plate, the stress field from large scale of mantle convection displays a skeleton of dumbbell shaped with sinistral compresso-shear at the north, dextral compresso-shear at the south and slip in the middle. Energy converge strong at the south is attributed to the northward movement of the Indian ocean.


As for coseismic deformation of Chi-Chi earthquake, the footwall of Chelungpu Fault moved southeastwards 0.3-1.5 m, and the value was increasing toward the fault; the hanging wall moved northwestwards 1.4-7.0 m, but the value was smaller south of the Choshui River. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, the hanging wall of Chelungpu Fault was still moving west-northwestwards and kept uplifting, while the footwall gradually changed direction from ESE to WSW or even WNW, clockwise resuming to inter-seismic deformation pattern. It is interesting to notice that despite the largest coseismic deformation in the northernmost segment of Chelungpu Fault, the post-seismic deformation peaked around the epicenter of Chi-Chi earthquake.

集集地震之同震变形,在车笼埔断层下盘向东南方向位移0.30~1.5 m,且越靠近断层位移量越大;车笼埔断层上盘则向西北方向大幅位移约1.4~7.0 m,浊水溪以南的位移量较小;集集地震以后之震后变形型态,以车笼埔断层为分界,上盘在震后向西北西方向位移的型态仍与同震时相同,下盘由同震时一致性的向东南东方向,逐步向西北西或西南西方向位移,亦即在车笼埔断层下盘有逐步依顺时针方向回归至震间的滑移型态;另就位移速率而言,虽然同震变形最大地区在车笼埔断层北端,但其震后的变形量最大地区,却集中於震央位置附近;就地震循环而言,震后的6年期间仍处於地层压密重整阶段,尚未回归至该区震间阶段的位移状态。

During the glacial maximum, Mu Us Desert extended southeasterly to the loess plateau, but when the last climatic optimum occured, the desert retreated more than 5 latitudes northwards.


The Taipei Domain basically moved east-southeastwards or southeastwards relative to Penghu, at a rate of mm/yr from 1992 to 1998 November. The only exception is the southwest the Linkou Tableland, which moved southwestwards. Two area with larger velocities are distributed roughly sub-parallel to the river mouth of Tanshui River, while the area in between has smaller slip rate.

台北地区相对於澎湖GPS监测从1992年至1998年11月期间的位移方向,除了林口台地西南侧向西南方向位移外,其余地区大致向东南东或东南方向滑移,其地表水平位移速率大多在5 mm/yr以下,出现位移速率较大的两个区块连线与淡水河出海口的方向平行,另两个区块中间则呈现位移速率较小的情形。

CP9 (X = 501 860, Y = 705 035); thence in a southwesterly direction to Corner Point No.

Eailroad Area的东北边的两个区域:第一个区域:从隅角点CP7(X = 501 810,Y == 705 010)起,边界线向东北方向延伸至隅角点CP8(X = 501 840,Y = 705 050);从该点起向东南方向延伸至隅角点CP9(X = 501 860,Y = 705 035);从该点起向西南方向延伸至隅角点CP10(X = 501 785, Y = 704 935)。

Evidence suggests that when northern snow forced teleconnection is generated in this season, anomalous zonal/meridional circulations are revealed in east Asia-western Pacific band; with east Asia-Pacific teleconnection formed, anomalous zonal circulation is dominant over that band; the anomalous vortex of north Pacific origin moves southwestward and, r...


The sandstone of reservoir spreads NNW-NW. The high thickness of sandstone develops in northwest and center of the study area, and it changes thinner to dactylitic pinchout in the direction of southeast.


A hook-shaped peninsula of southeast Massachusetts extending east and north into the Atlantic Ocean.


It is obvious that the doninat feature might be the existence of two quasi-permanent atmospheric active centers (the Alutian Low and the Tropical Pacific High) over this area.


更多网络解释与向东南的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


east-southeast 东南东 | eastabout 向东地 | eastbound 往东的


east-south-east 东南东 | eastbound 向东航行的 | easterlies 东风带


台风艾尔西(Elsie)於民国50年的今天午夜到达恒春东南近海,后续沿海岸北移至高雄后向西北而去,期间造成东南部豪雨,有9人死亡. 民国89年的今天,受来自撒哈拉大沙漠热浪的影响,土耳其濒临马尔马拉海的亚洛瓦省和黑海沿岸的科贾埃利省,

Euphrates River:幼发拉底河

(叶光庭) 幼发拉底河(Euphrates River) 亚洲西部的河流. 源于土耳其的埃尔祖鲁姆以北山地的卡拉苏河(又名西幼发拉底河) ,往西折向东南与发源于大阿勒山西流的穆拉特河(亦名东幼发拉底河)相会于凯班拦河坝以北后,始称幼发拉底河.

Llano Estacado:埃斯塔卡多平原

发源于德克萨斯州西部拉米萨(Lamesa)以北道森(Dawson)县的埃斯塔卡多平原(Llano Estacado),向东南经科罗拉多市,穿越丘陵起伏的草原和多山及峡谷的崎岖地带,经海兰湖系(Highland Lakes),过奥斯汀,横越沿海平原注入马塔戈达湾(Matagorda Bay,


街道以唐人街的中央大街为起点,分别向东北(NE),东南(SE),西北(NW),西南(SW)延伸,各有100多条大道(Ave)和若干大街(st). 大道间,大街间彼此平行,大道同大街间相互垂直,因此很容易辨认,只要会识阿拉伯数字,就不会迷路.


southeastwards 往东南 | souther 南风 | southerly 向南的


southeastsoutheastward 东南 | souther 正南强风 | southerly 向南的

Tbilisi:第比利斯 第比利斯

第比利斯:第比利斯(Tbilisi)是格鲁吉亚首都,全国政治、经济、文化中心,也是外高加索地区著名古都. 位于大高加索与小高加索之间,地处外高加索的战略要冲,濒临库拉河,海拔406至522米. 库拉河在第比利斯穿过陡峭的峡谷,呈弓形由西北向东南流去,


炮台中央为炮位,直径五点六米,周长十七点五米,安放着一门十九世纪德国"克虏伯"(krupp)造的一百二十二毫米线膛炮,借助铁轨转动,射向东南西三面. 中华人民共和国成立后,望仙坡辟为公园,1981年底,