英语人>词典>汉英 : 名称论 的英文翻译,例句
名称论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与名称论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The Laws of Manu" is the English designation commonly applied to the "Manava Dharma-sastra", a metrical Sanskrit compendium of ancient sacred laws and customs held in the highest reverence by the orthodox adherents of Brahminism.

"法律的马努"是英文名称通常适用於"摩纳婆达摩论"的韵律梵文汇编古代神圣的法律和习俗举行的最高崇敬的正统派信徒Brahminism 。

The Pneumatological Ecclesiology of Karl Barth: With Special Emphasis on Church Dogmatics §62, 72


On this foundation, this text draws lessons from classification method and classification name of the ancients physically according to the creations of song text, for one hand, According to the subject matter , divided Song prose into the saint and wise minister , ancient wise ,and the miscellaneous of three types, and according to the people of the past, carry on a define to"miscellaneous",for the other hand, from the motivation of writing ,dividing the song text into"to be subjected to order","being request to someone"and"scholar independence writing"three types, try to follow the science , integrity and exclusively standard to classify , and under the premise of categorized, carried on an initial define to the song prose, explicite the song prose the content of this literary style, and finally, in remaining part, we talk about the cultural and literary value about song prose .


In Nome, however, Michels wishes people would get a better grip on the difference between fiction and reality, not to mention geography.


He stated the first version of the Law of Conservation of Matter, recognized and named oxygen (1778), disproved the phlogiston theory, and helped to reform chemical nomenclature.


As a matter of fact, Chinese also uses morphological processes, such as suffixation of the argument names, and English also zero-marks its nominalization, such as conversion by zero affix.


Prof. Hsio-Fu Tuan,a member of Academia Sinica and eminent mathematician in China, has made outstanding contributions in the theory of modular representations of finite groups, algebraic Lie algebras and the study of p-groups,especially their "Anzanl" theorems.


The originality of the present research is its inquiry into brand name translation in the light of the Theory of Adaptation (Jef Verschueren, 2000:13) and its exploration of the dynamic functioning of cultural adaptation in brand name translation from a pragmatic perspective.

本研究的创新之处在于运用顺应论(Jef Verschueren,2000:13)指导品牌名称翻译,从语用学角度探讨了品牌名称翻译中文化的作用,指出动态的文化顺应在品牌名称翻译中的重要性。

By dividing vox and sermo, he said it is only universal words that can be regarded as really existing universals.


Darwin had initially decided to call his book An abstract of an Essay/on the/Origin/of/Species and Varieties/Through natural selection/, but with Murray's persuasion it was eventually changed to the snappier title: On the Origin of Species, with the title page adding by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.


更多网络解释与名称论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


二、后现代主义(post-modernism)及社会建构论的影响症状在系统中的意义是具功能性的,是反映个人适应(adjustment)或对环境的反应而非个人病理. 若因保险或展现能力需要可用诊断,但须aware诊断名称是针对个人缺陷之基础


此前对商学一无所知或所知甚少的近200名学生已经被召集来,参加一门正式名称是>(Analytics)的课程-不太正式的说法叫"数学夏令营"-的学习. 其目的是让我们能够跟得上3周之后入学的另外700名同学.

atomic theory:原子论

"原子论"(atomic theory)这一名称看来证明了这种对立,但是,仅仅对一名肤浅的观察者来说是这样. 让我们来举一个我们能够找到的最简单的例子:通过原子论,水被解释成是两种元素即氢和氧的化合物,以此方式组成水的分子,每一个水分子由三个原子构成,


年代最早的印度医学著作是英国人鲍威尔(Bower)中尉于1890年在印度发现的一些手抄卷子,其年代约在公元前四世纪. 这些卷子举出了一些药物的名称及其用法,后来在二世纪的医道大成>(Charaka)和五世纪的论外科学著作>(Susruta)中,

Symbolic interactionism:象徵互動論

象征互动论(Symbolic Interactionism)以美国芝加哥大学生为中心的一派社会心理学家的种种观点的总称. 该名称为后人所加. 本世纪20~30年代,随着这个学派的发展,其成员分散到美国的各所大学,象征互动论也随之传播开来. 根据学者P.罗克的分析,


nominalistic 唯命论的 | nominally 名称上 | nominally 名义上地


nominalistic /唯命论的/名义主义的/ | nominally /有名无实地/名义上地/名称上/ | nominate /提名/任命/指定/推荐/

theory of pangenesis:泛生论

认为生物的生殖细胞中含有控制性状发育的遗传因子;而"基因"(gene)一词作为遗传单位的名称,则是在1909年由约翰森创造的,该词是由德.弗里斯创造的"泛生子"(pangene)一词缩短而成的,而"泛生子"一词则衍生于达尔文提出的"泛生论"(theory of pangenesis).


nominalist /唯名论/名义主义者/ | nominalistic /唯命论的/名义主义的/ | nominally /有名无实地/名义上地/名称上/


terminator 终结者 | terminism 名称论 | terminism 悔罪限期说