英语人>词典>汉英 : 各种各类的 的英文翻译,例句
各种各类的 的英文翻译、例句


all kinds of · all manner of
更多网络例句与各种各类的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Greg in The Enigmas of Life, has been lavished on our allotted home; beauties to enrapture every sense, beauties to satisfy every taste; forms the noblest and the loveliest, colours the most gorgeous and the most delicate, odours the sweetest and subtlest, harmonies the most soothing and the most stirring; the sunny glories of the day; the pale Elysian grace of moonlight; the lake, the mountain, the primeval forest, and the boundless ocean;'silent pinnacles of aged snow' in one hemisphere, the marvels of tropical luxuriance in another; the serenity of sunsets; the sublimity of storms; everything is bestowed in boundless profusion on the scene of our existence; we can conceive or desire nothing more exquisite or perfect than what is round us every hour; and our perceptions are so framed as to be consciously alive to all.


Our production all kinds of EVA products.


In university, there are many opportunities for students to mix and mingle with people from all walks of life.


I have all kinds of books are indispensable for spiritual sustenance, enriched my life.


There are varieties of students committees on campus and you can join the ones you favor.


The cow that picks and chooses its food gives milk only in dribblets, but if she eats all kinds of plants, then her milk flows in torrents.


I drilled him as representing in turn all sorts of people out of luck and suffering dire privations and misfortune.


Is one: the petrochemical, chemical, metallurgical, mechanical, electrical, pharmaceutical, light industry and the nuclear industry and other professional services industries, the production of material specifications, heat-resistant steel, resistance Steel mill heat-resistant alloy steel, rare earth wear-resistant steel, high-pressure high-temperature nickel chromium alloy steel: Steel Casting products, high temperatures centrifugal cast pipe casting, centrifugal cast pipe (casting thickness: 5 mm ---- 60mm, outside Drive: 50 mm ---- 1600mm, single-tube products such as super-6 m diameter size of the cast pipe products) tube, cracking furnace tube, and into the furnace, the furnace tube radiation, radiation control, the loser of the ash, the reaction of various Furnace roll, roll bottom, the furnace roll, sank roll, roll stability, and various types of precision casting fixture, heat-resistant steel castings, and Steel Plant for Hot Piercing Plug casting, casting industrial furnace, heat treatment furnace industrial castings , Heat-resistant castings, wear-resistant steel castings, various types of chemical process pumps, plastic alloy centrifugal pump fluoride, fluoride alloy pump, stainless steel pumps, valves, pipe, steel-lined composite of various pieces, all kinds of PTFE Plastic pipe, fin tube heat exchanger, paper, chemicals, light industrial and textile enterprises such as air-conditioning GL Ⅱ type, U-radiators, welding a variety of stainless steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, high-frequency finned tube , Studded tube, sawtooth-shaped fin, and other products of the manufacturing enterprises.


No—all afflictions in all areas of life.


They have to bear the heavy traffic, dirty air and various kinds of din.


更多网络解释与各种各类的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all kinds of:各种各类的

put to it 逼使 | all kinds of 各种各类的 | to run like a redshank 走得很快


企业介绍:上虞市虞南玩具厂创建于1990年,主要生产各种规格的多米诺骨牌(Dominoes)和骰子(Dice). 产品规格齐全,花样繁多,技术先进,拥有多台先进机械设备,能研究开发各类新的产品系列. 我们将以最新的产品,最优的质量,热忱为新老客户服务,

intensive care:重症监护

(四)重症监护(intensive care) 重症监护是指对收治的各类危重病患者,运用各种先进的医疗技术,现代化的监护和抢救设备,对其实施集中的加强治疗和护理.

jumper skirt:背心裙

背心裙(Jumper skirt)指上半身连有无领无袖背心结构的裙装. 这种造型多为中学校园服装所采用. 现代裙类名称,又称"马甲裙". 上面是一段背心式的上衣,下面和各种式样的裙子相连接,穿着方便,美观实用. 里面可衬穿衬衫或各类针编织物与毛线编结服装,

put to it:逼使

isotopic dilution 同位素稀释, 同位素冲淡 | put to it 逼使 | all kinds of 各种各类的


本指南中,对于零食(snacks)的定义是:非正餐时间食用的各种少量的食物和/或饮料(不包括水). 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所的专家翟凤英、张兵和于冬梅对各类零食进行点评,家长们可按照营养专家的指导,放心地给孩子们吃零食.

Victorian Values:为婚礼及晚装制做各类高级的胸衣

Axfords 提供女式背心、灯笼裤及专业制作男女背心 | Victorian Values 为婚礼及晚装制做各类高级的胸衣 | Vito Valenti 生产皮带及定做各种皮革制品

Vito Valenti:生产皮带及定做各种皮革制品

Victorian Values 为婚礼及晚装制做各类高级的胸衣 | Vito Valenti 生产皮带及定做各种皮革制品 | Dawn Knight Collection 提供各式各样的帽子、头冠、手提包及精美的各式

Chinese Eaglewood:沉香

本站专业对沉香(Chinese Eaglewood)的种植、开采.加工和批发零售. 经营的品种多种多样,有来自世界各种各类高中低档的沉香如:

