英语人>词典>汉英 : 口器 的英文翻译,例句
口器 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
trophi  ·  mouthpart  ·  mouthparts

instrumenta cibaria · partes oris
更多网络例句与口器相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various carnivorous insects of the order Mecoptera, which includes the scorpion flies, characterized by long membranous wings and an elongated beaklike head having chewing mouthparts at the tip.


Any of various carnivorous insects of the order Mecoptera,which includes the scorpion flies,characterized by long membranous wings and an elongated beaklike head having chewing mouthparts at the tip.


The theront, tomite and tiophont possess a complex oral apparatus, being composed of cytopharynx, oral rib, dikinetids and nematodesmata, without an organelle of Lieberkuhn which is considered as a synapomorphy of the suborder Ophryoglenina.


The honeybee various types interview flowers and the mouth apparatus length has the close relation: For example the digger wasp branch, the bee branch, is divided the flowers which the tongue bee branch and so on the mouth apparatus short type interview rose families, the mustard family, the umbelliferae, the buttercup branch opens; But leaf-cutter branch, strip bee branch and honeybee branch type because the mouth apparatus are long, then interview leguminosae, orthodon and so on deep floral tube flowers.


Abdomen is rear add bag of white waxiness egg, there is line of backbone state upheaval on bursa 14 ~ 16, without the wing, antenna is black Brown, 11, every have black bristle; Mouthparts is small, rostellum 2, extreme has a lot of short-haired pelt, buccal shot is not long.


Due to plant-parasitic nematodes parasitizing on plant tissues,uptaking nourishment from host cell through stylet,the crystal protein is difficult to enter into nematode through stylet.


To reach nectar buried deeply in blossoms, it uncoils its long, hollow tongue, now tucked between its eyes.Photo shot on assignment for "Nature's Year in Pleasant Valley," April 1968, National Geographic magazine


To aim at pressing dust shield on large ball bearing with deep groove,HZK20 expanding machine was de- signed and the expander ,one of important parts,was also improved,so all machiming demands of bearing are met.

针对大型深沟球轴承的防尘盖压入,设计了 HZZK20防尘盖扩口机,并对其主要部分扩口器做了改进,满足了轴承的加工要求。

7 Question 10. Find the mouthparts of the shrimp and separate the appendages that form mouthparts.


Also observed that the structure of the corresponding organs of the physiological function of physiology, roundworm body wall and the body wall earthworms, roundworm longitudinal serial sections and longitudinal sections form, Once mouthparts in other nematode mouthparts comparison of the education and discussed.


更多网络解释与口器相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mouthpart of Housefly W.M:苍蝇口器装片

48 蜜蜂口器装片 Mouthpart of Honeybee W.M. | 49 苍蝇口器装片 Mouthpart of Housefly W.M. | 50 蝴蝶口器装片 Mouthpart of Butterfly W.M.

belling expander:扩管口器

Belligerent State 交战国 | belling expander 扩管口器 | belling tool 扩管口工具


虱目 SIPHUNCULATA; ANOPLURA | 有吸管状口器的 siphunculate | 星口动物门 SIPUNCULIDEA

suctorial type:吸收型(口器)

吸吮口器 suctorial mouth parts; sucking mouth parts | 吸收型(口器) suctorial type | 柱魣(属) Sudis


滋胚外层 trophectoderm | 口器 trophi | 营养的;取食的;口器的 trophic

chewing mouthparts:咀嚼式口器

咀嚼式口器(chewing mouthparts)的主要特点是具有坚硬而发达的上颚,用以咬碎食物,并将其吞咽下去. 原始类群如无翅亚纲、有翅亚纲的绩翅目、直翅目、脉翅目的成虫以及高度特化的类群如甲虫、一部分膜翅目昆虫等,都属于此种口器类型,

Mouthpart of Honeybee W.M:蜜蜂口器装片

47 蜜蜂第三对胸足装片 Pollen-carrying leg of Honeybee W.M. | 48 蜜蜂口器装片 Mouthpart of Honeybee W.M. | 49 苍蝇口器装片 Mouthpart of Housefly W.M.

Mouthpart of Mosquito W.M:家蚊口器装片

50 蝴蝶口器装片 Mouthpart of Butterfly W.M. | 51 家蚊口器装片 Mouthpart of Mosquito W.M. | 52 蝗虫口器装片 Mouthpart of Grasshopper W.M.

Mouthpart of Butterfly W.M:蝴蝶口器装片

49 苍蝇口器装片 Mouthpart of Housefly W.M. | 50 蝴蝶口器装片 Mouthpart of Butterfly W.M. | 51 家蚊口器装片 Mouthpart of Mosquito W.M.

Mouthpart of Grasshopper W.M:蝗虫口器装片

51 家蚊口器装片 Mouthpart of Mosquito W.M. | 52 蝗虫口器装片 Mouthpart of Grasshopper W.M. | 53 水螅带芽整体装片 Hydra with bud W.M.