英语人>词典>汉英 : 古代 的英文翻译,例句
古代 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anciently  ·  ancientry  ·  antiquity  ·  eld  ·  antiquities

ancient times
更多网络例句与古代相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anciently intercourse in architectural technology was concerned with Buddhism intercourse between china and Vietnam.


This article outlines the progress of ancient Chinese lenses from the Pre-Qin Period to the Five Dynasties, and discusses mainly two arguments: First, the"yangsui" recorded and narrated in Lun Heng by Wang Chong of Eastern Han Dynasty may be a plano-convex glass lens; secondly, the"four mirrors" recorded and narrated in Tanzi Hua Shu by Tan Qiao of Southern Tang Dynasty may be a plano-convex lens, a biconvex lens, a transparent planeparallel plate and a concave-convex lens respectively, but what kind of tra...


The paper first gives a brief account of the evolution of ancient weiqi, and then expounds its cultural value from the perspective of its positive influence on people's life, comprehensive qualities, self-esteem of the whole nation, and culture exchanges and spread, aiming to enrich cultural connation of this sport.


Following the tracking of the devolvement and evolution of Chinese ancient brocade ,this paper discussed the technical and artistic characteristics of Chinese ancient brocade from scientific and artistic viewpoints in combination with emergence and development of three famous brocade s of Chinese ancient brocade s,i.


The main purpose of this diesis is as to observe the historical evolving process of social control in ancient Chinese society from the angle of legal sociology as, based on it, to reveal the various social control ways in ancient china, especially the function and relationship among three mam means-law, morality and religion It also provides some basic clues for people to understand and observe social control condition in ancient China bv the induction of the historical facts and the description of the fundamental situation of social control system, as well as by the summery and conclusion of the features, essence and developing regularity of social control in ancient China.


Therefore, the purpose of this topic research is to set out from the sociological angle, carry on a creatively thorough research on the formation and development of this block in ancient times,specifically including its characteristics and the reasons for their formation, and the relationship between it and Fujian culture especially Fuzhou cultrue;and to firstly answer the question why there were so many famous people living in this block, thoroughly analyze the ultimate motivity that push its development in ancient times even its great achievement in modern times;so as to fill in the blank of this academic research,and to make people's know about this block more thoroughly and completely,and then realize that the great achievement that it had achieved in morden times was not a historical fortuity,but deeply relied on the base of historical culture.


Therefore, the purpose of this topic research is to set out from the sociological angle, carry on a creatively thorough research on the formation and development of this block in ancient times,specifically including its characteristics and the reasons for their formation, and the relationship between it and Fujian culture especially Fuzhou cultrue;and to firstly answer the question why there were so many famous people living in this block, thoroughly analyze the ultimate motivity that push its development in ancient times even its great achievement in modern times;so as to fill in the blank of this academic research,and to make peoples know about this block more thoroughly and completely,and then realize that the great achievement that it had achieved in morden times was not a historical fortuity,but deeply relied on the base of historical culture.


For example:metaphor and cycle factors were never mentioned before;It is the important factor to analyse Chinese accient system reasonable core;the author emphasize that harmonious interhuman also is the important factors of reasonable core.Tochinese accient system ideas culture value,the passage proclaims the inner relationship between Chinese accient system idea and Chinese nation spirit and puts forward the point that Chinese accient system idea is the philosophy base of Chinese nation spirit,especially of partriotism sprit.if grasping this point,it undoubtly has reality meaning study and perform "three represents"essencial thought and reinforce nation sprit and partriotism education.


Literature is an art of language. The ancient Chinese literature means the art of the ancient Chinese. There is a deep relation between the literariness of the ancient Chinese literature and "poetry" of the ancient Chinese, however, which has not been concerned enough in our studies.


Several main results on the evolutions of the life and environment on early earth are summarized as follows:(1) the oxygenation of surface environment didn''t cease until a stable stage for 0.4Ga appeared after 1.6Ga;(2) compared to the isotopic compositions of kerogens and coexisted carbonates, the differences between two can effectively carrier the signals from local environments and bio-assemblages;(3) multiple isotopic relationships between kerogens and individual alkanes in Proterozoic samples were observed, which would depend on the specific biogeochemical processes;(4) repeated biogeochemical changes were observed accompanying Neoproerozoic glaciations, which suggesting that environmental rather than evolutionary forces were driving the biogeochemical changes;(5) the bio-radiations after Neoproterozoic glaciations were definitely suggested by molecular and isotopic data to be at the early Cambrian and after the middle of Doushantuo deposition with different triggers for them.


更多网络解释与古代相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Archean craton:太古代克拉通,太古代古陆

"Archaias","原始虫属,古虫属(有孔虫类,E2-Q)" | "Archean craton","太古代克拉通,太古代古陆" | "archegonial chamber","藏卵室"

Clarkia grandiflora:古代稀

古代稀 Clarkia amoena | 古代稀 Clarkia grandiflora | 古代稀 Clarkia whitneyi

classical literature:古代文学



Cleomenes克里昂米尼-选自古代卷 | Cleon克里昂-选自古代卷 | Cleopatra克娄巴特拉-选自古代

HAITI HT:古代所称的"孩提"是指,二三岁的孩子,孩提

襁褓使婴儿用的被子,古代也用"襁褓"来指()的孩子,未满周岁,糨褓,jiangbao,jb,44 | 古代所称的"孩提"是指,二三岁的孩子,孩提,haiti,ht,51 | 古代所称的"豆蔻"是指女子的年龄为,十三四岁,豆蔻,doukou,dk,11

historically:在古代事件上, 从古代事件观点上说

37 artificial adj.人造的, 假的, 非原产地的 | 38 historically 在古代事件上, 从古代事件观点上说 | 39 complex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 n.联合体


Lacedaemon /古代斯巴达的别称/ | Lacedaemonian /古代斯巴达的/古代斯巴达的别称/ | Lacerta /蝎虎星座/

Norseman:古代挪威人; 古代斯堪地那维亚人 (名)

Norse 古代斯堪的纳维亚的; 挪威的 (形) | Norseman 古代挪威人; 古代斯堪地那维亚人 (名) | north 在北方, 向北方 (副)

Old English Sheepdog:英国古代牧羊犬

[古牧俱乐部] 英国古代牧羊犬(OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG)的基本资料[古牧俱乐部] 英国古代牧羊犬(OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG)的基本资料英国古代牧羊犬(OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG)的基本资料英国古代牧羊犬(OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG)的基本资料