英语人>词典>汉英 : 可拥抱的 的英文翻译,例句
可拥抱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可拥抱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, she even adorably complained about the fans' attention seeking actions, which made her embarrassed and shy at Orchard Road, at the Fans' Party, and laughingly mentioned about the tough communication with her fans!


However, when I cool down with reasoning, I see something fake deliberatively hiding behind the beautiful mask of the altruism. And then, with weep I stop pending, and pick up the choice I am now standing for.


I walked up and touched the doorknob like it was the cheek of a lover just home from war. I noticed the darker paint where our old mezuzah used to be.


With the help of a foot-hugging asymmetrical Quicklace system, and pronation control in the midsole, the XT Wings WP Shoe provides unparalleled fit and comfort both on the trail and off.


Im not the River Styx to embrace you nine times


I don't know the exact reason why they embraced tightly.But I know there must be some reason.


We had a quick drink and he dropped me back off at my motel where I scrounged up my change to buy some Whoppers from the vending machine for dinner.


Embracing "abstract humanity," in other words, can issue as much in selfish idylls as in coldly selfless ideology.


Or, you may rest at Mid-lake lsland to have your feet on the grassy ground, to involve yourself into nature, and to enjoy peace, ease, unconstraint and sunshine over here.

湖心岛临水新建的具有多种房型和规格的别墅式客房 30 幢,内部装饰风格各异,可供社会各界人士的需求;射击馆备有 10 余种枪械可让你体验真枪实弹之妙趣,夺魁神枪手之风采;水上游乐可自驾快艇于 500 亩湖面高速驰骋,惊险刺激,独享其乐;多功能综合会所,其设施可供多种规格的会务、商务及休闲活动的需要;枪城海鲜馆多年来精心打造特色海鲜品牌,同时兼备精制的风味家常菜,可随意挑选细品其味;选择在湖心岛下榻,便可脚踏绿色黄土地,尽情拥抱大自然,亲身感受这里的宁静、轻松、自由、阳光。

Fatalistic fatalistic encounter early in the morning ushered in, old houses, small penetrating encounter a strange man, grass Mount purple kimono Wu, schools recognized by the Greek prince was originally purple Wu"s cousin, also hosted in here, days, unpredictable things can happen night earth and rocks, landslides, small and thoroughly informed that got the message, the collapse of tents away, nowhere to go in her purple Wu was admitted by the Greek hospitality to retain under this house, warmth satisfactory quality of life to begin, but, an orange head of juvenile A clip fall from the sky, leads to shaking big secret - Grass family for hundreds of years have been Zodiac Mount possessed, possessed by the opposite sex who embrace it will become an animal, know the truth of the small penetration are likely to be grass Tama tribe of the family ordered the elimination of memory, carefully and above-board, she is an "Even if my memory removed, you may still continue to be my friend, touched by the Greek, the small penetration as the only outsider to know the secret to remain in grass friction at home.


更多网络解释与可拥抱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


◎可伦坡: 可伦坡(Colombo)位於锡兰岛的西南海岸,是斯里兰卡的首都. 在辛哈里语(Sinhalese)的意思里,「可伦坡」意指「海的天堂」. 诚然,这个镇日拥抱海洋的城市,是斯里兰卡的临海之门. 由於它地处东西水陆的要冲,更是外国船只会集的国际商港,


人类演进以去拥抱复合宇宙(multiverse),当它演进时,它发现了它的超宇宙以一些蔑视(defy)逻辑的方式,对人类心智来讲是可接取的(accessible). 这就是人类正要进入的舞台,而它不是在一种振动的显灵裡(in a vibratory epiphany)上升到一个更高的次元,


"加拿大和英国也加入强烈反对这项令人震惊 的导弹测试的行列. 批评过后,民主国家最需要考虑的是如何在拥抱中国的同时,抑制中共的冷战战术. 一个方法是试图命令(dictate)什么可做和什么不能做,然而,此法未必可行,中国太大并且豪情万丈.


卡罗尔式的或乔伊斯式的"箱词"(portmanteau word,即混成词),与迷醉的(rapt)拥抱相关,但它同时也意指海水的包裹(wrapping),即这对爱人航行的环境. 可这些是谁的忏悔呢? 大海持有权杖,忏悔来自她的符咒(spell)之下的爱人们,

Broken Embraces:《破碎的拥抱>

阿尔莫多瓦 <<破碎的拥抱>>(Broken Embraces)西班牙安德里亚-阿诺德 <<鱼缸>>(Fish Tank)荷兰雅克-欧迪亚 <<预言者>>(Un Prophete)法国马可-贝洛奇奥 <<获奖>>(Vincere)意大利简-坎皮恩 <<明星>>(Bright St