英语人>词典>汉英 : 叹息 的英文翻译,例句
叹息 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
groan  ·  sigh  ·  sighs  ·  suspiration  ·  suspire  ·  yammer  ·  sighing  ·  groaned  ·  groans  ·  sighed  ·  suspired  ·  suspires  ·  suspiring  ·  yammered  ·  yammering  ·  yammers

heave a sigh
更多网络例句与叹息相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Actually, loves is to your affection gaze, has loved can congeal asigh, actually is non- word being reluctant to part with. Turning


But in that sigh the new day has already begun to dart away.


If there is one thing I deplore it is heartless sex.


The lazzarone sleeps under the arcade, whose pavement in old times was to be trodden only by the feet of high nobility.


Flowers fall for listening when you sigh,"Sansei Stone", trance like between their inside role; Even in casual edge to edge parallels in the nature be it fate carved in stone sigh Sansheng heaven can not be forgotten on both sides of Sansei stone tease points to stay two lines of tears no regrets even if unable to fend off heart would hurt Sansei stone carvings left on time can not be forgotten by God to tease sigh points left tears on both sides of Sansei two lines of stone ......


The sightseer ,,观光者,, speaks highly of the highway with sigh


The sightseer观光者 speaks highly of the highway with sigh


But it is a blessed burden, and it is a groan whose undertone is praise and unutterable joy. It is "a groaning which cannot be uttered."


In unforeseen predictable reunion, we think that the Federation have been reunited, the Association Predestiny again, thinking that I am sorry to say, but never thought to wave goodbye every time, is likely goodbye; A Sigh, the world is likely to last The A Sigh.


Piazza San Marco,(Piazza del san.marco) as the most romantic squares, pigeons here is the greatest feature Bridge of Sighs, Bridge of Sighs connecting the two buildings are the courts and prisons; In general, people enter the prison will not go out alive, and the Bridge of Sighs became the last of their only place to see the sun, After prisoners here will be sent to Buzi Jin A Sigh, with the passage of time, the sigh sigh on a "Bridge of Sighs"...

圣马可广场,(Piazza del san.marco)被誉为最浪漫的广场,鸽子是这里最大的特色叹息桥,叹息桥连接的两座建筑物分别是法院和监狱;一般来讲,进入监狱的人都不会活着出去的,而叹息桥就成为了他们最后唯一可以看见阳光的地方,因此,囚犯们经过这里的时候都会不自禁地发出一声叹息,久而久之,这些叹息就叹成了&叹息桥&了……总督宫,威尼斯共和国时期的最高权力机关;粉红色的大理石外墙,连续的尖型拱门和四辨花型圆窗,属于典型的哥特式风格。

更多网络解释与叹息相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


behind the curtain 秘密地 | bemoan 悲悼;叹息;表示惋惜 | bid 试图;尝试;投标

a despairing sigh:绝望的叹息

Despair of something 对某事绝望 | a despairing sigh 绝望的叹息 | Frustrate 使沮丧,挫败

someone sigh who was break-heart still dottiness:叹息着谁又被伤了心却还不清醒

听海哭的声音 hearing... the sound of sea cry | 叹息着谁又被伤了心却还不清醒someone sigh who was break-heart still dottiness | 一定不是我至少我很冷静 It's not me because I still very calmness

sigh ; draw a long breath:叹息

深呼吸 breathe deeply | 叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath | 喘息 pant


suspiciously 猜疑着 | suspiration 叹息 | suspire 叹息


suspiration 叹息 | suspire 叹息 | sustain 确认

sighing dyspnea:叹息式呼吸困难

sighing 叹息 | sighing dyspnea 叹息式呼吸困难 | sign 体症,标记,符号

suspirious:深呼吸的; 长叹的; 叹息的

suspire 叹息,叹气 | suspirious 深呼吸的; 长叹的; 叹息的 | respirator口罩,防毒面具,人工呼吸装置

When sighing and weeping encompasses me:当叹息正不禁,眼泪流滴滴

当世上正没什么可鼓舞, When nought in the world can give comfort ... | 当叹息正不禁,眼泪流滴滴, When sighing and weeping encompasses me, | 主,擦干我眼泪,平静我叹息. Lord, still all my sighing and wipe ...

Zagen - Cantatas:(眼泪、叹息、颤抖、悲伤)

BWV10 - Meine Seel erhebt den Herren - Cantatas (我的灵魂颂扬... | BWV12 - Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen - Cantatas (眼泪、叹息、颤抖、悲伤) | BWV13 - Meine Seufzer, meine Traenen - Cantatas (我的叹息,我的...