英语人>词典>汉英 : 可应用的 的英文翻译,例句
可应用的 的英文翻译、例句


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Worse, the availability of short-term loans to companies is shrinking at an alarming rate.


And it uses a penalty parameter technique to enforce the essential boundary condition. MLPG is developed to solve axisymmetric problems in this paper.


Although there are 虽然有 other organizer software applications 其他应用软件的组织者 available other than Libra and MediaMan, most of these applications do not allow you to do content retrieval and you need to spend some time to manually create the catalog.


Beside having solved the involved animals directly through individual identification and paternity,it will be helpful to resolve the case based on the information of the animal hair,plant and microbion in soil which were found in the environment of the suspect. DNA test ; insect ; animal DNA ; plant DNA ; microbion DNA


In Part B, we deal with interactions without absorption for applicable laser and the study of wave function.


On the basis of the favorable efficacy and safety data, lead investigator Dr Nazzareno Galiè and colleagues state that the drug "offers a clinically meaningful addition to the currently approved treatment options."

基于他达那非良好的疗效和安全性数据,首席研究员Nazzareno Galiè博士和他的同事们指出,他达那非为肺动脉高压的临床治疗增加了可应用的方案。

It must be strongly emphasized that the thermochemical loop should include all applicable relationships.


The length of flexible cord, cable, or special conductor assembly is not required to terminate in an attachment plug when the unit is marked in accordance with 57.2 or 57.3, as applicable.


C The flexible cord, cable, or special conductor assembly shall be sized to have an ampacity that corresponds to the electrical rating of the equipment but shall not be smaller than 0.82 mm2 (18 AWG) flexible cord, cable, or conductor, as applicable.


Virtual Prototyping Technology in the field of engineering machinery can be applied: the crawler and wheeled vehicle stability, performance studies, hydraulic system, traction equipment performance prediction, bulldozers, excavators, forestry machinery, such as dynamic performance studies, spare parts and Engine load prediction and size determined, the driver field of vision research, prediction excavator needed to power, the efficiency of research, the reliability analysis.


更多网络解释与可应用的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



The theory can be applied to English teaching:这个理论可应用于英语教学

6.to apply to 适用于,应用于 | The theory can be applied to English teaching 这个理论可应用于英语教学. | His method of study doesn't necessarily apply to you. 他的学习方法不一定对你适用.


而且,服务还可以被定义成对可输出的(exportable),意思是它们可以被系统外部的东西(可能是一个应用系统或其它)远程访问. 目前系统实现了一个基于简单对象访问控制协议(SOAP)的事件处理器,该事件处理器,


其次,C语言是可移植的(Portable)或者称为平台无关的(Platform Independent),平台这个 ...Linux下的C语言多线程编程. 巧巧读书 2007-11-12 姚继锋 技术论坛.大中小. 下一页1234567. 引言. 线程(thread)技术早在60年代就被提出,但真正应用多线程到操作 ...

Pragma Pragma:标头,指定可应用于请求/响应链上的任何代理的特定于实现的指令

MaxForwards Max-Forwards 标头,指定一个整数,表示此请求... | Pragma Pragma 标头,指定可应用于请求/响应链上的任何代理的特定于实现的指令. | ProxyAuthorization Proxy-Authorization 标头,指定客户端为向代理验证...


工作单元(unit of work,UOW) 也称为事务,它是应用程序进程中一个可恢复的(recoverable) 操作序列. UOW 的经典示例是简单的银行转帐事务,即把资金从一个帐号转到另一个帐号中. 在应用程序从一个帐号减去一定数量的资金之后,

applicably:可适用地, 适当地

applicable | 可适用的, 可应用的 | applicably | 可适用地, 适当地 | applicant and allotments book | 股票申请及分配簿


applications 应用 | applicative 可适用的 | applicatively 可适用地

applicative:可适用的, 合用的

applications | 应用, 应用软件 | applicative | 可适用的, 合用的 | applicatively | 可适用地, 合用地


ing)、拖放(drag and drop)以及应用程序的自动化统注册表中被标记为可插入的(insertable)的服务一 种对对象的测览方式--超文本(Hyper Text)的行特定的动词,如播放(play)等操作来观看插入对的,它采用聚集(aggregation)的方式集成了一个接