英语人>词典>汉英 : 古比 的英文翻译,例句
古比 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
guppy  ·  guppies

更多网络例句与古比相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Jupiter-Saturn region would have been just the right temperature for such a comet , which is much closer to the sun than the Kuiper Belt or Oorl Cloud where most comets probably formed.


A SCIENTIST on a flight across America falls into conversation with his neighbour, who turns out to be gratifyingly interested in his research on wild guppy populations in Trinidad.


Fish mother Fish mothers can give birth each for a period of time than an ancient fish (a rainbow Jiang, the viviparous colourful fish, produced in the northern South America and the West Indies island near the family's fish tank in the more common) Free to increase your volume of fish, fish, etc.


Scullion . At Gubbio, whither he went next, Francis obtained from a friend the cloak, girdle, and staff of a pilgrim as an alms.


To give greater speciousness to their theory, they have not scrupled to press into service, besides the few bona fide resemblances many others that were either grossly exaggerated, or fictitious, or drawn from Buddhist sources less ancient than the Gospels.


Controverting the third or Roman theory of origin, he lays some stress upon the fact that Pope St. Innocent I (416) in his letter to Decentius of Gubbio spoke of usages which Mgr Duchesne recognizes as Gallican (eg the position of the Diptychs and the Pax), as "foreign importations" and did not recognize in them the ancient usage of his own Church, and he thinks it hard to explain why the African Church should have accepted the Roman reforms, while St. Ambrose himself a Roman.

Controverting第三或罗马起源的理论,他规定了一些压力的事实,教皇圣无辜口( 416 )在他的信中,以Decentius的古比奥以惯例的主教杜申承认高卢圣(例如的立场和Diptychs协会),作为&外国进口&,并没有认识到他们古老的使用自己的教会,他认为这很难解释为什麼非洲教会应该已经接受了罗曼改革,而他张永森圣罗马。

If you insist on feeding these, I recommend breeding guppies or something along that line.


I don't like Scooby Doo.


Large family of small soft-finned fishes; killifishes; flagfishes; swordtails; guppies.


He stayed another week, trying to nail down train tickets beyond Kuibyshev.


更多网络解释与古比相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


康帝斯鼠 condiscipulus コンディスキプルス | 古比豹鼠 copei コペイ | 柯塔斯鼠 * cortesi コルテシィ


gunyah 小屋 | guppy 古比 | gurgitation 起伏

Natalie Gulbis:纳塔利-古比斯

在刚刚结束的LPGA首届汇丰冠军赛上,纳塔利-古比斯(NATALIE GULBIS)以总成绩平标准杆名列第14位. 这位高尔夫球坛上极富魅力的女孩不仅喜欢喧闹的音乐,而且她本人也非常有趣. 下面是媒体在新加坡对她进行的特别访谈,通过19个刁钻离奇的问题,


领事馆几星期来一直在忙着排练,高潮便是昨晚他在佩力康街生意人剧院的演出. 我碰巧在场. ①王尔德(Wilde)的首字母为W,在字母排列中排在G之后--译注. ③萨马拉(Samara),俄国伏尔加河中游城市古比雪夫(Kuibyshev)的旧称--译注.

Kuibyshev, Kuybyshev:古比雪夫

Kuching 古晋 | Kuibyshev, Kuybyshev 古比雪夫 | Kuming 昆明

Kuibyshev, Kuybyshev:古比雪夫 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯

Kuching 古晋 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó... | Kuibyshev, Kuybyshev 古比雪夫 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaāú??# | Kunlun 昆仑山脉 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???...

Kuibyshev sheep:古比雪夫羊

羊毛固醇 kryptosterol; cryptosterol; lanosterol | 古比雪夫羊 Kuibyshev sheep | 库弗氏肝巨噬细胞 Kupffer's cell

KuPS Kuopio:古比斯 库奥皮奥

Kooteepee 古迪比 库蒂皮 | KuPS Kuopio 古比斯 库奥皮奥 | Lahti 拉迪 拉哈迪

KuPS Kuopio:古比斯 古比斯 古比斯

坦佩雷 坦佩雷 谭柏利 Tampere United | 古比古比古比斯 KuPS Kuopio | 赫尔辛基 赫尔辛 赫尔辛基 HJK Helsinki

Kuopio PS:芬超 芬兰足球超级联赛 古比斯 古比斯

8 芬超 芬兰足球超级联赛 马里汉姆 馬利漢姆 IFK Mariehamn | 9 芬超 芬兰足球超级联赛 古比古比斯 Kuopio PS | 10 芬超 芬兰足球超级联赛 迈帕 邁柏 MyPa Anjalakoski