英语人>词典>汉英 : 可转移性 的英文翻译,例句
可转移性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可转移性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The skills possess are highly transferable and can be applied to a," said Hoskins.


We try to find out more methods to releasing pressure and its probabilities to provide design circles or the related toy manufacturers with guidelines and opinions.The study result showed that Healing toys can be separated into five types, the type that is a personification in vision for appreciation purpose, the type that is controlled by the human voice and can interact with people, the type that can make an action by theuser's touch control for entertainment purpose, the type that is sensitive to the light and reacts with regular actions, and the type that contains IC chips and has some kinds of artificial intelligence. Through three rounds of Delphi method, we knew that the word "Healing" was named because the healing toys can soothe, relieve and transfer the strong pressure inside somebody's mind. The characteristics of those toys are having cute appearance, harmlessness, tenderness, lovableness, two-way interaction, addition function that can give surprise, and relationship related with emotions of oneself.The concrete feelings given by the healing toys are happiness, relaxation, reducing pressure, transferring attention, deferring bad moods, and having the power to change emotions. Besides, the healing toys are considered suitable to be assisting materials to heal somebody's mind by playing games because it has characteristics of helping to transfer or relieve negative emotions and helping to transfer attention. The questionnaire results from Mature age generation indicated that the most favorable, healable and desirable toy is the type that contains IC chips and has some kinds of artificial intelligence; and the type that is a personification in vision for appreciation purpose is in contrast. Considering the related perspectives toward the healing toys, people of Mature age generation mostly agree the expert, Delphi for his viewpoints.


The corporate form of organization benefits from limited liability, permanency, transferability of ownership, and better access to capital markets.


It can be shown that it is precisive and reliable to calculate the molecular energy using ABEEM method. The parameters are transferable and consistently usable.


Our aim is to introduce basic philosophy, history, design, and application of the universalistic Swedish welfare state and allow the participants to discuss the potential transferability of its discrete elements to the client's home country.


But our country's present social security system actually has the hindrance function to the occupation mobility, the main performances are as follows: Two units social security system, the unequal tax revenue system in the social security, social security singleness in view of the impoverished social class, hardly carried and transferred characteristics of social security system , ignoring benefits protection of mobile staffs, lack of social security legislation , slow development of service system of social security ,lack of policies and measures on promoting regional motilities insocial security system.


One of the tenets in the gospel of American pop culture is the widely held creed of transferability of mind.


One of the tenets in the gospel of American pop culture is the widely held creed of transferability of mind.


One of the tenets in the gospel of American pop culture is the widely held creed of transferability of mind.


Of the most influential and practical significance is the Polanyi made from the perspective of transferability of the division will soon be divided into explicit and tacit knowledge, knowledge.


更多网络解释与可转移性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antigenic shift:抗原转移

水平基因轉移也可以經由抗原轉移(antigenic shift)、基因重整(reassortment)與雜交反應(hybridisation)等現象觀察. 病毒能夠透過轉導作用(transduction)在物種間傳遞基因[41]. ...高等考试营养师考试,高等暨普通考试兽医人员考试...42 核酸重组(reassortment)可发生於下 何种病毒...性感冒病毒(Influenza virus) 副 性感冒病




此病人最可69 45 岁 性大肠 癌瘤(carcinoid tumor)合并肝转移,此病人最可能的右心内膜病变为:71 关於感染性单核球症(infectious mononucleosis)的叙述,下 何者错误?74 何种情况的细胞会出现脂褐素(lipofuscin)的堆积?78 多形性(pleomorphism)最常出现於:

transfer payment:转移性支付

於是,个人所缴交的税款亦会上升,而个人可支配收入(disposable income, Yd)却因此下降,消费开支也因而减少; 因为经济增长的关系,转移性支付(transfer payment)等福利支出减少,而政府用於消费和投资的开支保持不变,财政赤字收缩.

Transferable Skills:可转移性技能评估表

95沟通分析评估表Transactional Analysis 404 | 96可转移性技能评估表Transferable Skills 409 | 97价值观评估表Values 415

Transferable Skills:可转移性技能

95沟通分析Transactional Analysis 404 | 96可转移性技能Transferable Skills 409 | 97价值观Values 415


ambulance 救护车;野战医院 | ambulant 可走动的,转移性的,移动性的 | ambulate 移动,步行,走动



Metastatic tumours:转移性肿瘤

转移性肿瘤(metastatic tumours)垂体的转移灶(pituitary tumour deposits),垂体继发性肿瘤(secondary in pintuitary). 免疫组织化学特征是原发性肿瘤所表达的免疫标记. 一些肿瘤有特征性的免疫组织化学标记. 乳腺癌可表达雌激素受体和孕激素受体.

transferable vote:可转让的选票

transferability 可转移性 | transferable vote 可转让的选票 | transferable 可转移的