英语人>词典>汉英 : 可试的 的英文翻译,例句
可试的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可试的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The temperature for pathogen sporangium to germinate and to release moving spore is 5~35oC,the optimum temperature is 10~20oC.Under suitable temperature, the sporangium germinate and release moving spore within 2 hours, water film is the essential for sporangi...


If your pup's butt keeps popping up, you can try luring the puppy under something like your bant knee or a chair spindle.


If your pup's butt keeps popping up, you can try luring the puppy under something like your bant knee or a chair spindle.


Ing method. We found, after statisticsing the 91 tested preface classification data′s result, that Stress=0.13481<0.20,DAF=0.86519>0.60,and the model draws up to match well and has the certain rationality. Organizational management structure of the Jin-merchant in the Ming and Qing dynasty could be divided into five dimensionali?鄄ties:(1)the form of inspiritment methods is diverse;(2)the personnel system is enlightened;(3)the principle of the personnel selecting is objective and strict;(4)strategic measure of human resource can keep on the develop?


Three linearity test samples or six circulars test samples (may by revolve compaction machine, librate and press machine, the Marshall meter, or path take the mold intrinsic controllable high temperature which core obtains) puts in specially makes, are dry or immerse the environment mean test.


If this list doesn't provide you with the help you need, try rephrasing your query.


The rule space model is a cognitive diagnose model which combines with the cognitive psychology and psychometric. It can be applied to identify cognitive errors in students' problem solving and to classify the examinees into a set of attribute-mastery patterns.


Thus, record companies and karaoke OK Group launched独家试唱songs, fans can watch the box OK karaoke song music video or the song试唱in order to attract the business of karaoke OK box, and make Hong Kong audiences to pay attention to the local music scene.


Region surrounding Lake Balaton during the summer season when levels of tourism are at their highest. Tourist information and frequent police controls are considered the most effective measures for crime prevention.

启发 观光活动固然可带来众多的正面效益,但是同时也会带来许多负面影响,可试著分析其他观光地区的犯罪问题,以提供旅游当地政府做为参考及发展出应变之道。

For something Western, try the croissant, stuffed with scrambled eggs, cheese and Canadian bacon.


更多网络解释与可试的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Google Docs 试算表(Spreadsheet) 最大的特色除了可输入Google提供的资料并自动更新外,也可以从其他网站输入资料并自动更新. 今次介绍如何以ImportHtml(url, query, index)从其他网站输入资料.

pressure test point:试压点

包括气体用具通气管内可作为烟道用的管道的任何部分;"烟道管"(flue pipe) 指构成烟道的喉管,但不包括设置在烟沟内作为衬管用的喉管或气体用具通气管;"试压点"(pressure test point) 指能接驳压力计的气体配件;


trews 紧身呢绒裤 | trey 三点的牌 | triable 可试的

Marcus got three auditions off that picture. I got outed:因为那张照片,马可斯得到 三次试镜机会,我被遗忘了

"Unidentified older gay gentleman."|"身分不明的老男同志" | Marcus got three auditions off that picture. I got outed.|因为那张照片,马可斯得到 三次试镜机会,我被遗忘了 | Poor Stanny.|可怜的史丹尼


trey 三点的牌 | triable 可试的 | triad 三元组


trey /三点的牌/ | triable /可试的/可试验的/可裁判的/ | triac /闸路控制/


这种模块可直接插入该公司的模块化网络测试系统,以提供用来实现WDM光信号特征化的全套诊断测试,包括分析、数据采集和文档编制. 该模块可工作于C、L和S波段,并备有一种用于DWDM故障隔离和试运行(commissioning)的实时模式

Lincomycin Hydrochloride:盐酸林可霉素

洁霉素(Jiemeisu)又名盐酸林可霉素(lincomycin hydrochloride),是链丝菌产生的抗生素. 该药抗菌范围广,作用较好,用前不需要作过敏皮试,而且价格低廉,所以目前在基层医疗单位有临床使用增多的趋势,其不良反应的发生率也明显增加 [1,2] ,



to break the ice. My broken heart:打破坚冰. 我破碎的心

choosing tough words, granite, flint 试着用***的语言大理石,燧石 | to break the ice. My broken heart - 打破坚冰我破碎的心 | I tried that, but it skimmed, 我试过了,可它平***过