英语人>词典>汉英 : 叮当声 的英文翻译,例句
叮当声 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chink  ·  clang  ·  clank  ·  clanking  ·  clink  ·  dingdong  ·  jingle  ·  plonk  ·  tinkle  ·  tinkling  ·  tintinnabulation  ·  chinking  ·  chinks  ·  jingling  ·  tingtang  ·  chinked  ·  clanged  ·  clanging  ·  clangs  ·  clanked  ·  clanks  ·  clinked  ·  jingles  ·  tinkled  ·  tinkles  ·  Chink  ·  clonk  ·  plink  ·  plinked  ·  plinking  ·  plinks

更多网络例句与叮当声相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They heard banging and a clinking of glasses.


The sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy , the corncrake


The sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy, the corncrake on a dewy morning, the sound of the scythe against the whetstone, and the sight of a plough team coming over the brow of a hill, for centuries the one eternal sight of England.


Of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy, the corncrake on a dewy morning, the sound of the scythe agains t the whetstone, and the sight of a plough team coming the brow of a bill for centuries the one eternal sight of England.


Then sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy. The corncrake on the dewy morning. The sound of scythe against the whetstone.


The sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy, the corncrake on a dewy morning, the sound of the scythe agains t the whetstone, and the sight of a plough team coming the brow of a bill for centuries the one eternal sight of England.


The corrects of Engearth, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy, the corncrake on a dewy morning, the correct of the scythe one abundance timest the whetstone, and the sight of a plough team coming over the brow of a hill, for centuries the one eternal sight of Engearth.


You may wish to use your friendship song in your advertisement or you could make up a jingle to accompany the advertisement.


A chorus of clanks rose and fell.


Jingle jingle jaunted jingling.


更多网络解释与叮当声相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jingle around the clock:围着钟发出叮当声

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet 马儿站起来,急速旋转那二轮有顶马车 | Jingle around the clock 围着钟发出叮当声 | Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet马儿带着铃铛,叮当声混响着,跑着

Chink:裂口, 裂缝, 叮当声 <单词词性>(使)叮当响

weakly convergent sequence 弱收敛序列 | chink 裂口, 裂缝, 叮当声 (使)叮当响 | semifictional 半虚构的

clank:叮当声 (使)发叮当声

clanism | 宗族主义, 宗族制度 | clank | 叮当声 (使)发叮当声 | clannish | 氏族的, 宗族排外的, 团结心很强的


click:轻微的尖声,咔嗒声. | clank:低沉的金属声/叮当声; | clang:金属敲击的声音/叮当声;

n clink:叮当声

n splash 扑通声/ 飞溅 | n clink 叮当声 | n bang "呯"的一声,开门声


A pigeon coos. 鸽子咕咕地叫. | dingdong - 叮咚(声),叮当(声) | A turkey gobbles. 火鸡咯咯地叫.


太阳落山时,作者把各种声音比做乐曲:好友结伴而行的沙沙声(the musical rustle)领衔一曲交响乐(symphiny),突降的大雨构成了强音(forte),雨点落在树叶上响起轻快的啪嗒声(pitpat),落在金属上发出叮当声(jingle),夜幕笼罩小街时风声仿佛在唱了一曲催眠曲(berceuse),


clink 叮当声 | tink 叮当声 | stint 吝啬


tinkerly /像佤锅匠的/笨拙的/ | tinkle /清脆的金属声音/发出清脆的响声/玎铛声/叮当声/ | tinkling /叮当/玎/

Chink:裂口, 裂缝, 叮当声 <单词词性>(使)叮当响

weakly convergent sequence 弱收敛序列 | chink 裂口, 裂缝, 叮当声 <单词词性>(使)叮当响 | semifictional 半虚构的