英语人>词典>汉英 : 可议论的 的英文翻译,例句
可议论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可议论的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A series of internal documents from the late 1970s and early 1980s shows that BAT at least thought about applying this knowledge to cigarette design. A research report from 1979 puts it thus: There are three major design features which can be used either individuallyorin combination to manipulate delivery levels; filtration, paper permeability, and filter-tip ventilation. A conference paper from 1983 says, The challenge would be to reduce the mainstream nicotine determined by standard smoking-machine measurement while increasing the amount that would actually be absorbed by the smoker. Another conference paper, from 1984, says:(5)We should strive to achieve this effect without appearing to have a cigarette that cheats the league table. Ideally it should appear to be no different from a normal cigarette...


These two vexing questions are being widely discussed and no key has been found to their solution.


更多网络解释与可议论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

auditory hallucination:幻听

常见幻觉有:1、幻听(Auditory hallucination)以言语性幻听居多,可为数人议论、辱骂、威协、命令,少数为赞美. 开始时,由于声音内容与来源含糊不清而引起患者注意,以后逐渐清楚而注意,产出现与幻听相应的侧耳倾听、掩耳或空对骂等行为;


controversy 辩论 | controvert 议论 | controvertible 可争论的


controvert 议论 | controvertible 可争论的 | contubernal 一起生活的


controvert /议论/辩驳/驳击/参加辩论/ | controvertible /可争论的/可辩论的/有辩论余地的/ | contumacious /不听命令的/顽固的/反抗法院命令的/

controvertible:可争论的, 有辩论余地的, 可辩论的

controvert | 议论, 辩论 参加辩论 | controvertible | 可争论的, 有辩论余地的, 可辩论的 | controvertist | 争论者, 好争论者

Avoidi8ng offending anyone of them, he cut both ways:避免得罪他们中的任何一个人,他采取模棱两 可的态度

cut both way(议论、行动)对双方都起作用,同都说得过去... | Avoidi8ng offending anyone of them, he cut both ways. 避免得罪他们中的任何一个人,他采取模棱两 可的态度. | cut down砍倒;减少(开支等);疾病等)夺去某...

general debate:长宝贵时间的议论

to raise a point of order 提出关于议程的疑问 | general debate 长宝贵时间的议论 | receivability 可以接受,可接纳


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