英语人>词典>汉英 : 后房 的英文翻译,例句
后房 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

the rear-room of a house · posterior chamber
更多网络例句与后房相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods 15 of 48 aphakic eyes are implanted IOL through a clear corneal tunnel incision, others are fixed IOL under irrigation into vitreous cavity.


Result The concentration-time data of tetrandrinein aqueous humor was subject to two-compartment open model.

结果 粉防己碱5 mg结膜下注射后房水内有较高的药物浓度,药-时曲线符合二室模型。

At present, second-hand housing market in Guiyang, the price of the 25 million or above高档房accounted for the overall availability of the 1 / 4, the houses are newly built in 2000 after the maturity of the community house with elevator, price, location are relatively fit, active turnover gradually.

目前,二手房市场在贵阳,价格在25万元或以上的高档房占总供应的1 / 4 ,是新的房屋建于2000年到期后的社会住宅,电梯,价格,位置相对合适,成交逐渐活跃。

Results: In all 13 patients, non-contact mapping showed AFLs confined to the RA with the cycle length (230 ±20 ms). 6 patients presented single-loop re-entry circulating around the central obstacle in the anterolateral wall through the channel between the CO and the crista terminalis .Seven patients presented "8" re-entry, and the gap of upper and lower loop located in CT in 4 cases, another 3 cases with upper loop and free-wall single-loop re-entry. RF of CT gap and/or the free-wall channel was effective in eliminating these AFLs in 13 patients.

结果 经 NMS标测证实13例患者折返均在右房内,激动在右房内的折返平均时间为230±20ms.6例房扑患者为单折返环,围绕右房中心障碍区折返,激动在心房的前壁穿过中心障碍区与界瘠之间的狭窄通道。7例患者证实为2个折返环,其中4例表现为上下折返环形成"8"字形折返,共同的传导通道在界瘠;另外3例表现为折返环1个在心房上部,1个在前游离壁。13例消融界瘠或前游离壁后房扑终止。

S before operation and preoperative use of antiglaucomatous medications. ECCE with PCIOL implantation could be helpful to the control of I.O.P. in patients with angle-closure glaucoma after iridectomy.


Has收房of Mr. Liu is a 6 building owners,收房him after he was found to reflect a small bedroom side wall drum very much about top four or five centimeters.


Lens is controlled by zonule fiber and ciliary muscle that are suspended in the posterior chamber. Therefore, rotation and displacement of lens may occur owing to the stretch of lens accommodation and the inequality of coefficient of elasticity.


The slip knot was tightening by the drawn-string through the cardiac catheter which can be removed after decannulation. The modified Dennis cannulation was done with left ventricular assistance from the left atrium (via right external jugular vein) to the right subclevian artery in 6 dogs.


The authors applied a series of eperimental and clinical determine methods forths first time in our country, such as electron microscope, specular microscope and ulrra- sonic pachymeter, to analyse and compare the effect to the cormeal endothelium between the posterion chamber phaco and intereaprular phaco. Therefore, the author evaluated objec- tively the intercapsulat phaco and it developing prospect.


It seems to be much more easy-going in practice than the jealous harems of the Mohammedans.


更多网络解释与后房相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anterior chamber:前房

眼球损伤后,虹膜血管渗透性增加或由于血管破裂出血,血液积聚在前房称外伤性前房积血. 外伤性前房积血多见于眼球挫伤,是一种常见的并发症. 那前房在哪呢? 前房(Anterior chamber)的前界为角膜内皮,后

aqueous humor:房水

3.房水 房水(aqueous humor)充盈于眼房内,为含少量蛋白质的透明液体. 房水是由睫状体血管内的血液渗透及非色素上皮细胞分泌而成的. 房水从后房经瞳孔至前房,继而沿前房角经小梁网间隙输入巩膜静脉窦,最终从静脉导出,房水的产生和排出保持动态平衡,

baobab tree:面包树(房后的树,在后山上)

1.Tent 帐篷 | 2.Baobab Tree 面包树(房后的树,在后山上) | 3.Giraffe Browsing 长颈鹿吃嫩树叶

iris bombe:虹膜膨隆

6.虹膜膨隆(iris bombe):由于房水不能从后房向前流通,受阻在后房,使后房压力增加,房水蓄积使虹膜向前推移而呈膨隆状态. 7.并发白内障:虹膜炎症时,房水性质改变,房水中的炎症毒改变了晶体外在环境,从而也变了晶体正常的生理代谢,

on a winter evening round behind the gashouse:地點選在冬季云天夕霞掩映照耀的轟炸過后的瓦斯爐房邊

while i was fishing in the dull canal 而我 ... | on a winter evening round behind the gashouse 地點選在冬季云天夕霞掩映照耀的轟炸過后的瓦斯爐房邊 | et o ces voix d'enfants,chantant dans la coupole! 長安...

posterior chamber:后房

trabecular meshwork小梁网 | posterior chamber后房 | vitreous玻璃体

spence; spense:伙食房;肉房;食物室

spelding经海水浸渍后晒干(指牙鳕等) | spence;spense伙食房;肉房;食物室 | spenserroll去骨的牛脊肋肉

posterior subcapsular:后囊下白内障

后房 posterior chamber | 后囊下白内障 posterior subcapsular | 后葡萄膜炎 posterior uveitis

camera posterior bulbi:眼后房,眼球后房

camera pedestal 摄像机机架,摄像机台座 | camera posterior bulbi 眼后房,眼球后房 | camera pulse 摄像脉冲

Tearooms and Back Rooms:茶房与后房

Suicide自杀 | Tearooms and Back Rooms茶房与后房 | Teenagers青少男