英语人>词典>汉英 : 后膛 的英文翻译,例句
后膛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
breech  ·  breeched

更多网络例句与后膛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the first case the speed of boat would be added to the muzzle speed of the bullet, and in the later it would be subtracted-again in accordance with the theorem for the addition of velocity.


In order to solve the technical problems of cold pressing of de-hulled double-low rapeseed ,a new twin-screw press with a principle of combination of joggling and non-joggling was designed and manufactured,the pressing chamber of which had characteristics of multiple-stage compression and relaxation and a thin layer of when pressing.

为实现双低菜籽脱皮后的冷态压榨,研制了一种双螺杆榨油机,采用啮合式和非啮合式相组合的原理,在榨膛内实行多级压缩和松弛及薄料层压榨,其理论压缩比达23.0,榨膛长径比达11.5,压榨时间达180 s,并具有强大的物料自清功能,解决了脱皮菜籽仁在榨膛内输送困难的问题。

In this paper a new method is given for measuring thetemperature of propellant gases on the projectile in muzzles after firing.


US Navy BL guns of the period had recoild buffers and fast tarversing mechanisms - they just lacked the interrupted screw breech and fixed ammo to make them QF - or RF rapid fire as they called it.

也已经出现。美国海军在这个时期的后膛炮都拥有驻退复进机以及快速回旋机构,它们与速射炮(英国人称为Quick Fire,美国人则称之为Rapid Fire)相比只缺乏中断螺纹炮闩以及固定式弹药而已。

In breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing.


A sliding bar in a breech-loading firearm that ejects an empty cartridge and replaces it and closes the breech .


A metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing.


The parts of a gun that make up the breech.a metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing.


The small hole at the breech of a gun through which the charge is ignited.


The result shows that the movement of the propellant grains is complex and relative to the ignition system very much. Guns with center tube ignition and flame-spreading system can alleviate the accumulation of the propellant effectively, and will have better performance.


更多网络解释与后膛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Action [枪机] 枪械机件的总成,包括枪身(DangerCode)、机匣(receiver)、后膛(breech),以及其他机件结构,这些机件结合起来互相连动,以完成上膛、发射、退壳的动作.


Breech plug 后膛螺锁 | Breechloader 后膛枪 | Bren LMG 布伦轻机枪

breechloader:后膛枪, 后膛炮

breechless | 无后膛的 | breechloader | 后膛枪, 后膛炮 | breechloading | 后膛装弹的


breeching 炮索 | breechloader 后膛炮 | breechloader 后膛


chasse 快滑步 | chassepot 后膛步枪 | chasseur 猎师


breeching | 马的屁股带, 炮索 | breechless | 无后膛的 | breechloader | 后膛枪, 后膛

Breech plug:后膛螺锁

Breech block 闭锁块 | Breech plug 后膛螺锁 | Breechloader 后膛


breech 后膛 | breech-loading 后膛装填的 | breech-loading 后装式的

breech-loading:后膛装填的, 后装式的

breech || 臀部 | breech-loading || 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing || 炮闩轴衬


breech loader ==> 后膛枪 | breech loading ==> 后膛装填 | breech lock ==> 闭锁卡铁,闩锁,闩锁