英语人>词典>汉英 : 可发现性 的英文翻译,例句
可发现性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可发现性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to explore the chemical regulation of the plant type dwarfing of Coleus blumei, its cutting plantlets were used as the experimental materials in this research. Through studying its height and cytological characters of each treatment, we found that spraying 800-fold liquor of 15% Paclobutrazol wettable powder and 7,000-fold liquor of 5% Unlconazole (S3307D) on its leaves had significant dwarfing effect on it; 400-fold liquor of 50% chlormequat chloride had not any.


Data from the seed set percentage of SHWs with common AU genome donor and different D genome donor or common D genome donor and different All genome donor, indicated that factors on both donors (Durum wheat and Aegilops tauschii) affected the crossability of SHWs.


In the standard test, it was found that the dustiness of nanopowder was much higher than submicro-powder. The average inhalable, thoracic and respirable dustiness mass fraction in mg/kg and the dustiness level of TiO2 nanopowder were 6713±546, 576±37 and 15±2, respectively, and were 142±20, 73±6 and 11±0.3 for ZnO submicro-powder.

在传统标准方法的测试结果发现奈米粉体的逸散性比次微米粉体高出很多,TiO2奈米粉体逸散时的可吸入性粉尘、胸腔区粉尘和可呼吸性粉尘质量分率分别为6713±546、576±37和15±2 mg/kg,扬尘等级分别为高等、中等以及低等。

Mayor said many more planets meeting scientists' requirements for habitability would be found, but that that the most significant short-term discovery would be that of a low-mass planet even more similar to Earth.


As a result penicillium of Ma Erni humble is double photograph bacterium, mould bacterium colony can discover the broom shape mycelial of diagnostic sex,; of pigment of rose of water-solubility of the generation after sanded Paul fosters 3 days is medullary inside and outside of cell of blood of the week outside mixing all can discover spore;PAS coloring sees bacterium body show circle, elliptic or sausage shape, size is differ, it is 2~8 μ M about, color of afterbirth wall incarnadine and clear and successive, it is thus clear that inside the cell of sausage shape one apparent horizontal stroke is lain between, afterbirth is qualitative not easy and chromatic.


Finally, the results developed that backpackers' travel experience model. This model is accumulate and sequential process, backpackers interaction with Taiwan's en-vironment, culture and society, solicit their experience seeking. Backpackers active ob-serve or participate event that induce their response and become experience quality. Experience quality will be transformed into memorability which influence on behavior intentions.


Al impurity, the floatabilities of hematite and aegirine were resemble, which is contributed to the existence of structrual iron ion on surfaces of both minerals. It is the structrual iron ion that accelerates the floatability of aegirine greatly and leads to difficult separation with hematite. 2. The basic mechanism of actions of fluorosilicate salts as selective depressants of aegirine during the direct flotation of hematite was investaged detaily by using FTIR and XPS spectrocppy, fluorosilicate salts are poor depressants for hematite, but are very strong depressants for iron-containing silicate such as aegrine in weakly acid medium, which can enlarge the flotation differences between two minerals.


While efficiency is a strong motivating factor for the use of C++, it is tempered by deficiencies in two necessary attributes of any libraries you may consider using: discoverability and transparency.


Along with these principles, the material in this book (and in Volume 2) will be guided by the following seven signs of successful C++ software libraries: efficiency, discoverability and transparency, expressiveness, robustness, flexibility, modularity, and portability.

除了以上原则之外,本书(及其第2卷)中的内容也遵循优秀C++库的七个标志:效率、可发现性与透明性(discoverability and transparency)、表达力、健壮性、灵活性、模块性,以及可移植性。

Older versions of Firefox solved this by putting the close box in a static position at the end of the tab strip, but lab research showed this approach had usability and discoverability problems for novices not used to tabbed browsing, so the close box was moved into the tab (which now seems to be the standard location for tabbed browsers).


更多网络解释与可发现性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"此条款(clause)成为一次要求通过缩小开示范围以改革开示规则(provisions)之改革计划的焦点. [2]现在,"适当性"(relevance)被解释得十分广泛. 正如已指出的那样,开示其本身并非必然可采的事实被认为是适当的,只要该事实可用以发现可采性证据.


detect 发现,检测,检验 | detectability 可检测性,鉴别率 | cetecting head 探头,探针


Petrie和Gunn(1998)除了重复验证忧郁倾向与网路成瘾的关联性外,也发现内向性(introversion)与网路成瘾有高相关. 由此可发现,网际网路的匿名性功能将帮助性格内向、社交技巧差、低自尊者得以满足他人认同的心理需求.

general paresis:麻痹性痴呆

或者出现脊髓痨(tabes dorsalis),包括电击式的疼痛,自主神经功能异常(例如小便功能异常)及步态不稳,神经检查可发现瞳孔异常,反射减弱,本体感觉(proprioception)丧失;麻痹性痴呆(general paresis)则表现渐进性的痴呆症状,


Subject:Defect被发现模块名称 | Reproducible:再现性(默认为"是",可修改) | Miss phase:引入阶段

atrophic scar:萎缩性疤痕

"另外,近年我发现使用冷触雷射(CoolTouch Laser)治疗法,对暗疮疤痕,尤其是浅碟形疤痕有良好的效果,在经过3至5次疗程后,疤痕可淡化50%或以上,且效果可持续至少3年. "萎缩性疤痕(atrophic scar)通常为暗疮疤痕,共分3类:


在家庭经济学中,这个问题被称为"可分性"(separability)问题. 公认的理论告诉我们,只有存在多重市场(包括针对风险的保险市场)缺陷时,一个家庭的消费和生产决策才是不可分的. 恰亚诺夫的贡献不在于发现了有别于资本主义雇佣工人的农民理性,






一种性病,由毛滴虫(trichomonas)引起,这种原生动物(protozoa)会依附在阴道,可和其它种类的性病一起被发现. 1495年发现的性病,由苍白螺旋菌(treponema pallidum)引发,可在性交时通过身体上的伤口进入体内,分成4个阶段. 分泌物不会有变化.