英语人>词典>汉英 : 可被吸收的 的英文翻译,例句
可被吸收的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可被吸收的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This special collagen supplement is a 100% natural source of absorbable collagen protein.


In addition, root resorption of deciduous teeth is not continuous, but discontinuous, intermittent stage in the absorption, the absorption of root surface can be deposited new cementum, may also be near the new bone.


The carrier gas is passed through the capillary where the moisture it holds is quantitatively absorbed by the phosphorous pentoxide and decomposed electrolytically into hydrogen and oxygen by the application of a D.C.

载气气流过毛细管,在这里载气气流中的湿气将被五氧化二磷定量地吸收,通过向两电极上施加直流 70V 的电压可将吸收的湿气电解成氢和氧。

This study proved that rutin could be directly absorbed into intestinal capillaries and lacteal ducts without hydrolysis by intestinal microflora.


Adopt the advanced technology to complete the digest of trepang out of the body.


Desiccated liver contain heme iron, an absorbable form of iron, which may promote the production of hemoglobin.


Desiccated liver contain heme iron, an absorbable form of iron, which may promote the production of hemoglobin.


Waterborne pathogens can be disease-inducing protozoans, viruses or bacteria that are absorbed by a person when they drink unprocessed or insufficiently treated water.


Also with light tea alternate feed. 4, if necessary, go to the hospital drips, add water, electrolytes and glucose, to prevent dehydration and acidosis. 5, breast milk contains more lactose, most lactose enzyme decomposition of absorption and less by the Department at the end of fermentation to digest the lactose, producing gas, acid production, stimulate the intestinal tract, so that stool was diarrhea-like discharge. 6, breast and milk contain fat, part of being broken down into fatty acids and glycerol absorption, not alkaline digestion of fat in small granular form of calcium soap, so that stool can not appear in the first one to digest things.


Was found highly absorbed in those towers by lime suspension in the range of relatively high gas velocity with the suspension reaching stage of foaming.


更多网络解释与可被吸收的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


absorbability 吸收性 | absorbable 可吸收性 | absorbate 吸收物[被吸收剂吸收的物质]

absorbable:可吸收的, 容易被吸收的

absorbability | 吸收, 可吸收性 | absorbable | 可吸收的, 容易被吸收的 | absorbance index | 吸收系数

Absorbed torque:被吸收的扭矩

34. absorbable hemostatic gauze 可吸收止血纱布 | 35. absorbed torque 被吸收的扭矩 | 36. absorbent gauze 吸水纱布脱脂纱布

actinomycin D:放线菌素

(3)黏膜细胞上司控运输携带者的可能程度. (4)组织接受胺基酸之速度. (5)胺基酸的吸收,可能被一些抗生素所抑制,如:放线菌素(Actinomycin D),嘌呤霉素(Puromycin),因其抑制输送蛋白的合成. 在某些情形下,完整的蛋白质可经由细胞嗜吸作用而被吸收.




提供精确的校正基底表面,对于正向及逆向入射光,基底可被视为大量的(massive)层,在系统中含有多重吸收基底及空气间隔,这样允许被计算及最佳化. 光学膜不仅只是设计,还必须能被特征化,对成功的薄膜制造而言,

nitric acid:硝酸

无机氮主要以硝酸盐(NO3)和氨的形式出现, 有机氮侧以蛋白质(Protein), 硝酸(Nitric Acid), 氨基酸(Amino Acid)等不同生物分子形式出现. 氮的出现可被生物吸收或作共生用, 这包括被细菌吸收, 帮助其生长和繁殖. 透过不同的生物,

photoelectric current:光电流

当光入射巨塔的表面时,仅部分光被吸收而产生光电流(photoelectric current),剩余的光将被反射;然而紧密排列的巨塔设计可确保反射光被邻近的巨塔吸收,透过这种反覆吸收与反射的过程,奈米碳管阵列提供入射光被多重吸收(multiple absorption)的机会,




当有大量纤维蛋白渗出时,心外膜表面的纤维素因心脏的不停搏动而成绒毛状,称为绒毛心(corvillosum). 恢复期,浆液逐渐被吸收,纤维素亦大部被溶解吸收,少部分发生机化,致使心包的脏、壁两层发生部分粘连,极少数病例可完全愈着,