英语人>词典>汉英 : 司法制度 的英文翻译,例句
司法制度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
judiciary  ·  judiciaries

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In order to fulfill the judiciary purpose of settling disputes and retaining social stability, judiciary justice should be authoritatively established.


In the conclusion, fair and square of the judicatory is the key connotation of the restructure of the global judicial system. And it is the main content of the field of judgement from the intendance of WTO. So only to build up an open and efficient judicatory on the basis of tradition culture trait is China's rational choice.


In the conclusion, fair and square of the judicatory is the key connotation of the restructure of the global judicial system. And it is the main content of the field of judgement from the intendance of WTO. So only to build up an open and efficient judicatory on the basis of tradition culture trait is the Chinas rational choice.


The perfection of the judicial system is the foc...


So the establishment unifies to efficiently become one of the initial missions that the nation faces at present with the candor incorrupt judiciary, the judicatory independence then becomes work core of contents, it is foundation and premise that other systems reform, having decisive function to the reform of the whole judiciary.


The first juvenile court in the world was established in state Illinois of the US in 1899, which is regarded as the beginning of the Juvenile Justice System .


Finally, this chapter ends by the form of peroration to ponder macroscopically over the problems concerned with judicial reform, which lays theoretical basis for further research.


It is necessary to adopt the restorative justice to increase access to justice and reduce crime.


Chinese judicial personnel undertakes the hope and the future of a nationality, which is the foundation and precondition to found the harmonious and the legal environment of the socialism. Unjustness of law-officers cause unfair justice directly.


Although both judicial rescue and the legal aid,on the whole,are the judicial system,which safeguard people's legitimate rights,who are in financial difficulties,ensure to realize social fairness and justice,however,due to the difference constituting the subject to perform the two systems,examination procedure,scope of application,condition.etc,the abnormal situation of noncoordination,noncooperation exists.n the course of performance,which affects the functioning of the two systems.


更多网络解释与司法制度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

extrajudicial documents:司法以外文件

司法行为judicial action | 司法以外文件extrajudicial documents | 司法制度judicial system


无政府主义对于美国自由的激励当然以1887年11月芝加哥"干草市场"(Haymarket)广场惨案为顶峰,并且永不衰退. 那些被无辜绞死的无政府主义烈士宣告了美国司法制度对自由的践踏,同时也教育了后起的自由主义者们在争取自由的斗争中对美国司法制度表现出极大的蔑视(注1).

inquisitorial system:审讯制度

adversarial system: 抗辩制度 | inquisitorial system: 审讯制度 | criminal justice: 刑事司法

judicatory system:司法制度

司法审查:judicatory review | 司法制度:judicatory system | 司法监督:Judicatory supervision


judgment order 判决令 | judicature 司法权;审判制度;司法 | judicial liquidation 法院判令的清盘

Judicial review system:违宪审查制度

违宪审查制度:Judicial Review System | 司法审查制:The system of judicial review | 司法复审:the judicial reexamining system.

judicial committee of the privy council:枢密院司法委员会

在现代,Lord Chancellor在司法方面的作用主要是作为上议院议长和枢密院司法委员会(Judicial Committee of the Privy Council)顾问. 尽管这两个职位是在19世纪的议会改革和司法改革中正式确立的,但其渊源则均可追溯到被称为"各种政治制度之胚胎"的御前会议.

the judicial reexamining system:司法复审

司法审查制:The system of judicial review | 司法复审:the judicial reexamining system. | 司法鉴定制度:judicial system

quasi-judicial nature:类似司法的性质

quasi-judicial function 类似司法的职能 | quasi-judicial nature 类似司法的性质 | """quasi-ministerial"" system" "类似部长制"制度

criminal justice system:刑事司法系统;刑事司法制度

criminal justice processes and perspectives in a changing world;变动中的世界的刑事司法程序和展望;; | criminal justice system;刑事司法系统;刑事司法制度;; | criminal law;刑法;;