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后验 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与后验相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this algorithm, the direction-of-arrival is assumed to be a discrete random variable with a priori probability density function defined on a set of candidate points. Whether or not the secondary sample is required is based on the a posteriori probability distribution of a set of candidate point"s, which can be calculated from the array received signals. And then, the resulting beamformer is a weighted sum of the beamformers pointed at the latest set of point"s, which are combined according to the value of the a posteriori probability for each pointing direction.


If further refinement is to be performed then the aposteriori error estimators are used as a guide as to show the refinement mightbe accomplished most efficiently.


The coordinate transformation and numerical integration was executed on the discretized tetrahedral elements based on which the 3-D MT vector-finite element method was implemented. A whole computation framework for 3-D vector-finite element method with unstructured mesh was given. Based on this some typical models were tested which has demonstrated that our algorithm could distinctively avoid problems caused by the fake solution and both the accuracy and efficiency were enhanced which made our algorithm has a bright future for further application.3. According to theory of Sobolev vector space and the discretization of Helmholtz space, the error estimate which was suitable for 3-D MT vector-finite element modeling was deduced by which the procedure of adaptive technique was guaranteed.4. Based on the fully unstructured tetrahedralization and optical strategy, the 3-D magnetotelluric h-adaptive vector-finite element method was presented through combining the error estimate. With this work, the accuracy and creditableness for 3-D MT complicatedly modeling was guaranteed.5. The 3-D magnetotelluric h-adaptive vector-finite element algorithm with unstructured mesh was implemented.


Finally we studied the problem of the lower Bayesian confidence limit on the process capability index C_ The Jeffreys'non-informative prior distribution depending on Fisher's information is explored. The posterior distribution of C_is conducted.


We will demonstrate the specification of reference prior distribution on the random covariance matrix. We will consider the approximate uniform shrinkage prior and approximate Jeffreys' prior. Both are formulated based on the approximated likelihood function. Under generalized linear mixed models, we show that the posterior mode under Jeffrey's prior is asymptotically closer to the REML estimate than the mode under uniform shrinkage prior does.


However the posterior density functions of character parameter, skew parameter and location parameter are multi-mode, so the slice sampling is used to make the algorithm more efficient.


Then give a conveniency and applied Bayes-information fusion method when prior information comes from different sources, and find the prior distribution and posterior distribution of the failure rate.


This paper presents a novel multiple object segmentation algorithm based on a Bayesian framework. According to the characteristic of the intra-frame and inter-frame information, a representation of Maximization of the A posteriori Probability of spatio-temporal label field is proposed. So a minimization of energy function is obtained.


The computation of posterior probability considers the evidence E certain without dealing with uncertain evidence,in terms of this,the posterior probability is split the difference according to the probability of evidence appearing in Bayesian network and its extension network of Credal network,and is expressed by Credal set so as to provide the base of decision-making for decision-maker.


The computation of posterior probability considers the evidence E certain without dealing with uncertain evidence,in terms of this,the posterior probability is split the difference according to the probability of evidence appearing in Bayesian network and its extension network of Credal network,and is expressed by Credal set so as to provide the base of decision-making for decision-maker.


更多网络解释与后验相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

posterior density function:后验密度函数

poster 广告;海报;标语 | posterior density function 后验密度函数 | posterior distribution 后验分布

Posterior distribution:后验分布

参数被看成是随机变量,它的概率分布有两种:第一种是在试验之前就已经知道的被称为先验分布(prior distribution),它可以通过对以往的关于参数的知识进行总结作一个主观判断得到;第二种是在试验之后得到的被称为后验分布(posterior distribution).

final posterior distribution:最终后验分布

final position 最终位置 | final posterior distribution 最终后验分布 | final pressure 终压,最后压力

truncated posterior distribution:截尾后验分布

truncated plant 截主枝植物 | truncated posterior distribution 截尾后验分布 | truncated sample 截断样本

posterior probability:后验概率; 事后概率

positive number 正数 | posterior probability 后验概率; 事后概率 | post-multiply 后乘; 自右乘

a posterior probability:后验机率

"a posterior probability","后验机率" | "a posterior probability","后验机率" | "a priori probability","先验机率"

the posterior probability density function:后验概率密度函数

增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变:posterior vitreous detachment | 后验概率密度函数:the posterior probability density function | 后房型人工晶状体:posterior chamber intraocular lens

Posteriori Probability Theory:后验概率理论

后验知识:a posteriori knowledge | 后验概率理论:Posteriori Probability Theory | 后验误差估计:the posteriori error estimation

a posteriori probability:后验机率

"a posteriori probability","后验机率" | "a posteriori probability","后验机率" | "a priori estimation","先验推估"

Probability a posteriori:后验概率

probability ==> 概率,可能性,或然率,几率,机率 | probability a posteriori ==> 后验概率 | probability after effect ==> 后效概率