英语人>词典>汉英 : 可评估的 的英文翻译,例句
可评估的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与可评估的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results also showed that this noninvasive method using radiographs is a reliable guideline for clinical evaluation of the interproximal dental papilla.


Mycology, which was positie at baseline in 21 of 23 patients, was negatie in 18 of 19 patients at the end of follow-up; serologic test results were also negatie in 6 of 19 ealuable patients, all of whom had CNPA.


A web site can be evaluated in three ways, user survey, usage analysis, and navigability measurement.


Probability of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to do with the ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the insurance policy and a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under that policy to make a reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the amount of the loss recoverable as a result of the claim.


The process guarantees must be possible to evaluate in a simple and unambiguous way.


Assessment of CT and MRI conducted on resectability of uncinate process carcinoma is possessed of relatively high value, and seems to be the preferable choice to the surgeon for preoperative evaluation.


According to the principles of synthesis, dominance, regionality and relative consistency, the environment degradation evaluation system is divided into three classes: vulnerable region, vulnerable type and vulnerable cell. The research area belongs to the erosion degraded Southern Red Hilly Area region. Based on the conceptions and grading, the dissertation probes into the methodology of evaluation and case study, and establishes a potential degradation evaluation system which comprises altitude, gradient, soil erosion index K, annual rainfall, the proportion of rainfall in raining period, and the drought index of rainless period.


Finally, a practical seismic analysis method is presented. Through a reasonable assumed distribution of lateral forces, the capacity curve can be derived from the story shear-displacement curves. And by using equations suggested by ATC-40, the corresponding capacity spectrum, period, damping ratio and PGA can also be obtained. This method can provide not only collapse PGA of a low-rise RC building structure, but also damage conditions of members at a specific PGA. Combining with the deterioration rule for RC column after multiple earthquakes, it can also be applied to seismic analysis for after-earthquake or aged buildings.


One standard is to buy when a security trades at an appreciable—say, 30%, 40%, or greater—discount from its underlying value, calculated either as its liquidation value, going-concern value, or private-market value (the value a knowledgeable third party would reasonably pay for the business).


The article is emphasized the particular way that elaborates fruit woods asset to evaluate determines with concerned parameter, put forward to discuss sexual opinion to running all problems actually, can evaluate reference for asset of woods of fruit of the area austral Fujian.


更多网络解释与可评估的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adsorption chromatography:吸 附 层 析 法

尾因数(tailing factor)可评估波峰之不对称性相对标准偏差可评估气相和液相层析的系统适合性试验(system suitability)中之分析液重复注入层析管所得之再现性在吸附层析法(adsorption chromatography)中,移动相与吸附剂之吸力大,


例如评估师(appraiser)、精算师(actuaries)和环保咨询师(environment consultants) 在资产价值、计算假设、环境损失准备等方面提供十分有价值的数据. 如果审计师在确定可用于出售的商业性资产公允价值方面依赖评估师的工作,

appreciably:略微, 有一点

appreciable | 可感知的, 可评估的 | appreciably | 略微, 有一点 | appreciate | 赏识, 鉴赏, 感激 增值, 涨价


assess effectiveness 评估效率 | assessable 可评价的 | assessment of bids 评标

Central tendency:居中趋势

它是需较长时间的观察和科学的推断才能得出的结论,带有一定的主观色彩或感情色彩,企业可进行一些简单的日常行为记录和非正式访谈法收集被评估者的资料,以作为评估的依据,避免晕轮效应(halo effect)和居中趋势(central tendency)的产生.

Essay Method:书面方式

95.书面方式(Essay method) 一种对工作表现评估的特殊方法,它要求评估人员对员工的行为做出书面报告. 96.道德(Ethics) 一系列可接受的行为标准和道德判断. 97.积极的压力(Eustress) 伴随着成功与喜悦的积极压力.

facultative reinsurance:临时再保险(可选择的保险,非强制性的)

exposure rating 风险评估 | facultative reinsurance 临时再保险(可选择的保险,非强制性的) | fault 断层


常见的CAE模拟可以评估如机械强度、热性质、电磁场等;但同时产品的可生产性 (producibility) 也是另一可以评估的项目,因为模拟工具可以帮助我们预测产品在制造过程当中可能出现的问题、节省在改善射出问题的花费、及提高产能.

Summative evaluation:总结性评估

教学及学习成效评估需兼重形成性评估(formative evaluation)与总结性评估(summative evaluation),尤其在过程中所进行的形成性评估更是可及时协助教师改进教学的最佳回馈.而根据前两学年至今对台湾远距教学评估所累积经验,

