英语人>词典>汉英 : 后鼻孔 的英文翻译,例句
后鼻孔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
choana  ·  postnaris

posterior naris
更多网络例句与后鼻孔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To study a new method for the treatment of congenital membranous choanal atresia.


Side cuts frontal Dou Genzhi and bazoo to use vaseline yarn on add iodoform gauze ram, 48h takes out vaseline gauze, art hind begins the 5th day to take out iodoform gauze. The haemorrhage after 1.3 art and haemorrhage of the nasal cavity after treating art or ooze blood 56, bleed among them more serious, hind nostril has blood to pour out of 7, seasonable application puts pillow on the ice below close observation, fight infection, hemostatic reach tranquillizer.


Methods were as follows: simple oil gauze was packed in anterior and anterior=posterior naris, partial suffers chosen opportunity and were performed microwave thermocoagulation hemostasis with rhinoscope.


Methods:318 children with OSAHS without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum, rhinitis, posterior naris stenosis, tongue body hypertrophy and etc.


Methods:318 children with osahs without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum, rhinitis, posterior naris stenosis, tongue body hypertrophy and etc.all cases were divided into two groups randomly, the cases with only one tonsilla ectomy and adenoidectomy was the reforming group ,the other cases was the control group.


Results: The lesion located in the left choana region and left sphenoidal sinus of this case involved the left pharyngeal mucous space, left infratemporal fossa and its adjacent bone structure. CT showed that the rhinoscleroma in granulomatous stage was a soft mass which was irregular in shape, with a well-defined margin, inhomogeneous density and bone destruction. MRI showed heterogeneous hyperintensity on T1WI and isointensity on T2WI with an intermediate heterogeneous enhancement.


Results The distance from the anterior naris to the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus was (65.36±3.58) mm and that to the bottom of the hypophyseal fossa was (79.18±3.71) mm.

结果 前鼻孔到蝶窦前壁的距离(65.36±3.58)mm;前鼻孔到蝶鞍底部的距离(79.18±3.71)mm;鼻后孔弓到颅底的距离(21.18±4.31)mm;后鼻孔弓到蝶窦开口的距离(13.22±3.36)mm。

We reconstructed the 3-D and virtual endoscopy image about nasal septum, frontal area of the apertura of sphenoidal sinus, sphenopalatine foramen, sphenopalatine artery and sphenoidal sinus use Volume Rendering, Multiplanar Reformation, Virtual Endoscopy and Curved Planar Reformat, and measured and ,about undertaked The nose, nasal septum, sphenopalatine artery, anterior region of the aperture of sphenoidal sinus, sphenopalatine artery and adjacent structures of hypophysial fossa were dissected, observed, measured and analysised the dependency anatomic structure at the same time.

结果: 一、标本解剖 1、鼻孔长径11.32±0.82(10.2~13.2)mm,鼻孔短径7.85±1.21(5.2~9.8)mm。鼻中隔厚度在前、中、后部分别为5.02±0.42(3.8~5.4)mm、5.57±0.47(4.5~6.4)mm、5.55±0.55(4.8~6.4) mm。 2、鼻中隔骨与软骨交界处距前鼻棘21.26±2.47(18.1~27.6)mm,距鼻孔内侧缘中点33.72±3.52(27.1~40.6)mm,距鼻小柱30.12±2.84(26.9~36.8)mm,距蝶窦口下缘38.04±3.49(32.4~45.1)mm,距后鼻孔41.82±3.96(36.9~50.1)mm。四方软骨中部厚度、边缘厚度、前后径、上下径分别为:1.12±0.13(0.92~1.42)mm、1.28±0.24 (0.83~1.67)mm、30.93±4.52(24.9~40.6)mm、29.94±2.14(24.8~34.3)mm。 3、蝶窦口长5.64±0.39(4.92~5.94)mm,宽3.58±0.22(3.10~3.96)mm,距上鼻甲尾部9.5±0.9(8.5~12.1)mm,距上鼻道未端14.5±1.1(12.5~16.4)mm,距中鼻甲尾

There were 2 cases of congenital meningoencephalocele.


Different surgical approaches to the sphenoid sinus should be chosen based on the target of the operation; the arcus choanalis, the middle and superior turbinates are invariable orientative landmarks for sphenoid sinus.


更多网络解释与后鼻孔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nares posterior:后鼻孔

\\"麻醉的,麻醉药\\",\\"narcotic\\" | \\"后鼻孔\\",\\"nares posterior\\" | \\"拿刚塞火鸡\\",\\"Narragansett turkey\\"

postnasal packing:后鼻孔填塞术

鼻填塞术 nasal tamponade, nasal packing | 后鼻孔填塞术 postnasal packing | 鼻成形术 rhinoplasty

postnasal packing:后鼻孔填塞

postnasal pack 鼻后孔填塞 | postnasal packing 后鼻孔填塞 | postnatal growth 出生后生长


chloruria 氯尿 | choana 后鼻孔 | chocolate cyst 巧克力样囊肿


chlorotic 萎黄病的,褪绿病的 | choana 内鼻孔,后鼻孔 | Choanichthyes 内鼻鱼亚纲


chlorylene | 三氯乙烯 | choana | 漏斗后鼻孔 | choanate | 内鼻孔鱼

Choana; Apertura nasalis posterior:后鼻孔;鼻后孔

后颅窝 - Fossa cranii posterior | 后鼻孔;鼻后孔 - Choana; Apertura nasalis posterior | 听觉管 - Tuba auditiva


postmyocardialinfarctionsyndrome心肌梗塞后综合征 | postnaris后鼻孔 | postnasaldrip后鼻滴注

Choanae, posterior nares:后鼻孔

海绵窦血栓性静脉炎 Thrombophlebitis of the cavernous | 后鼻孔 Choanae, posterior nares | 后鼻孔闭锁 Choanal atresia

posterior nare; choanae; p. nasal orifices:后鼻孔

后肠系膜神经丛 posterior mesenteric plexus | 后鼻孔 posterior nare; choanae; p. nasal orifices | 后神经孔 posterior neuropore