英语人>词典>汉英 : 古风的 的英文翻译,例句
古风的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
antediluvian  ·  antique  ·  archaistic  ·  antiqued  ·  antiques

更多网络例句与古风的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Archaism, ancient charm and ancient raining spring are the ambit of Guyuchun Tea.


The work Chang does on both the exterior and interior of the vans is impressive, whether you've asked for a cutesy, oceanic, or retro style.


Therefore, as an artist, Liu Changchun shows a simple and primitive manner of errantry.


Wearing Frangipani for good luck, sitting and dazing in the Wei Jin Dynasty-flavor pavilion quietly, you can leave all your thoughts behind and just let the time go by.


The ancient customs time male statue mostly is in front of the grave the carving, some are dead, some are the dead stands, called generally it looks like Apollo, this is because of the ancient Greece Daoist immortal isomorph homogeneity result.


By contrast, the tribes- people retained vitality through their very primitiveness


Designers seem to be in the habit of draw inspiration from yellowed photos and black-and-white memory.


Later on , as people found it difficult and troublesome to pick dogwoods , this custom died out from people's memory.


Holocene stratigraphic profile at least documented 6 times reverse processes and 7 times positive processes of desertification during the Holocene period.


Mrs.Jiang Liyu,B.L.,served Guangdong Gufeng Law Firm in the Real Estate cases from 2005.Qualified as a lawyer in 2008.The main specialties:a legal consultant for corporations,handling litigation cases.


更多网络解释与古风的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ancient sediment 古迹 | ancientry 古代风格;古风 | ancillary 辅助的

archaic: a.1:古代的,古风的 2.古体的,陈旧的

arbitrary: a.1.随心所欲的,个人武断的 2.反复无常的 3.专制的,任意的 | archaic: a.1.古代的,古风的 2.古体的,陈旧的 | architects: 建筑师


大学中的校警,在执行警务时,头戴颇有古风的大礼帽,被学生昵称为"牛头犬"(Bulldog). 牛津的学校组织以16个学部(Faculty)为基础,有些学院也设有下属学部. 每个学院都有一个经选举产生的董事会,该董事会对它所在学院的本科生课程负责.

communicable: a.1:(思想)可以传授的 2.(疾病)传染性的

archaic: a.1.古代的,古风的 2.古体的,陈旧的 | communicable: a.1.(思想)可以传授的 2.(疾病)传染性的 | hostile: a.1.敌人的,敌方的 2.怀敌意的,不友善的,反对的,不利的

obscurity: n.1:晦涩,费解 2.模糊的东西,费解的文字,含糊的意义3.无名,默默无

reason: 理性 | obscurity: n.1.晦涩,费解 2.模糊的东西,费解的文字,含糊的意义3.无名,默默无 | archaic: a.1.古代的,古风的 2.古体的,陈旧的


antiquated /旧式的/过时的/古老的/ | antiqueness /古事/古风/ | antiques /玩/


archaist 爱写古体文者 | archaistic 古风的 | archaize 仿古

archaistic:古风的, 拟古的

archaist | 爱写古体文者, 拟古主义者 | archaistic | 古风的, 拟古的 | archaization | 古语化

archaise:使具古风 用古体, 仿古

archaic || 古老的, 古代的, 陈旧的 | archaise || 使具古风 用古体, 仿古 | archaism || 古语, 古体


chequered 方格方格的 | chequered 有格子花的 | Chergui 秋尔古风