英语人>词典>汉英 : 可乐 的英文翻译,例句
可乐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可乐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Romania is part of Greek company HBC, the largest bottler of Coca-Cola products in Europe.


School sales generate less than 1 per cent of revenues in North America for Coca-Cola Enterprises, the group's biggest bottler and distributor.

校园销售收入在可口可乐企业(Coca-Cola Enterprises)的北美营收中所占比例不到1%。可口可乐企业是可口可乐集团最大的瓶装饮料生产商和销售商。

People who drank two or more servings of cola daily were at 2.3-fold greater risk of kidney disease, the researchers found, and the risk was the same for both diet and sugar-sweetened cola.


I have observed that they prefer soda drinks such as: Coca-Cola, Pepsi , Sprite , seven up' and Ginger –ale. If the soda has no sugar inside, they are called diet coke, diet Pepsi.


COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd aggregate advanced management culture soul of Coca-Cola Ltd. and COFCO group, as being prestissimo increasing speed and huge potential among Coca-Cola bottling group in global region.


That Coca-Cola Company is set up in 1892 , general headquarter is set up in USA Qiao Ya Zhou Atlanta at present, is maximal the whole world drink company , the binomial (Coca-Cola row owning the whole world 48% marketplace occupation ratio and the whole world first three big drink is first, Pepsi second, low quantity of heat Coca-Cola third), whose camp in 2001 is collected amounting to 20 , 92 million U. S. dollar, the common stock stockholder's equity is 11 , 351 million U.


Methods Two hundred patients with digestive symptoms were randomly divided into two groups, Cola group and aerogenic powder group received respectively CocaCola/Pepsi drinks and aerogenic powders with barium sulfate suspension for double contrast examination of upper gastrointestinal tract.


Methods Two hundred patients with digestive symptoms were randomly divided into two groups, Cola group and aerogenic powder group received respectively Coca-Cola/Pepsi drinks and aerogenic powders with barium sulfate suspension for double contrast examination of upper gastrointestinal tract.


World of Coca Cola - A self guided tour of 4 galleries consisting of memorabilia and interactive video stations, Barnes Soda Fountain - demonstrating how early coca cola was prepared and served, original songs about Coca Cola, rebroadcasts of radio programs sponsored by the Company played on a original 1930's jukebox, musical film and international character of Coca-Cola in Stereo Surround sound and fifty years of commercials for Coca-Cola.

世界的可口可乐-一种自我导游4画廊组成的纪念品和交互式视频站,巴恩斯苏打喷泉-演示如何早期可口可乐准备和服务,原来的歌曲可口可乐, rebroadcasts的广播节目公司赞助的比赛1930年1原始的点唱机,音乐电影和国际性质的可口可乐立体声环绕音效,五十年的商业可口可乐

RESULTS: Parturients did not differ regarding demographic data and initial pain score. Clonidine 150 microg , neostigmine 750 microg , and 75 microg clonidine plus 250 microg neostigmine produced ineffective and short-lasting effects. Clonidine 75 microg plus 500 microg neostigmine and 75 microg clonidine plus 750 microg neostigmine presented comparable durations of 90 +/- 32 and 108 +/- 38 min (mean +/- SD), respectively, and final analgesic efficacies, with 72.2% and 84%, respectively, of the parturients reporting a visual analog scale score of less than 30 out of 100 after 30 min.


更多网络解释与可乐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ask for more:(渴望无限.) -- 百事可乐

19.Pepsi-Cola hits the spot.(百事可乐,正对口味.) -- 百事可乐 | 20.Ask for more.(渴望无限.) -- 百事可乐 | 21.Be all that you can be.(成为一个全才.) -- US Army(美国陆军)


现如今,可口可乐(Coca Cola)对于中国人来讲,可谓家喻户晓,妇孺皆知. 如果问及人们怎么知道它的,可能会得到不假思索的回答:广告呀,可口可乐的广告,哪儿见不到啊!如今,"可口可乐"(Coca Cola)之名已与中国寻常百姓如影随形,具有极大的商标知名度.

Coca-Cola Enterprises:可口可乐企业

可口可乐的最大瓶装厂商是可口可乐企业(Coca Cola Enterprises)和可口可乐瓶装公司(Coca Cola Bottling Company). 行业分析人士预测,浓缩汁价格7%的提高将导致一件可乐(12瓶)的零售价从1.99美元升至2.49美元或者更高. 而百事可乐瓶装集团则预计每瓶零售价格将上涨1%.




就会立即使瓶中的可乐喷出来,形成可乐"喷泉". 从部分图片上看,这种"喷泉"的喷射高度甚至可以达到人的腰部. 曼妥斯(Mentos)和可口可乐(Cola)混合在一起会发生什么效果?看过下面的视频你就知道.

Diet Cola:健怡可乐

那麼,健怡可乐(diet cola)是一个独立的区块市场吗?假设你早在可口可乐或百事可乐之前就有生产低卡可乐的点子. 你有可能由此自创一个区块市场吗?柯氏轻可乐(Koch Lite Kola)可能成为一个吉星吗?红牛(Red Bull)又是另外一个例子.

Molecular Epidemiology:摸了可乐 矮鼻得牧熬腊鸡

摸了可乐 俺得快糯腊鸡 Molecular Endocrinology | 摸了可乐 矮鼻得牧熬腊鸡 Molecular Epidemiology | 摸了可乐 解讷蹄渴 Molecular Genetics

Molecular Neurobiology:摸了可乐 牛肉百熬辣鸡

摸了可乐 麦蹄参 Molecular Medicine | 摸了可乐 牛肉百熬辣鸡 Molecular Neurobiology | 摸了可乐 安可辣鸡 Molecular Oncology

Thumbs Up Cola:顶呱呱可乐(一种类似可口可乐的饮料, 商标名)

958Coca-Colan.可口可乐 | 959Thumbs Up Cola顶呱呱可乐(一种类似可口可乐的饮料, 商标名) | 960sputnikn. 前苏联人造地球卫星

cola nut:柯拉果;可乐仁

cola 可乐(植物);可乐子 | cola nut 柯拉果;可乐仁 | cola-type beverages 可乐型饮料