英语人>词典>汉英 : 后半时 的英文翻译,例句
后半时 的英文翻译、例句


second half
更多网络例句与后半时相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the late half of 20th century, the visual angle of Chinee studies in Japan probed to view China using a new light andchanged the old view that seeing China as a backward country lagging behind in the process of modernization.


Year-old children after the evening performance for the teeth, some children are not one-half-year-old teeth, the former delayed fontanel closure, often in one half-year-old is still not closed.


Year-old children after the performance for a tooth late, and some part-time 1-year-old children have not yet out of teeth, the former delayed fontanel closure, often in the 1-year-old and a half years later is still not closed.


Four nights out of teeth or missing teeth, some children are not one-half-year-old teeth, the former delayed fontanel closure, often in one half-year-old is still not closed.


Shawcross embarked on a loan move to Belgian side Royal Antwerp in the second half of the season, and quickly endeared himself by scoring a late winner at KAS Eupen.

06-07的后半赛季肖克洛斯被租借到了比利时的安特卫普。在对阵KAS Eupen时最后时刻的进球带来的胜利让他顿时成为了球队的偶像。

If true, this "predates the Chinese discovery of the geomagnetic lodestone compass by more than a millennium".


Son 6 years old this year, 3-year-old part-time, it is autumn,嘴都swollen mouth and around all cracked, and the doctor said that perioral dermatitis, due to the lack of vitamin To open a small-M did not eat the latter, and subsequently to the second year in the summer of their own just fine.


VOA的SpeciaI English节目一般历时半小时,依次为10分钟的News,接着为5分钟的Environment Report、A griculture Report、Science Report、Development Report、People in the News、Words and Their Stories,最后是15分钟的 This ls America、Science in The News、Ex ploration、The Making of a Nation


If it is exclusive breastfeeding, nursing mothers can serve calcium, milk-fed babies have a calcium deficiency symptoms should calcium agents, such as calcium gluconate, milk half an hour after feeding, a sub-fed two or three times better absorption and also cod liver oil should continue to serve on weekdays Rideau sun 9:00 choose a more moderate after the sunlight, as much skin exposed limbs, to the best of direct sun to sun, the sun through the window glass was not effective, it should also be noted, In addition, when the sun of the need to protect your baby's eyes, not straight into the sun.


The immediate cause of the disaster was a breakdown in the snap-together final assembly process in Toulouse that has served the company well for over 30 years. Rear fuselages made in Hamburg were supposed to arrive in Toulouse with all their wiring ready to plug into the forward parts coming in from factories in north and west France.


更多网络解释与后半时相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

second baseman:二垒员

"second base","二垒" | "second baseman","二垒员" | "second half","后半时"

Spaghetti bolognese:意大利肉酱面

随便炒了个意大利肉酱面(Spaghetti Bolognese)和墨西哥什锦菜(Fajita). 一个是学西餐时的拿手菜,一个是超市里买来半现成的. 半个多小时后,拿出3个透明玻璃杯洗净,测试开始!如果用冰淇淋作比,那"Pils"是"光明","Mrzen Export"是"和路雪",


假定谷物每夸脱(Quarter)价格八十先令时,劳动者工作一星期,受谷物一浦式耳(Bushel);跌价至四十先令时,受谷物一浦式耳又一夸脱. 又假定,他家每星期消费谷物半浦式耳,其余则以交换他物,如燃料,肥皂,蜡烛,茶,糖,盐等. 在后一场合,


上端位于枕外隆凸与眉联线的中点后半时吋(inch)处,其下端居额骨颧突上0.25吋(inch)及后1.5吋(inch)处. 又称甘加(Ganga)氏绷带. 一种卷轴带. 用以控制止血,用时由下向上鼠自发性脑脊髓炎的病原体,与人类脊髓灰质炎病毒(poliovirus)相似,



ordinal numeral:序数词

表示顺序先后的数词叫做序数词(ordinal numeral),如:first,second等. 注:用倒读法时,注意past, to的用法:前半小时包括整半点30 (half) 用"已过分钟 past 已过点钟";后半小时用"还差分钟 to 将到几点钟". 副词(adverb)是用以修饰动词、形容词、其它副词以及全句的词,


[安息](Parthia)音译帕提亚. 亚洲西部的古国. 本波斯帝国一行省(伊朗高原东北部). 后隶属亚历山大帝国及塞琉西王国. 公元前249-247年独立,阿萨息斯一世(ArsacesI)称王,建阿萨息斯王朝. 公元前二世纪后半叶(张骞赴西域时)领有全部伊朗高原及"两河流域",

semiconservative replication:半保留复制

半保留复制(semiconservative replication):一种双链脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的复制模型,其中亲代双链分离后,每条单链均作为新链合成的模板. 因此,复制完成时将有两个子代DNA分子,每个分子的核苷酸序列均与亲代分子相同,


所谓"心电感应 "(telepathy)是指一个人对另一个人的心灵状态及活动有超感官知觉力,它是廿世纪后半叶"超心理学"研究领域中的一个热门课题. 人类长期累积的经验及最近的实验室研究均指出,作梦时是产生心电感应的一个良好时机--梦中栩栩如生的事件正发生于百里或千里之外,


其工作方式包括:(1)标签收到阅读器的射频能量时,即被激活并向阅读器反射标签存储的数据信息;(2)标签被激活后,根据阅读器指令转入数据发送状态或者休眠状态. 在这两种工作方式中,前者属于单向通信,后者属于半双工(Semiduplex)双向通信.