英语人>词典>汉英 : 可判定性 的英文翻译,例句
可判定性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可判定性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This project has focused on the decidability problem and the axiomatization problem for LTLC, and the formal verification methods for real-time systems.

本项目研究了LTLC的可判定性、公理化及实时系统的形式验证等相关问题: 1。

That field which is concerned with decidability and solvability of problems is referred to as computability theory or theory of computation, although some computer scientists advocate the inclusion of the current field of algorithms as part of the discipline.


The decidability of the model is proven and a decidability algorithm is presented.


A formal semantics is given. We prove 79's soundness, consistency, completeness, and decidability with respect to the semantics.


A model verification algorithm based on DTMA and the subset of DTMA modal logic is devised, and the decidability of the model verification is proved.


The corresponding tableau algorithm is also provided. The soundness and decidability of the tableau algorithm are proved. It is shown that the complexity of tableau algorithm is PSPACE-complete.


Theoretically,we simplify the proof of 〓-decidability,and practically,prompt the node-prune efficiency in Thistlewaite's decision procedure.


Keywords: continuous-time temporal logic; finite precision timed automaton; decidability; model checking.


OWL DL supports those users who want the maximum expressiveness while retaining computational completeness (all conclusions are guaranteed to be computable) and decidability (all computations will finish in finite time).

OWL DL 支持那些需要最强表达能力的推理系统的用户,且这个推理系统能够保证计算的完备性(computational completeness,即所有的结论都能够保证被计算出来)和可判定性(decidability,即所有的计算都在有限的时间内完成)。

Aimed to two major problems: one is not decidable and the other is no clear semantics. We construct a framework with explicit representation and formal semantics of goalsgoal description logics, which integrates two types of goals: declarative goals and procedural goals into one concept based on description logics. In addition, the goal plan is defined and analyzed, and some reasoning problems, such as goal consistency and goal satisfiability, are discussed. Contrary to traditional ways of goal description, GDLs can bridge the gap between theory and practice in a natural way.

针对传统的目标描述中存在的不可判定性以及没有清晰的语义等问题,在描述逻辑(description logics,DLs)上,将宣称型和过程型2种类型的目标描述有机地整合在一起,从而构建了具有清晰语义与可判定性的形式化框架--目标描述逻辑(goal description logics, GDLs),在此基础上,定义了该框架下有关规划规则;建立了可用于判定目标一致性、目标可满足性的方法,与传统的目标描述方法相比,目标描述逻辑为主体领域模型提供了一种更有力的形式化工具,同时为智能主体的模型和设计提供了很好的理论工具。

更多网络解释与可判定性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

non countable set:可集

non-correlation 相关 | non-countable set 可集 | nondecidability 可判定性


和第三次数学危机的解决方案. 其本质问题是: 给定一个图灵机 T,和一个任意语言集合 S, 是否 T 会最终停机于每一个. 其意义相同于可确定语言. 显然任意有限 S 是可判定性的,可数的(countable) S 也是可停机的.


OWL-Full是OWL的三种子语言中表达能力最强的一个,适合在那些需要非常强的表达能力,而不用太关心可判定性(decidability)或是计算完全性的场合下使用. 不过也正是由于表达能力太强这个原因,用OWL-Full表示的本体是不能进行自动推理的.


decible /分贝/ | decidability /可决定性/可判定性/ | decidable /可决定的/


decibelmeter | 分贝计 | decidability | 可判定性,可决定性 | decidable proposition | 可决策命题

Robin Milner:可计算函数逻辑先驱

算法领域先驱--Richard M. Karp | 可计算函数逻辑先驱--Robin Milner | 有限自动机与其判定性先驱--Michael O. Rabin

planar graph:可平面图

可判定性|decidability | 可平面图|planar graph | 可求长的|rectifiable

decidable proposition:可决策命题

decidability | 可判定性,可决定性 | decidable proposition | 可决策命题 | decile | 十分位数